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King--Mississippi Summer Project, miscellaneous files (Mary E. King papers , 1962-1999; Z: Accessions, M82-445, Box 1, Folder 21)
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adams, William; Addison, Don; African Americans; Allen, Thomas; Anderson, Maeola; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Association For The Preservation Of The White Race; Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Bailey, Henry; Barnes, Betty; Bass, Robert; Beckwith, Byron De La; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Belk, Jimmy; Belk, Willie; Bender, Rita L; Bernard, Joel; Berry, Elwood; Beyers, Bob; Bishop, Jack; Black, James; Block, Samuel; Blue, Willie; Bombings; Bosley, Alma; Boycotts; Bradford, John; Brewer, Charles; Brewer, Green; Brooks, Arance; Brown, James; Bryant, Charles; Byrd, Cecil; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Maybelle; Carter, Betty; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chinn, C. O; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Clark, James G; Cleverdon, David; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cole, Beatrice; Cole, Bernice; Cole, Junior Roosevelt; Coleman, Isaac; Coles, Robert; Collier, James; Collins, Ben; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooper, Henry; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901; Cummins, Peter; Dann, James; Day, Noel; De Lissovoy, Peter; Demonstrations; Doar, John, 1921; Douglas, Nelson; Dulles, Allen, 1893 1969; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Edelman, Marian Wright; Education; Ellis, Robert; Esco, Milton; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Farnum, Eric; Federal Aid; Feldman, Myer, 1914 2007; Flowers, Dick; Food Drives; Ford, Ellis; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Fraser, Steve; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Vote; Frey, Richard; Funches, Willie; Gallatly, Mary Sue; Galloway, Warren; Galloway, Willie; Garofolo, Robert; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Gladney, Ron; Glenn, Charles; Goldstein, Barry; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Paul; Grant, Louis; Green, Andrew Lee; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Guthman, Edwin O., 1919 2008; Hamlett, Ed, 1939; Hancock, Milton; Harris, Arthur; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Harris, Tom; Harrison, Jesse; Hartfield, Huston; Hayes, Curtis; Helgesen, H. F; Heller, Joseph; Hewitt, Peter; Hewitt, Theodis; History; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Horton, Myles, 1905 1990; Howard, David; Hudson, Earnest; Intimidation; Jack, Nathaniel; Jackson State College; Jackson, Levi; Jails; Jewett, Richard A; Johnson, Charles; Johnson, Frederick; Johnson, June; Johnson, Les; Johnson, Lula Bell; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Jim; Jones, Martha; Kaplan, Sherwin; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kempton, Murray; Kendall, David; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Kersten, John C; King, Edwin H; King, Mary; Kirschenbaum, Howard; Kitchen, Herman; Ku Klux Klan; Lane, Mary; Lary, Curtis; Lawyers; Leigh, Sanford; Lelyveld, Joseph; Levine, Allan; Lewis, John; Libraries; Little, George; Loggins, Clinton; Lynching; Lynd, Theron C; Mangrum, Fred; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Martin, John T; Martin, Larry; Mass Media; Maurer, Joe; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Davis, Melvin; Mc Dew, Charles; Mc Ghee, Jake; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, William; Mc Glaughan, Floyd; Mc Kay, Marianne; Mc Keller, Tilmon; Mc Kinnie, Lester; Mc Laurin, Charles; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meely, Fred; Merritt, Carole; Miles, Robert; Miller, Steve; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mississippi Student Union; Moore, Philip; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morris, Jesse; Morrison, Tim; Morton, Eric; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; Myers, Patricia; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Neblett, Carver; Nevas, Al; Nigeria; Nonviolence; Nonviolent Action Group (Washington D.C.); Osman, Robert David; Owen, David; Palmer, Sylvester Lee; Peacock, Willie; Pearlman, Daniel; Perdew, John, 1941; Petan, James; Police Brutality; Polier, Justine Wise, 1903 1987; Ponder, Preston; Poor; Popper, Martin; Poverty; Proctor, John; Raymond, George; Reed, J. Nolan; Reid, Ogden R. (Ogden Rogers), 1925; Reynolds, Willie James; Rich, Marvin; Ridenour, Ron; Riley, David; Robertson, Willie C; Robinson, Barbara; Rogers, Lois; Rollins, Willie; Romilly, Dinky; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saison, Harry; Samstein, Mendy; Sarachild, Kathie; Schaffer, Sam, Jr; Schools; Schwelb, Frank Ernest, 1932; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nathan H; Scott, A. E; Segal, Larry; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Shaw, Terry; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah; Smith, Steve; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spain, David M; Spears, Lawrence; Stallworth, Jessie Mae; Stembridge, Jane; Stephens, Larry; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Student Voice (Atlanta, Ga.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Surney, Lafayette; Sweeney, Dennis; Sykes, Gresham; Taylor, Harold; Taylor, William L., 1931 2010; Thompson, Daniel C. (Daniel Calbert); Thornhill, John Emmett; Threats; Tillinghast, Muriel; Townsend, Joe; Training; Travis, James; Turnipseed, Lamar; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Veal, William; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Warren, Larry; Washington, George; Watson, Freddy Lee; Watts, Joseph Lee; Weathers, Dorothy; Weaver, Claude; Weil, Robert; Wells, Samuel B., 1916 2005; Welsh, David; Werner, Peter; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; White, Lee C., 1923; Whites; Wiggins, E. J; Williams, Alvery; Wolff, Henry; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Young, Charles; Zellner, Bob
Lynd--Missississippi Freedom Schools, 1964 -1965 (Staughton and Alice Lynd papers 1938-2008; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 395, Box 4, Folder 13)
Lynd, Staughton
Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adickes, Sandra; Agriculture; Ali, Muhammad, 1942; Allen, Louis; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Baez, Joan; Baker, Ella C; Baldwin, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Ballard, Shirley; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barrett, Russell H; Becker, Norma; Beittel, Adam Daniel; Belafonte, Harry, 1927; Bender, Rita L; Bennett, Dave; Bikel, Theodore; Black History; Black Muslims; Black, Algernon D. (Algernon David), 1900 1993; Blair, J. P; Bombings; Boycotts; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Brisker, E. J., Jr; Brown, Charlie; Brown, Joyce; Buber, Martin; Burroughs, Margaret; Cannon, Bobby; Capps, Charles W; Carver, George Washington; Cascade, W. M; Castro, Fidel, 1926; Chad Mitchell Trio; Chaffee, Lois; Chakravarty, Amiya; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Child Care; Church Buildings; Cieciorka, Frank; Cinque; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Clark, John; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cohen, Bob; Collins, Clinton C; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Connor, Peggy Jean; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cross Burning; Cuba; Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894 1962; Dane, Barbara; Davis, Linda; Davis, Ossie; Day, Noel; Day, Peg; Dee, Ruby; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic National Convention (1968 : Chicago, Ill.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, David; Derby, Doris Adelaide; Donald, Cleveland; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, Charles M; Doss, Ora; Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895; Dowd, Douglas; Drake, St. Clair; Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868 1963; Dylan, Bob, 1941; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Edwards, Len; Elections; Ellison, Ralph; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803 1882; Emerson, Ruth; Engelman, Ralph; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Featherstone, Ralph; Federal Aid; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Fox, Russell; Franklin, Jennie; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Fries, Karl; Frost, Robert, 1874 1963; Fusco, Liz; Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869 1948; Garrett, Jimmy; Gartin, Carroll, 1913 1966; Garvey, Marcus, 1887 1940; Germany; Gillespie, Dizzy, 1917 1993; Godstick, David; Gogol, Gene; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Carolyn, 1915 2007; Gould, Allan; Grant, Joanne; Grant, Louis; Griffin, Ida Ruth; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Handy, John; Harding, Vincent; Hardy, John; Harris, Jesse; Harris, Sandra; Hayden, Bill; Hayden, Casey; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Herbers, John; Hexter, Christopher; Hocker, Philip; Holt, Len; Hooker, E. Wilburn; Horowitz, Rochelle; Housing; Howe, Florence; Hughes, Langston, 1902 1967; Huie, William Bradford, 1910 1986; Hutchinson, William; Jackson, Alice; Jenkins, Tim; Jewett, Richard A; Jews; John Birch Society; Johnson, Eddie; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Roger; Jones, Barbara; Jones, Wilbert; Kendall, David; Kendrick, Thomas R; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, Edwin H; King, Jeannette; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kirstein, Lincoln; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Labor Unions; Lauter, Paul; Lawyers; Lee, Herbert; Leigh, Sandy; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Lewis, John; Libraries; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Logan, Shirley; Long, Betty; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Lyon, Danny; Mabry, Malcolm; Maddox, Lester, 1915 2003; Madgett, Naomi Long; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marsh, David; Mass Media; Mc Afee, Robert; Mc Cord, William; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Lemore, Leslie Burl; Merriam, Eve; Migration, Internal; Miller, Fred; Miller, Jimmy; Miller, Warren; Minnis, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mississippi Student Union; Moore, Dudley; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; Nadgett, Naomi Long; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; New World Singers; Nicholas, Mary; Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892 1971; Nonviolence; Odetta, 1930 2008; Owens, David; Parents; Patman, Wright; Patterson, Joe T; Perez, Louis; Perry, M. C; Plummer, Charles; Police; Poll Tax; Popper, Martin; Poverty; Powell, Kirsty; Powell, Lillie Mae; Price, Cecil; Rainey, Lawrence A; Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889 1979; Rauh, Joseph; Redmond, Roosevelt; Reese, Leo; Richmond, R. M; Ricks, Willie; Robertson, Stokes V; Robinson, Kaaren; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Samstein, Mendy; Sandburg, Carl, 1878 1967; Sayer, Michael; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nan; Schwerner, Nathan H; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Sharecroppers; Sheriffs; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah; Simpson, William G; Smith, Bill; Smith, Frank; Smith, Joseph; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Steve; South Africa; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spain, David M; Spears, Lawrence; Stembridge, Jane; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Stenson, Bob; Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing), 1900 1965; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Sutherland, Elizabeth; Teachers; Tecklin, Jerry; Thoreau, Henry David, 1817 1862; Timberg, Tom; Totten, Johnson J; Tougaloo College; Training; Tubman, Harriet, 1820? 1913; Tucker, Robert, Mrs; Turner, Gil; United Nations; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wages; Wahman, Thomas; Walker, Superior; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915; Washington, Jackie; Weil, Robert; Welty, Eudora, 1909 2001; White Citizens Councils; White, Ed; Whitten, Jamie; Williams, John Bell; Williams, S. O; Wilson, Rosemary; Winter, George; Wolfe, Thomas, 1900 1938; Wood, Daniel; Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908 1999; Wright, Richard, 1908 1960; Wright, Robert E; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Yungblut, John; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
MFDP--General papers, 1963-1965, part 2 (Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party records, 1962-1971; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 788, Reel 1, Segment 2, Part 2)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Abernethy, Thomas Gerstle, 1903 1998; Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Dora; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Ahmond, Mathew; Albert, Carl Bert, 1908 2000; Allen, Eunice; American Civil Liberties Union; Americans For Democratic Action; Aronson, Henry; Arrest; Ashby, Lena; Assault And Battery; Association For The Preservation Of The White Race; Atkins, Mary; Bailey, Shirley; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Bernard, Joel; Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877 1947; Birdsong, T. B; Blackwell, Unita, 1933; Bombings; Boycotts; Braden, Anne; Braden, Carl; Bridgeforth, Ron; Bridgewater, Clarence; Brown, Otis; Buffington, John; Butler, Barbara; Byrd, Frank; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Cecil; Campbell, George T; Campbell, Hayden; Carawan, Guy; Carr, Sam; Carthen, Sallie Mae; Carver, Ronald; Chalmers, J. R; Chambers, George O; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; China; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Workers; Clark, James G; Clark, Rosebud; Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969; Clayton, Otis N; Coleman, Ike; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Colmer, William Meyers, 1890 1980; Communism; Congo; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conyers, John, 1929; Cook, L. C; Cooperative Societies; Coppenbarger, Bill; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Courts; Cox, Archibald, 1912 2004; Cross Burning; Crowell, Catherine; Cuba; Dabbs, Wallace; Dail, Ellie; Davis, Saville; De Vine, Annie; Del Pozzo, Theresa; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Diggs, Charles C; Dixon, Willie B; Doar, John, 1921; Dodd, Thomas; Dubinsky, Ed; Dupries, Harry; Durrough, Charles M; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Easton, Louis; Education; Edwards, Don; Edwards, Len; Evans, Pearlie; Evans, Rowland, 1921 2001; Evers, Charles, 1922; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Fauntroy, Walter E; Federal Aid; Food Relief; Fox, Larry; Frazier, John; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Fusco, Liz; Galbraith, John; Galler, Roberta; Garman, Betty; Gartin, Carroll, 1913 1966; Garvy, Helen; Gibson, James; Gilbert, Walter; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Janice; Graham, Laura; Graves, Charles; Gray, Anthony; Gray, Kenneth (Kenneth James), 1924; Green, Edith, 1910 1987; Greene, Alma; Griffin, Charles H; Grogan, Nan; Gusfield, Joseph; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hackett, C. T; Halpern, Marty; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hartman, Louis Earl; Hayes, Ralthus; Head Start Programs; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Henry, John; Henry, Noelle Michael; Higgs, William L; Higson, Mike; Hirst, Edgar; Hood, G. H; Hopkins, Andrew; Horowitz, Charlie; House, Sam; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906 1967; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Intimidation; Israel, Mark; Jail Experiences; Johnson, Allen; Johnson, Idessa; Johnson, L. Warren; Johnson, Leroy; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Willie; Johnston, Erle; Jones, Hercules A; Jones, James; Jury; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Kennedy, Ron; King, Annie Mae; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kinoy, Arthur; Ku Klux Klan; Kunney, Tee; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Labor Unions; Ladner, Dorie; Ladner, Heber; Lamb, Martha Turner; Lane, Mary; Lanier, Robert; Lapsansky, Phillip; Lawrence, Tina; Lawyers; Leiken, Samuel; Lenoir, James; Levine, Anita; Lewis, John; Lewis, Walter, Mrs; Libraries; Lindsay, John V. (John Vliet); Literacy Tests (Election Law); Liuzzo, Viola, 1925 1965; Lomax, Alan; Louis, Jack; Lowenstein, Allard K; Lumbard, Posey; Lunden, Mark; Lusky, Louis; Lynch, John R; Lynd, Theron C; Manesk, Hugh; Mass Media; Maurer, Joe; Max, Steve; Mc Carthy, Eugene; Mc Carthy, Joseph; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Kee, J. F; Mc Nairy, Willie; Mc Nichols, Steve; Medicine; Middleton, W. G; Miller, Arthur H; Miller, Gracie; Miller, Hosey; Minnis, Jack; Minor, W. F; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mitchell, Francis; Morphew, Richard; Morse, Joseph; Morse, Wayne L. (Wayne Lyman), 1900 1974; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Newell, Bob; Newfield, Jack; Novak, Robert D; Nuclear Weapons Testing; O'dwyer, Paul; Oden, Sallie; Palmer, Hazel T; Parry, James; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Pearson, Drew, 1897 1969; Peart, William; Phillips, Rubel L; Pigee, Vera Mae; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Poverty; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Prescott, Martha; Price, Cecil; Public Welfare; Quirk, John; Rainey, Lawrence A; Rauh, Joseph L., 1911; Republican Party (U.S.); Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Reuther, Walter, 1907 1970; Richmond, Eddie; Roberts, Ralph R; Robertson, Stokes V; Robinson, J. T; Robinson, Marion; Rogoff, Carol; Rooney, John J; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882 1945; Roosevelt, James, 1907 1991; Rosenthal, L. H; Roush, J. Edward; Ruffin, Susie; Russell, Henry; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Sampson, Richard; Sanderford, D. O; Schlesinger, Arthur M. (Arthur Meier), 1917 2007; Schneider, Cathy; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Segregation; Sellers, Nettie; Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.); Sharecroppers; Shelby, Ollie B; Shriver, Sargent, 1915 2011; Sickles, Carlton; Sillers, Walter; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Smith, Benjamin; Smith, Cora; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Conference Educational Fund; Sozen, Joyce; Spike, Robert W. (Robert Warren); Springer, William; Stavis, Morton; Stender, Fay; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Stern, Edward; Stevens, Carolyn; Stokes, Susan Elesta; Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907 1989; Strickland, William, 1937; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Sullivan, Jean; Teachers; Teiger, Buddy; Teiger, Ginny; Thelwell, Michael; Thomas, Arthur; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Threats; Tillman, Annie; Turnbow, Hartman; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wages; Walker, Prentiss, 1917 1998; Wallace, Ceola; Waltzer, Bruce C; War On Poverty; Ware, Bill; Watkins, Bert; Weadon, Augusta; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; Whitley, Clifton R; Whitten, Jamie; Wiley, Clinton; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Eddie; Williams, John Bell; Williams, May; Williams, Zelma; Wilson, Woodrow, 1856 1924; Winstead, Arthur; Wright, Harry; Wulf, Melvin L; Young Democratic Clubs Of Mississippi
Montgomery--Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Lucile Montgomery papers, 1963-1967; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 44, Reel 1, Segment 17)
Montgomery, Lucile
Abernethy, Thomas Gerstle, 1903 1998; Adams, Brock, 1927 2004; Adams, Dora; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Africa; Agriculture; Ahmann, Mathew H; Alexander, Bryce; Allen, Lewis; American Civil Liberties Union; Americans For Democratic Action; Applewhite, Johnny; Applewhite, Nellie; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Austin, Bertha; Bailey, John; Beckwith, Byron De La; Bedenfield, Price; Beittel, Adam Daniel; Bennett, Malcolm; Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877 1947; Blackman, Leola; Blalock, Dale; Blalock, Jerry; Block, Sam; Bolton, James E. H; Bombings; Boycotts; Bradley, Allen; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Branton, Wiley Austin, 1923 1988; Bronstein, Alvin J; Brooks, Gwendolyn; Brown, John; Brown, Joyce; Buck, Harvey; Buffington, John; Burleson, Omar; Burton, Phillip; Campbell, L. Foote; Castleberry, Joe; Cattlin, David; Celler, Emanuel, 1888 1981; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chappell, Levy; Christensen, Kenner; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Collier, Clinton; Collins, E. K; Colmer, William Meyers, 1890 1980; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conner, Peggy; Conyers, John, 1929; Cooperative Societies; Cordier, Robert; Cosey, Mildred; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cowart, B; Cox, Harold; Crainey, Brother; Cross Burning; Crudup, Gloria; Cunningham, Hazel; Cunningham, Marion Phyllis; Current, Gloster B. (Gloster Bryant), 1913 1997; Davis, Maggie; Dawson, Charles; De Cell, Herman B; De Vine, Annie; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dilworth, Lee; Dismuke, Luke; Dombrowski, James A. (James Anderson), 1897 1983; Dugan, Linda; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Federal Aid; Feiner, June; Fitzgerald, Raymond V; Food Relief; Ford, Gerald R., 1913 2006; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Freeman, Rosemary; Garman, Betty; Garth, John; Garvy, Helen; German, Aaron; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Gordon, Emily; Gordon, Maggie; Gordon, Quinland; Graham, James; Green, Edith, 1910 1987; Guthrie, Benjamin; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Bill; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hardwick, John; Hawkins, Andrew; Heard, E. E; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hodd, Emmett; Hooker, Wilburn; Hopson, Clinton; Housing; Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906 1967; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Intimidation; Jail Experiences; Johnson, Billy; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Daniel; Jones, John; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kinoy, Arthur; Knox, J. B; Knox, Willie; Kopit, Bill; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Kurland, Norman G; Labor Unions; Lauren, Margaret; Lawrence, Ida Mae; Lawyers; Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (U.S.); Ledner, Reber; Lee, Herbert; Leiken, Samuel; Lewis, John; Lewis, Martha L; Light, Bill; Link, Geoffrey; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Liuzzo, Viola, 1925 1965; Long, Lester; Lucky, Lucy; Lusky, Louis; Lynching; Maremont, Arnold J; Martin, Clora; Martin, Joe; Matles, James L; Max, Steve; Mc Clendon, B. B; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Mc Cuiston, J. W; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Nichols, Steve; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Meredith, James, 1933; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Morris, John Burnett, 1930; Morsell, John A; Murder; Music; Myron, Nancy; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Negent, Edward; Newman, C. B; Nexon, Deveraux; Nonviolence; Oswald, Robert; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Peacock, Willie; Pemberton, John De J; Phillips, J. Alton; Pickett, Melvin; Pierce, J. B; Police Brutality; Poor People's Corporation; Price, Cecil; Public Welfare; Quigles, Margia; Raddon, Harry; Rainey, Lawrence A; Ramsey, Claude; Reed, Herbert; Reed, William; Republican Party (U.S.); Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Reuss, Henry S; Reuss, Mike; Riddell, Tom; Rinker, Charles, Jr; Roberts, Ralph R; Rogoff, Carol; Romo, Susan; Roosevelt, James, 1907 1991; Ruffin, Susie; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saling, Rick; Salter, John R; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Seaver, Ted; Segregation; Sharecroppers; Shaw, John D; Shellow, James; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Shipp, Lou Emma; Shriver, Sargent, 1915 2011; Shull, Leon; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Slocum, Kenneth G; Smith, Frank; Smith, Henry; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Robert; Sours, Nancy Ann; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Conference Educational Fund; Spike, Robert W. (Robert Warren); Stavis, Morton; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sterilization Of Women; Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907 1989; Strickland, Joe Ed; Strickland, William, 1937; Strikes And Lockouts; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Styles, Curtis; Sumrall, Melinda; Swanston, Dave; Taylor, Katherine; Taylor, Leila; Thelwell, Michael; Threats; Tillman, Ophelia; Travis, Brenda; Turnbow, Hartman; United States; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Vaughn, Roosevelt; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wages; War On Poverty; Washington, Ernestine; Weiss, Ron; West, Harvey E. E; White Citizens Councils; Whites; Whitley, Clifton R; Whitten, Jamie; Wilder, John W; Wilkins, Collie Le Roy; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Otha; Willis, Edwin E., 1904 1972; Willis, Lillie; Winn, Fred; Winstead, Arthur; Women; Young, Charles
Montgomery--Mississippi: Wednesdays in Mississippi (Lucile Montgomery papers, 1963-1967; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 44, Reel 2, Segment 27)
Montgomery, Lucile
Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Ackerman, Hope; American Friends Service Committee; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Austin, Mary; Avery, Laura; Bacon, Ruth; Bailey, Hugh; Banks, Charlie; Barksdale, Marie; Barnes, Betty; Barnes, Gertrude; Barnes, Lilace Reid; Barnett, Etta Moten; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Batson, Alice; Beard, Gabriel; Beckwith, Byron De La; Beech, Helen; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Bender, Rita L; Benjamin, Jean; Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877 1947; Birdsong, T. B; Black History; Boas, Franz; Bombings; Bourne, Virginia; Boycotts; Boyer, Roscoe; Boylan, Mrs. Vincent; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Brown, Muriel Buck Humphrey; Brown, Sam; Brown, Sue; Bushrod, Virginia; Butts, Alfred B; Campbell College; Campbell, Hayden; Cannady, Mary; Cash, W. J; Cassell, Marguerite; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chapin, Arthur; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Clergy; Cohn, Rae; Cole, Elizabeth; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Collins, E. K; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooke, Esther Higgs; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courts; Cowan, Polly; Cox, Harold; Cunningham, Barbara; Cushing Niles, Mary; Daley, Richard J; Dammann, Marjorie; Dammond, Ellen; Davis, Jean; Davis, Miriam; Dawson, Dorothy; De Lisi, Rita; De Vine, Annie; Dedmond, Flossie; Delisi, Rita; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Derian, Patt; Dillinger, Jane; Doubilet, Ann; Douglas, Paul H. (Paul Howard), 1892 1976; Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868 1963; Duberman, Martin B; Duckrey, Marjorie; Dudley, Rae; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Eliot, George Fielding, 1894 1971; Evans, M. Stanton (Medford Stanton), 1934; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Ezelle, Miriam J; Fairfax, S. Jean; Falk, Gail; Farley, Robert J; Faulkner, John; Faulkner, William, 1897 1962; Finkelstein, Michael O; Fischer, Marc; Foster, Bee; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Rides; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Frey, Jean; Gardner, Jane; Garow (Bishop); Goldstein, Blanche; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodwillie, Susan; Gore, Robert; Gould, Anne L; Gould, Ruth C; Gray, Garland; Greene, Doris; Griefen, Faith; Gross, Marge; Guyer, Carol; Guyer, Diana; Haight, Frances; Harbison, Josie; Harkey, Ira, 1918 2006; Harrington, Michael; Harris, Curtis W; Harrower, Molly; Harvey, Clarie Collins, 1916 1995; Haselden, Elizabeth; Hasserodt, Ethel; Head Start Programs; Heckscher, Claudia; Height, Dorothy I. (Dorothy Irene), 1912 2010; Henderson, G. G., Mrs; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hester, Walter; Hetzel, Billie; Hewitt, Ann; Higgins, Merla; Higgs, William L; Hilbun, Benjamin Franklin, Jr; Holden, John, Mrs; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Horne, Lena; Host Families; Humes, H. H; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hunt, Priscilla; Hunter, Gertrude; Hurd, Ruth; Intimidation; Jail Experiences; Jews; John, Catherine; Johnson, Josie; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Jones, Lillie; Jones, Paul; Jordan, Kate Foote; Keller, Anne E; Kennedy, Florynce, 1916 2000; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Keyserling, Mary; King, Edwin H; King, Jeannette; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Narcissa; Klein, Stephen A; Kohlenberg, Gerry; Kotz, David; Ku Klux Klan; Kyle, Mary; Labor Unions; Ladd, Margaret; Lamar, L. Q. C; Lash, Trude; Law, Bernard; Lawrence, David Leo, 1889 1966; Lawyers; Leadership; Lee, Clay F; Leigh, Sanford; Levin, Hannah; Levy, Mark; Lewis, John; Lewis, Walter; Libraries; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lipsey, Shirley; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Loft, Dorothy; Logan, Marian; Lowenstein, Allard K; Lynching; Macheky, Nathaniel; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Mars, Florence; Marshall, Susie; Mass Media; Mayer, Buddy; Mc Clary, Jane; Mc Dougald, Cornelia; Mc Glinchy, Anne; Mc Shane, J. P; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meredith, James, 1933; Meyner, Helen; Miller, Sue; Minor, Ruth; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Montgomery, Lucile; Moore, Henny; Moore, Joan; Moore, Warfield; Morris, Beryl; Morse, Joseph; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; Nathanson, Maxine; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of Negro Women; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Noble, Jeanne; Noble, Olive; Owen, Robert; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Pechman, Sylvia; Penney, Marjorie; Perkins, Frances; Perry, Thomas W., Mrs; Phillips, Bill; Pinkett, Flaxie; Pitt, Mildred; Police Brutality; Poverty; Pratt, Jack; Price, Lucilla; Public Welfare; Putnam, Carleton; Quigley, James; Racism; Rainey, Lawrence A; Randers Pehrson, Justine; Rauh, Joseph L., 1911; Reed, Thomas; Reese, Arthur; Religion; Roach, Margaret; Robbins, Frances; Russell, William Howard; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Ryerson, Alice; Sampson, Esther; Sanders, Thelma; Savage, Edith M; Scheide, Lorna; Schutt, Wallis, Mrs; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Segregation; Selah, W. B; Sillers, Walter, 1888 1966; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simmons, Bill; Singleton, Dorothy Jones; Smith, Caroline; Smith, Hazel Brannon; Smith, Henrietta I; Smith, Lillian; Smith, Shirley; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Stanford, Helen P; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Stronach, Carey E; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Sullens, Fred; Sykes, Ruth A; Tarry, Ellen; Taub, Selma; Teachers; Tenenbaum, Frances; Thompson, Donald; Threats; Tillow, Walter; Tillson, Frances; Tougaloo College; Unemployment; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Universities; University Of Mississippi; Vardaman, James K. (James Kimble), 1894 1972; Vivell, Diane; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Walker, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1909 1993; Wallace, Arnetta; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Wallace, Harriet; War On Poverty; Ward, Jimmy; Washington, Bennetta; Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915; Washington, George; Watts, Lawrence; Weinberg, Sylvia; White Citizens Councils; White Supremacy Movements; White, Hugh L. (Hugh Lawson), 1881 1965; Whites; Wiesenburg, Karl; Wiesner, Laya; Willen, Pearl L; Williams, Ilza; Williams, John D; Wilson, Doris; Wilson, W. P; Wisdom, John Minor; Womanpower Unlimited; Women; Woods, Geraldine P; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Yarmolinsky, Harriet; Young, Aurelia; Young, Jack; Zales, Gladys
News Clip: Texas Experience
KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Abolitionists; Agriculture; Agriculture Domestic Animals Cattle; Agriculture Farming Cotton; Agriculture Ranching Cowboys; Agriculture Ranching Ranches; Alcohols; American Museum Of Natural History; Ancient Cities; Anglos; Animals; Annexations; Archaeologists; Architecture Buildings; Architecture Civil Works Streets And Roads; Architecture Landmarks Alamo; Architecture Landmarks Historic Markers; Architecture Museums; Armstrong, John Barclay; Art Institute Of Chicago; Artifacts; Artists; Arts And Crafts Drawings; Arts And Crafts Music; Arts And Crafts Sculptures; Arts And Crafts Theatre; Arts And Crafts Theatre Motion Pictures; Austin, Stephen F; Authors; Barrow, Clyde Chestnut; Battle Of Gonzales; Battle Of The Alamo; Battles; Bison; Boston Museum Of Fine Arts; Bowie, James (Jim); Buffaloes; Business, Economics And Finance Advertising; Business, Economics And Finance Communications Media; Business, Economics And Finance Journalism; Business, Economics And Finance Oil And Gas Companies Shell Oil; Business, Economics And Finance Oil And Gas Gas Wells; Business, Economics And Finance Oil And Gas Oil Fields Spindletop; Business, Economics And Finance Oil And Gas Refineries; Business, Economics And Finance Tourism; Business, Economics And Finance Transportation Railroads Trains; Business, Economics And Finance Transportation Ships; Cabeza De Vaca, Alvar Nunez; Campania; Chiefs; Chieftains; Civil Rights; Civil War; Cleaver, Robert; Cocke, James Decatur; Colonialism; Colonization; Colonizers; Commercials; Confederacy; Confederate States Of America; Confederates; Cowgirls; Criminals; Crockett, Davy; Curtis, Nannie Webb; Dallas Museum Of Fine Arts; Desegregation; Dorsett, Tony; Education Colleges And Universities University Of Texas; Elections; Emancipation Proclamation; Environmental Injustices; Epidemics; Esteban; Excavations; Expeditions; Farmers; Farms; Feminists; Ferguson, Miriam Amanda Wallace (Ma); First Peoples; Fredericksburg; Friars; Fugitives; Galveston; Gatherers; Goliad Massacre; Goodman, Andrew; Gould, Jay; Government; Government And Law Civil Servants Firefighters; Government And Law County Courthouses; Government And Law Elected Officials Congress; Government And Law Elected Officials Governors; Government And Law Elected Officials Presidents; Government And Law Law Enforcement Texas Rangers; Government And Law Money; Government And Law Texas Laws And Regulations; Granger, Gordon; Greeks; Hamer, Frank; Hardin, John Wesley; Herculaneum; Higgins, Pattilo; Hillerman, John; Hogg, James Stephen (Big Jim); Hollywood; Houston; Houston, Sam; Hunters; Indigenous Peoples; Inmates; International Collections; Italy; Jennings, Waylon; Johnson, Lyndon B; Jones, Anson; Joplin, Janis; Jordan, Barbara; Journalists; Juneteenth; King Ranch; King, Richard; Landry, Tom; Landscape And Nature Archaeology; Landscape And Nature Mountains; Landscape And Nature Natural Disasters Earthquakes; Landscape And Nature Natural Disasters Fires; Landscape And Nature Natural Disasters Hurricanes; Landscape And Nature Natural Disasters Storms; Landscape And Nature Water Gulf Of Mexico; Landscape And Nature Water Oceans And Seas; Landscape And Nature Weather And Climate; Law Schools; Lbj; League Of Women Voters; Literature; Lucas, Anthony; Mal Hombe; Medicare; Mendoza, Lydia; Meusebach, John O; Mier Expedition; Military And War Bases; Military And War Presidios; Military And War Transportation Aviation; Military And War Transportation Ships; Military And War United States Armed Forces United States Navy; Military And War Wars Civil War; Military And War Wars Mexican War; Military And War Wars Texas Revolution; Military And War Wars Vietnam War; Military And War Wars World War Ii; Military And War Weapons Cannons; Miller, Doris (Dorie); Mount Vesuvius; Murderers; Musicians; Native Americans; New Braunfels; News Segments; News Stories; Ney, Elisabeth; Novelists; Orchards; Owls; Paolo Duro Canyon; Parker, Bonnie Elizabeth; Parker, Cynthia Ann; Parker, Quanah; Pearl Harbor; People Ethnic Groups American Indians; People Ethnic Groups American Indians Comanches; People Ethnic Groups Japanese; People Ethnic Groups Spaniards; People Human Remains; Pompeii; Pompeii Ad 79; Porter, Katherine Anne; Priests; Prisoners; Prohibitionists; Prohibitions; Promos; Ranchers; Rayburn, Sam; Religion Denominations Catholic; Religion Missions; Reservations; Roman Empire; Romans; Scholars; Science And Technology Geology; Scott, Winfield; Sculptors; Sea Ports; Segregation; Septien, Rafael; Settlements; Settlers; Ship Of Fools; Silver Tongued Orator Of Dixie; Singers; Slaver; Slaves; Social Injustices; Social Life And Customs Awards; Social Life And Customs Clubs And Organizations Ku Klux Klan; Social Life And Customs Fairs And Exhibitions; Social Life And Customs Firearms; Social Life And Customs Homes; Social Life And Customs Pets Dogs; Social Life And Customs Popular Culture Television; Social Life And Customs Slavery; Social Life And Customs Travel; Songs; Steamboats; Supreme Court; Sweatt, Heman Marion; Television Broadcasting Of News; Television News Programs; Texas; The Endless Day; Tourists; Travis, William B; Treaties; Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo; Tycoons; United States; Universities; Uss Arizona; Video Clips; Video Footage; Villa, Pancho; Villas; Volcanoes; Voting Rights; Waco; Wctu; Women; Women Christian Temperance Union; Women Rights; Yellow Rose Of Texas; Yoakum, Henderson King
SAVF-Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) papers (Social Action vertical file, circa 1930-2002; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 577, Box 16, Folder 6)
Adams, Dora; Adams, Jane; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Allen, Louis; Allison, Robert J; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Baker, Oscar; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnett, Willie; Bass, Robert; Bates, James; Baumgartner, John; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Beecher, John; Beechy, Atlee; Bell, John; Bernard, Joel; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Block, Samuel; Bolton, James E. H; Bombings; Bowman, Joanne; Boyd, Stan; Braden, Anne; Bray, Sandra; Brooks, Eddie; Brown, Lovie; Burnham, Margaret; Cameron, John, Rev; Carawan, Candie; Carawan, Guy; Carver, Ronald; Case, Charles; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chastain, Norman; Church Buildings; Cieciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Clark, Don; Clark, Kit; Clarke, Angus; Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cocroft, Mason Freeman; Collier, James; Combs, Brian; Combs, Chad; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conner, Peggy; Cooperative Societies; Corson, James; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Crawford, Eartiss James; Crosby, Donald; Crossley, John P., Jr; Cunningham, Dick; Curry, Sally Stauffer; Darden, Ann; Davies, John; Day, Duane; Day, Noel; De Lott, Elaine; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Demonstrations; Dennis, Dave; Diebold, John; Doar, John, 1921; Dorrough, Charles M; Dorworth, Burke; Dotson, Paul R; Education; Emmerich, J. O; Evens, Spurgeon; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eyrich, Clarence; Federal Aid; Finley, John; Fisher, Theo; Fleischer, Barry; Fletcher, Donald R. (Donald Rodgers), 1919; Floum, Dick; Flowers, Dick; Food Drives; Forsyth, William H; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Vote; Fusco, Liz; Garman, Betty; Gates, G. W; Giles, Oscar, Mrs; Gilman, Robert; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Gordon, Bruce; Graham, Benjamin; Gravatt, Walter; Graves, Charles; Green, George; Gregory, Dick; Grier, Bob; Gronemeier, Dale; Guerrero, Gene; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamlett, Ed, 1939; Hancock, Milton; Harris, Dave; Harris, Jesse; Hayden, Casey; Heinze, Fred; Henderson, Kathleen; Henderson, William; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hindman, Neil; Holland, Ida; Host Families; Hotz, Marilyn; Housing; Howard, Houston James; Hughes, Cephus; Ichiyama, Ken; Intimidation; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Jonnie; Jacobs, Donald; Jacobs, Solomon; Jails; Jewett, Richard A; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Newell; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, T. L; Jones, Jimmie Lee; Jones, Jimmy; Kabat, Lucien; Kehm, George; Keppel, Jack; King, Annie Mae; King, Arthur; King, James; Kremer, Barbara Graybeal; Ku Klux Klan; La Rue, Mary Ellen; Labor Unions; Lawyers; Lee, Lucille; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Libraries; Light, Bill; Lindsay, Merrill W; Lipnick, Jerome; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Litt, Dan; Lomas, Winifred; Long, Paul; Lucky, Cleota; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Lyon, Danny; Mangrum, Fred; Marikawa, Jitsue; Marsh, Clinton M. (Clinton Mc Clurkin), 1916; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Martin, Allan; Mass Media; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Alpin, David H; Mc Clellan, Graydon E., 1914; Mc Clintock, Howard; Mc Cord, Joe; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Hugh, Madeline; Mc Kenna, Warren H; Mc Kinstry, Herbert; Mc Namara, Norris; Mc Worter, Gerald A; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Mississippi Free Press; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi Student Union; Mitchell, Francis; Moore, Paul; Moreman, Bill; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morris, Jesse; Morse, Frank; Moseley, Louise; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Neblett, Carver; Newberg, Arthur; Newcomb, Nadine; Newell, Bob; Nye, Lowell, Mrs; Nystren, Joe; O'dwyer, Paul; O'neill, Helen; Ogden, Galen; Olson, Dayton; Owen, George Earl; Owens, David; Paige, Vera; Parker, Ron K; Patch, Penny; Patterson, Mary Jane; Paul, John Lyon; Payne, Bruce; Pearson, Drew, 1897 1969; Pedi, Stephen; Pettit, Mary Lou; Phipps, Bobby; Phipps, Leon; Pickering, Alan J; Pittman, James; Police Brutality; Ponder, Annell; Pontikes, George; Poor; Porter, Jack; Porter, Margaret Ann; Poverty; Prather, Robert; Price, Cecil; Price, Charles; Public Welfare; Purnell, Lillian; Quigley, Harold; Quinn, Aylene; Rainey, Lawrence A; Ramsey, Tom; Rawlings, Chuck; Raymond, George; Reblee, Fred; Rice, Carl; Rich, Marvin; Richards, Dona; Roby, Georgia; Ronander, Albert; Ross, Daniel; Rossman, Doris; Rubin, Larry, 1942; Rudd, Barrett; Samstein, Mendy; Sayer, Michael; Schrader, Emmie; Schwartz, Thatcher; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Segregation; Sexism; Shaw, Terri; Shulman, Howard; Sigler, Richard E; Simpson, Euvester; Simpson, Richard; Slee, John; Smith, Atlean; Smith, Frank; Smith, Robert; Smith, Sally; Smith, Scott B; Social Classes; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Student Organizing Committee (Nashville, Tenn.); Spears, Lawrence; Speyer, Judith; Stansbery, Leslie; Starr, Michael; Stembridge, Jane; Stigler, Joe Louis; Stiles, Lee; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Taylor, Ned; Teachers; Thrasher, Sue; Threats; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Torkington, Roy Bernard, 1940; Totten, F. Norman; Tougaloo College; Training; Travis, James; Trice, Clifford; Tubbs, T. J; Turnbow, Hartman; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Van Kranenburgh, E; Van Voorhis, Dick; Vastine, William; Vaughs, Cliff; Volunteers; Von Hoffman, Nicholas; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Voting; Ward, Mae York; Ware, William; Watkins, W. H., Jr; Watson, James; Watts, Sandra; Weeks, Carol; Weil, Robert; Weinberger, Eric; Weinberger, Martin; Welch, Rosa Page; Werner, Peter; White, Thelma; Whites; Wiegmann, F. W; Williams, Bob; Williams, Floyd; Williams, Mary; Williamson, Gordon; Wilson, Jack; Winn, Fred; Winsor, Gordon; Winter, George; Witt, Hal; Wolf, David; Women; Young, Charles; Young, Lem; Zaretsky, Malcolm; Ziff, Ed
SAVF-Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) papers (Social Action vertical file, circa 1930-2002; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 577, Box 15, Folder 1)
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adams, William; Addison, Don; African Americans; Akin, Bernard L; Akin, Earl B; Allen, Louis; Allen, Steve, 1921 2000; Andrews, Corrine; Arledge, Jimmy; Arrest; Arson; Asbury, Beverly Allen; Askew, Charles; Assault And Battery; Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Bailey, Henry; Baldwin, James, 1924 1987; Barnette, Horace D; Barnette, Travis; Baskin, David; Bates, Freddie; Belafonte, Harry, 1927; Bennett, Russell; Bernstein, Richard J; Bikel, Theodore; Black, James; Block, Sam; Bock, Arlene; Boebel, Jim; Bombings; Bradford, John; Brecht, Bertolt, 1898 1956; Brewer, Charles; Brewer, Earl; Brewer, Green; Brewer, Janie; Brewer, Jesse; Brewer, John, Mrs; Brewer, Melinda; Bridgeforth, Ron; Brooks, Grace; Brown, Dennis; Brown, Joyce; Bryant, C. C; Bryant, Charles; Burkes, Otha Neal; Burrage, Olen Lovell; Cameron, John, Rev; Carter, Esther; Chad Mitchell Trio; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Clothing And Dress; Cohen, Robert; Cole, Beatrice; Cole, Junior Roosevelt; Coleman, Isaac; Collier, James; Collins, Ben; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooperative Societies; Cotton, Dorothy F., 1930; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901; Culberson, Kirk; Dahl, Katherine; Dave; Davis, Ossie; Day Care Centers; De Weese, Tom; Dee, Ruby; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Dennis; Derby, Doris Adelaide; Diebold, John; Dillon, Willie J; Doghan, Alex; Douglas, Nelson; Education; Edwards, Len; Elders, Roy; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Falk, Leslie; Federal Aid; Flagg, Ann K; Flowers, Dick; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Funches, Willie; Garner, Artis; Gellatly, Mary Sue; Gershman, Bennett L; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goza, Robert; Green, Andrew Lee; Guest, Lucia M; Halper, Vicki; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hansberry, Lorraine; Hansen, Larry; Harbour, Ab; Harris, James Thomas; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Hayes, Curtis; Heffner, Albert; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Herndon, Frank J; History; Hopson, Clinton; Horne, Tommy A; Host Families; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Hughes, Cephus; Hughes, Langston, 1902 1967; Hulse, Lynn; Hurwitt, Elliott; Hutchinson, William; Intimidation; Jackson, Matthew; Jails; Jews; Johnson, George; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnston, Lowell; Jones, James; Jones, Lily Mae; Jordan, James E; Kaplan, Sherwin; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Killen, Edgar Ray; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kirstein, Lincoln; Koppelman, Ann; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Kurland, Norman G; Lane, Mary; Lawyers; Lee, Bernard Scott, 1991; Lee, Clay F; Leigh, Sandy; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Lelyveld, Joseph; Lerner, Alan; Lewis, John; Libraries; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Little, George; Lowe, Harry; Luckett, Vernon O; Lynd, Staughton; Mansor, Charles; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Mass Media; Matthews, L. Stanley; Maurer, Joe; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Dougald, Cornelia; Mc Gee, Riley; Mc Ghee, Percy; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Laurin, Charles; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Miller, Fred; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi Student Union; Moore, Charles; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morris, Jesse; Morton, Eric; Morton, Roy Lee; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Neblett, Carver; Nevin, David; O'neal, John, 1940; Osheroff, Abe; Page, Geraldine; Parker, Clyde; Peacock, Willie; Pearlman, Daniel; Poitier, Sidney; Police; Ponder, Preston; Poor; Posey, Billy Wayne; Poverty; Powell, Kirsty; Price, Cecil; Quinn, Aylene; Rainey, Lawrence A; Raymond, George; Reed, J. Nolan; Riley, David; Roberts, Alton Wayne; Robinson, Bill; Rogers, Lois; Rush, Georgia; Rush, John T; Rust, Andy; Salter, Lamar G; Samstein, Mendy; Schechner, Richard, 1934; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sharpe, Jerry Mc Grew; Shaw, Willie; Siegel, Ellen; Sills, Paul; Smith, Jeff; Smith, Michael; Smith, Steven; Snowden, Jimmy; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Stanley, Kim; Starr, Michael; Stone, Robert John, 1919; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Surney, Lafayette; Sweeney, Dennis; Tecklin, Jerry; Thompson, Daniel C. (Daniel Calbert); Threats; Tillinghast, Muriel; Tobias, Jerome; Tougaloo College; Townsend, Jimmy Lee; Travis, James; Trillin, Calvin; Tucker, Herman; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Douglas; Turner, Gil; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vivian, C. T; Volunteers; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Voting; Warner, Oliver R; Washington, George; Washington, Hugh; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watkins, Robert P; Wells, Aaron; Welsh, David; Wheelock, Richard; White, Don; Whites; Wilcox, Jimmy Lee; Young, Andrew, 1932; Zellner, Dorothy M; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
SAVF-Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (Social Action vertical file, circa 1930-2002; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 577, Box 47, Folder 16)
Adams, William; Addison, Don; Africa; Agriculture; Al Amin, Jamil, 1943; Alexander, Henry Clay; Allen, Louis, Mrs; Allen, Robert L., 1942; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Ball, John; Barker, James Madison; Barnes, James; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Baskin, David; Bender, Rita L; Benner, Charles J; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Biggers, John David; Bishop, Jack; Black Muslims; Black Power; Black, Samuel; Block, Samuel; Bollen, Shelby; Bond, Wash; Boutin, Bernard L; Boycotts; Brewer, Charles; Brewer, Earl; Brewer, Eugene; Brewer, Green; Brewer, Janie; Brewer, Jesse; Brewer, John, Mrs; Brewer, Melinda; Brown, James; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Tom; Butler, A. C; Camus, Albert, 1913 1960; Carmichael, Stokely; Carter, Jap; Champion, George; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Church Buildings; Clark, James G; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cole, Beatrice; Cole, Henry B; Cole, Junior Roosevelt; Collins, Ben; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cotton, Eugene; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901; Crandall, Lou R; Crockett, George W; Cunningham, Margaret; Davis, Arthur Vining; De Brul, Paul; Dearman, Charlie; Democratic National Convention (1968 : Chicago, Ill.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, David; Detrich, Paul; Doar, John, 1921; Doghan, Alex; Douglas, Nelson; Drake, St. Clair; Du Bois, David; Dukes, Jimmy; Dulles, Allen, 1893 1969; Eaton, Jack; Edelman, Marian Wright; Egypt; Elders, Roy; Else, John; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803 1882; Ethiopia; Everett, Sherry; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Feldman, Myer, 1914 2007; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Funches, Willie; Gaither, Thomas Walter, 1938; George, Henry; Ghana; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Carolyn, 1915 2007; Goodman, Robert; Goza, Robert; Graham, Shirley; Grant, Joanne; Gray, Bud; Grazier, Joseph A; Greene, George; Guthman, Edwin O., 1919 2008; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haile Selassie I, Emperor Of Ethiopia, 1892 1975; Hakki, Mohammed; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Harrington, Jack; Harris, Julius; Hassan, Ebraham; Hayden, Casey; Helgesen, H. F; Helis, William G; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hicks, William; Hollowell, Don; Holmes, Eleanor K; Hood, Harvey P; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Howard, Pete; Intimidation; Jail Experiences; Jervis, Nancy; Jewett, Richard A; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jolly, Clinton; Jones, James; Jones, Print; Kaplan, Sherwin; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kaunda, Kenneth; Kellstadt, Charles H; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Kenya; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Mary; King, Preston; Kinoy, Arthur; Kitching, Wilmer; Kolko, Gabriel; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Kwabi, Gus; Labor Unions; Lacy, Les; Ladner, Dorie; Lawyers; Lee, Hub; Lee, J. C; Lee, Robert E; Leigh, Sanford; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Lewis, John; Liberia; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lloyd, Henry Demarest; Lourie, Donald B; Lowe, Harry; Luckett, Vernon O; Lusky, Louis; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Lyon, Danny; Mahoney, William; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Marshall, G. C; Martin, Larry; Mass Media; Matthews, L. Stanley; Mayfield, Julian; Mc Gee, Riley; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Miller, J. Roscoe; Miller, Michael; Minnis, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Moore, Charles; Moore, Howard; Moore, William; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morgan, Les; Morton, Eric; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Robert Parris; Moss, Bob; Muleunge, Abed; Murder; Music; Nailer, Robert; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Lawyers Guild; Neyrere, Julius; Nix, Joe Bradly; Norman, Silas; Peacock, Willie; Pearlman, Daniel; Perez, Louis; Phipps, Ogden; Pittman, James; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Ponder, Preston; Popper, Martin; Poverty; Price, Cecil; Proctor, John; Reed, J. Nolan; Reid, Ogden R. (Ogden Rogers), 1925; Rich, Marvin; Richards, Harvey; Riley, David; Rockefeller, David, 1915; Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908 1979; Rosenwald, Julius; Rush, Georgia; Rush, John T; Russell, Sanford; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saison, Harry; Samstein, Mendy; Sayer, Michael; Schrader, Emmie; Schwelb, Frank Ernest, 1932; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nathan H; Segregation; Sharecroppers; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Sholar, Hubert; Shuler, Lorenzo; Siegler, Bill; Sinclair, Upton, 1878 1968; Smith, Benjamin Eugene; Smith, Frank; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Steven; Smith, Steven L; Snyder, Marie; Snyder, William; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Standard, Mike; Stavis, Morton; Sterilization Of Women; Stern, Edgar B., Jr; Stoner, Peter; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Sullivan, Kenneth; Surney, Lafayette; Teachers; Thelwell, Mike; Thompson, Dan; Thornhill, J. E., Sr; Threats; Travis, James; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Vaughs, Cliff; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wages; Walborn, Judy; Walker, Jay; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Walton, Arthur K; Warren, Larry; Washington, George; Watson, Freddy Lee; Weil, Robert; Welsh, David; White Citizens Councils; White Supremacy Movements; White, Don; White, Lee C., 1923; White, Luther; Whites; Whittaker, R. V; Wilcox, Jimmy Lee; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Emory; Wiltshire, James; Wirum, Nedra; Wolff, Henry; Women; Wood, Robert E; Woods, Albert; Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908 1999; Wulf, Melvin L; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Young, Charles; Zambia; Zellner, Bob; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
Smithsonian Jazz Oral History Program Collection
National Museum of American History (U.S.). Archives Center National Museum of American History (U.S.). Department of Public Programs Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation America's Jazz Heritage Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service National Endowment for the Arts Smithsonian Institution Alvarado, Alfredo Ashby, Harold Baker, Lida Barron, Kenny Bass, Fontella Belli, Remo Bellson, Louis Berger, Ed Bluiett, Hamiett Brooks, Cecil Brower, William Brown, Anthony Brubeck, Dave Bryant, Clora Bunnett, Jane Burrell, Kenny Burstein, Julie Carbonell, Luis Carner, Gary Carrington, Terri Lyne Claxton, William Cole, Tom Coleman, Steve Corporan, Hector Costello, Diosa Crease, Bob Cruz, Alfredo Dantzler, Russ DeJohnette, Jack Diaz Ayala, Cristobal Elie, Lolis Favors, Malachi Fernandez, Raul Fernandez, Ruth Flynn, Frank (Marimba player) Fochios, Steve Frank, Rusty Gensel, John Gilbert, Peggy Golson, Benny Gonzalez, Celina Green, Urbie Guines, Tata Haddix, Chuck Hampton, Slide Harris, Barry Harris, Joe Harrison, Nelson Henderson, Luther Hentoff, Nat Holley, Eugene Humphries, Roger Hutcherson, Bobby Jackson, Reuben Jenkins, Willard Jimenez, Flaco Jones, Elvin Jones, Jonah Kimery, Kennith Kirchner, Bill Konitz, Lee Laws, Hubert LeRoy Neiman Lewis, Ramsey Liebman, Dave Liston, Melba Livelli, VIncent Lopez, Rene Mandel, Johnny Marsalis, Delfeayo Marsalis, Ellis Marsalis, Jason McDaniel, Ted McDonough, John McGettigan, Betty McPartland, Marian Mendoza, Lydia Miller, Eric Morgenstern, Dan Murphy, Molly Myers, Amina Newton, James O'Brien, Peter F O'Meally, Bob Ouelette, Dan Pelote, Vincent Perez, Graciela Placksin, Sally Porter, Lewis Puente, Tito Pullman, Peter Rachell, Yank Ritz, David Rivers, Sam Robinson, Charles Rodrique, Jessie Rollins, Sonny Rutherford, Rudy Schoenberg, Loren Schwartz, Scott Scott, Jimmy Smith, Ernie Smith, Hale G Smith, Johnny Sneed, Ann Stitt, Katea Talbot, Bruce Taylor, Billy Terry, Clark Thielemans, Toots Toro, Yomo Tucker, Sherrie Tyner, McCoy Valeria, Chuy Van Gelder, Rudy Watson, Matt Wein, George White, Michael Whitfield, Weslia Willard, Patricia Williams, James Wofford, Mike Wong, Herb Woods, Phil Yamazaki, Paul Ybarra, Eva Young, Al (Saxophinist) Zimmerman, James
Adams, Joe, 1922; Aguabella, Francisco, 1925; Akiyoshi, Toshiko, 1929; Alvarado, Alfredo; America's Jazz Heritage; Anderson, Chris, 1926; Armenteros, Chocolate, 1928; Armstrong, Howard; Ashby, Harold; Atkins, Clarence, 1921; Avakian, George, 1919; Baker, David, 1931; Baker, Lida; Bank, Danny, 1922; Barker, Danny, 1909; Barker, Louise, 1913; Barron, Kenny; Bass, Fontella; Bates, Peg Leg, 1907; Bauza, Mario, 1911; Belli, Remo; Bellson, Louis; Benson, George, 1943; Berger, Ed; Bert, Eddie, 1922; Betts, Keter, 1928; Bey, Chief (James), 1913; Bishop, Walter, 1927; Bluiett, Hamiett; Brooks, Cecil; Brower, William; Brown, Anthony; Brown, Oscar, Jr., 1926; Brown, Velzoe, 1910; Brubeck, Dave; Bryant, Ardie, 1929; Bryant, Clora; Bryant, Ray, 1931; Bufalino, Brenda, 1937; Bunnett, Jane; Burns, Ralph; Burrell, Kenny; Burstein, Julie; Butts, Jimmy, 1917; Byrd, Charlie, 1925; Calloway, Cab, 1907; Camero, Candido, 1921; Carbonell, Luis; Carner, Gary; Carrington, Terri Lyne; Carter, Benny; Carter, Ron, 1937; Casey, Al, 1915; Cheatham, Doc; Cheatham, Jeannie, 1917; Cheatham, Jimmy, 1924; Claxton, William; Cobb, Jimmy, 1929; Cohen, Martin, 1939; Cole, Tom; Coleman, Steve; Collins, John, 1913; Columbus, Chris, 1902; Conover, Willis, 1920; Corporan, Hector; Costello, Diosa; Crease, Bob; Cruz, Alfredo; Cruz, Celia, 1920; Cugat, Xavier, 1900; D'rivera, Paquito, 1948; Dancers; Dantzler, Russ; De Franco, Buddy, 1923; De Johnette, Jack; Dejan, Harold, 1909; Del Puerto, Carlos, 1951; Di Novi, Gene, 1928; Diaz Ayala, Cristobal; Donegan, Dorothy, 1922; Driggs, Frank, 1930; Dudley, Bessie, 1902; Edison, Harry, 1915; Elie, Lolis; Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation; Farmer, Art, 1928; Favors, Malachi; Fernandez, Raul; Fernandez, Rosita; Fernandez, Ruth; Finegan, Bill, 1917; Flynn, Frank (Marimba Player); Fochios, Steve; Foster, Frank, 1928; Fournier, Vernel, 1928; Frank, Rusty; Freeman, Von, 1922; Fuller, Curtis, 1934; Fuller, Gil, 1920; Gensel, John; Geremia, Paul, 1944; Gilbert, Peggy; Golson, Benny; Gonzalez, Celina; Goodson, Sadie, 1904; Green, Urbie; Guerrero, Felix; Guines, Tata; Haddix, Chuck; Hamilton, Chico, 1921; Hampton, Slide; Harris, Barry; Harris, Joe; Harrison, Nelson; Haynes, Roy, 1926; Heath, Jimmy, 1926; Heath, Percy; Hemphill, Julius, 1938; Henderson, Bill, 1930; Henderson, Luther; Hendricks, Jon, 1921; Hentoff, Nat; Hill, Roger, 1928; Hinton, Milt, 1910; Holley, Eugene; Holman, Bill, 1927; Horn, Shirley, 1934; Humphries, Roger; Hutcherson, Bobby; Jackson, Reuben; Jarvis, Jane, 1915; Jazz; Jazz Musicians; Jenkins, Willard; Jimenez, Flaco; Johnson, J.J., 1924; Jones, Elvin; Jones, Hank; Jones, Jonah; Jones, Quincy, 1933; Jordan, Kidd, 1935; Jordan, Sheila, 1928; Keepnews, Orrin, 1923; Kimball, Narvin, 1909; Kimery, Kennith; Kirchner, Bill; Klein, Manny, 1908; Konitz, Lee; Lateef, Yusef, 1920; Laws, Hubert; Le Gon, Jeni, 1916; Le Roy Neiman; Leonard, Herman; Levin, Floyd; Levy, John; Lewis, Edna, 1907; Lewis, Ramsey; Liebman, Dave; Lila Wallace Reader's Digest Fund; Lincoln, Abbey, 1930; Liston, Melba; Livelli, V Incent; Longoria, Valerio, 1924 200; Lopez, Israel, 1918; Lopez, Rene; Lucie, Lawrence, 1907; Lutcher, Nellie, 1912; Lynton, Charles, 1904; Mandel, Johnny; Manning, Frank, 1914; Marsalis, Delfeayo; Marsalis, Ellis; Marsalis, Jason; Mc Daniel, Ted; Mc Donough, John; Mc Gettigan, Betty; Mc Intosh, Tom, 1927; Mc Kibbon, Al, 1919; Mc Kusick, Hal, 1924; Mc Partland, Marian; Mendoza, Lydia; Miller, Eric; Miller, Norma, 1919; Mondello, Toots, 1911; Moody, James, 1925; Morgenstern, Dan; Murphy, Molly; Murray, Albert, 1916; Music; Musicians; Myers, Amina; National Endowment For The Arts; National Museum Of American History (U.S.). Archives Center; National Museum Of American History (U.S.). Department Of Public Programs; Newton, James; Nicholas, Fayard, 1918; Nicholas, Harold, 1924; Norvo, Red; O'brien, Peter F; O'farrill, Chico; O'meally, Bob; Ouelette, Dan; Owens, Jimmy, 1943; Palmier, Remo, 1923; Pelote, Vincent; Peraza, Armando, 1924; Perez, Graciela; Peterson, Oscar, 1925; Placksin, Sally; Porter, Lewis; Puente, Tito; Pullen, Don, 1941; Pullman, Peter; Rachell, Yank; Ray, Carline, 1925; Reed, Leonard, 1907; Richards, Red, 1912; Ritz, David; Rivers, Sam; Robinson, Charles; Robinson, Les, 1912; Rodrique, Jessie; Rogers, Shorty, 1924; Rollins, Sonny; Ross, Annie, 1930; Royal, Marshall, 1912; Rugolo, Pete, 1915; Russell, George; Rutherford, Rudy; Sager, Jane, 1914; Santamaria, Mongo, 1917; Schoenberg, Loren; Schwartz, Scott; Scott, Jimmy; Settle, Cucell, 1914; Shaw, Artie; Slyde, Jimmy, 1927; Smith, Ernie; Smith, Hale G; Smith, Johnny; Smithsonian Institution; Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service; Sneed, Ann; Stitt, Katea; Stoll, Jerrold Jerry Keith; Talbot, Bruce; Taylor, Arthur, 1929; Taylor, Billy; Teagarden, Norma, 1911; Terry, Clark; Thielemans, Toots; Tinney, Al, 1921; Toro, Yomo; Tucker, Bobby; Tucker, Sherrie; Tyner, Mc Coy; United States; Valdes, Bebo, 1918; Valdez, Carlos, 1926; Valdez, Chucho, 1941; Valentin, Val, 1920; Valeria, Chuy; Van Gelder, Rudy; Van Lake, Turk, 1918; Viola, Al, 1919; Walton, Cedar, 1934; Watson, Matt; Wein, George; Wess, Frank, 1922; Weston, Randy, 1926; White, Andrew, 1942; White, Michael; Whitfield, Weslia; Wilder, Joe, 1922; Willard, Patricia; Willcox, Spiegle, 1902; Williams, Claude; Williams, James; Williams, John, 1905; Wilson, Gerald, 1918; Wilson, Nancy, 1937; Wofford, Mike; Wong, Herb; Woods, Phil; Yamazaki, Paul; Ybarra, Eva; Yoshida, George, 1922; Young, Al (Saxophinist); Young, Lee, 1917; Young, Webster, 1932; Zimmerman, James
Starobin--SNCC 1963-1966 (Robert S. Starobin papers, 1960-1967; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 428, Box 2, Folder 3)
Starobin, Robert S
Adams, Frank T; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Affirmative Action Programs; Africa; Agriculture; Aiken, A. M; Alanson, Ann; Allen, Ralph; Americans For Preservation Of The White Race; Arrest; Arson; Askew, Charles; Assault And Battery; Axelrod, Robert; Bagdikian, Ben H; Barefield, Stone; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Beckwith, Byron De La; Bess, George; Bethel, Eddie; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Bierman, Sue; Black History; Black Muslims; Block, Samuel; Bombings; Boycotts; Brown, Gail; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Willie; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Cull; Campbell, Lawrence, Rev; Carmichael, Stokely; Chad Mitchell Trio; Chamberlain, Keith; Chambers, Albert; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chase, Lendall Warren; Chase, Oscar; Chatfield, Jack; Child Care; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, Joseph S; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cocroft, Mason Freeman; Coleman, Richard; Colmer, William Meyers, 1890 1980; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cover, Bob; Cross Burning; Davis, Frank; Davis, Russell; De Lissovoy, Peter; De Muth, Jerry, 1937; Dearman, John; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, Dave; Dillon, Willie J; Doar, John, 1921; Dukes, Frank; Dunlap, A. I; Dunleavy, Hal; Dymally, Mervyn M., 1926 2012; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Egan, Carolyn; Elections; Ellender, Allen J; Epps, Duane; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Fahnstock, Meryl; Farmers' League; Featherstone, Ralph; Federal Aid; Fogel, David; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Foss, Daniel; Franck, Peter; Frank, Peter J; Free Southern Theater; Free Speech Movement (Berkeley, Calif.); Freed, Jeff; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Fund Raising; Gaither, Thomas Walter, 1938; Gardiner, Robert N; Garman, Betty; Garrett, Lee; Gillis, Nellie; Ginger, Ann; Glazer, Nathan; Gleason, Ralph; Glover, Jesse James; Gober, Bertha; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Graham, Mary; Graves, Barbara; Graves, Hubert; Gray, Arthur D; Gregory, Dick; Gregory, Lillian; Grinage, Ben; Grodins, Joe; Gumbiner, Joseph; Guy, George; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Carsie A; Hall, Prathia; Hallan, Ida; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamer, Perry; Hancock, Milton; Hanley, John; Hardin, Slim; Harris, Donald (Donald Stuart); Harris, Fred; Harris, Jesse; Hayden, Casey; Henderson, Thelton; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Herndon, Jim; Hill, Charleane; Hirsch, Fred; Holt, Len; Honeysucker, Luther; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Houston, James Monroe; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Intimidation; Jackson, Arthur; Jackson, Clabon; Jail Experiences; John Birch Society; Johnson, Bernice; Johnson, James; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Dave; Jones, Florence; Jones, James Oscar, 1943; Jones, Roscoe; Kabat, Lucien; Katz, Al; Kaufman, Robert; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, C. B; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kinloch, Robert; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Lapp, Randolph; Lary, Curtis; Lauter, Naomi; Lawyers; Leadership; Lester, Horace; Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21; Libraries; Light, Hal; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Logan, Roy; Lynd, Staughton; Lynd, Theron C; Lyon, Danny; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Mass Media; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Cain, E. G; Mc Creedy, Ward; Mc Cullough, Ted; Mc Dew, Charles; Mc Ghee, H. G; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Meek, Buck; Migrant Labor; Miller, Dorothy; Miller, Michael; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi Student Union; Moore, William; Morris, David; Morton, Grace; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Lawyers Guild; Newsom, Charley; Newson, Charles; Newton, Jimmy Lee; Nonviolence; Opton, Edward M. (Edward Milton), 1936; Osheroff, Abe; Paige, L. B; Parkman, Johnny; Patterson, Joe T; Peacock, Willie; Perkins, Mother; Phillips, Rubel L; Police; Police Brutality; Ponder, Annell; Poppy, John; Postal Service; Poverty; Prescod, Martha; Price, Paul; Public Welfare; Quinn, Aylene; Ramsay, Claude; Ramsey, Claude; Ravetz, Gus; Reagon, Cordell; Recruiting; Reese, Carolyn; Reid, Milton; Reuther, Walter, 1907 1970; Robinson, Sarah; Roe, Richard; Rogers, Willie; Rollins, Avon; Rouse, Eugene; Russell, Charles; Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897 1971; Sampson, C. E; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, James; Sanford, Don; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Sheriffs; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Short, Eddie; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Smith, Frank; Smith, Geoff; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Social Perception; Soracco, Frank; Sorrocco, Frank; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Regional Council; Spears, Lawrence; Starobin, Robert S; Stein, Lou; Stembridge, Jane; Stender, Fay; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Stern, Ed; Still, Larry; Stinson, Julian; Stone, Floyd J; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Swadish, Nancy; Sweeney, Dennis; Talmadge, Herman; Teachers; Threats; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tougaloo College; Travis, Brenda; Travis, Jimmy; Treisman, Ruth; Trippett, Frank; Tucker, Donald L; Turnbow, Hartman; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Universities; Universities And Colleges; University Of California Berkeley; Veterans; Volunteers; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wages; Wahman, Thomas; Walborn, Judy; Walton, Ronald; Warren, Jessie; Warren, R. R; Wechsler, James A. (James Arthur), 1915 1983; Weller, Dorothy; Wheeler, Jean; White Citizens Councils; White, Gordon, Mrs; White, Juanita; Whites; Whittaker, Norma; Whitten, Jamie; Williams, John Bell; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Joe; Wolin, Sheldon S; Wright, Marion; Wright, Willie; Zellner, Robert; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010; Zwerling, Matthew
Werner--SNCC documents, articles, and clippings (Hank Werner papers; Z: Accessions, M71-358, Box 2, Folder 5)
Werner, Hank
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adickes, Sandra; Africa; African Americans; Allen, John; Altheimer, Earl; Arrest; Arson; Asheroff, Abe; Assault And Battery; Bagdikian, Ben H; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barney, John C; Barnhill, Roger; Bass, Robert; Baty, Douglas; Batzka, David; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Bell, John Luther; Belson, Julius; Bernard, Joel; Berry, Elwood; Bingham, Stephen, 1942; Black Muslims; Black Power; Black, Jonathan; Block, Samuel; Blue, Willie; Boebel, Jim; Bombings; Bonds, Charles; Bots, Sammy; Boycotts; Bridgeforth, Ron; Brooks, Barney; Brown, Benjamin A; Brownow, Frank; Bryant, Charles; Bryant, Charles, Mrs; Bryant, Ernestine; Bundy, John; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Cecil; Carawan, Guy; Carmichael, Stokely; Carney, Bill; Carter, Mack; Carter, Willie; Chandler, Len; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chatfield, Jack; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Coleman, George; Communism; Community Centers; Connolly, Tom; Connor, Peggy Jean; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901; Crawford, Willie James; Curtis, Archie; Dahl, Katherine; De Vine, Annie; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Demonstrations; Dennis, David; Denson, Henry; Denson, Robert; Dodds, Lee; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Donhowe, Orlin, Jr; Douglas, Paul; Drain, Rommie; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Finch, James; Fisherman, Jake; Foner, Thomas; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Fraser, Steve; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Galloway, Calvin; Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869 1948; German, Aaron; Gleason, Ralph; Goldman, Andrew; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Gordon, Fred; Gorofolo, Robert; Graham, Benjamin; Grant, Louis; Greene, George; Greer, Robin; Gregory, Dick; Griffin, W. H; Gunn, Margaret; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Prathia; Hamblein, Mc Kinley; Hamer, Donald; Hamilton, Travis; Handy, John; Hardy, Fred; Harris, Dorothy; Harris, Earl; Harris, Fred; Harris, Rutha; Hawkins, Mary Sue; Heininger, Edward K; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hexter, Christopher; Hick, Thomas; History; Hodes, William; Holly, Bruno; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Hopkins, Joe; Hopson, Clinton; Host Families; Houston, James Monroe; Howard, David; Howze, Sam; Hubbard, Earl; Hutton, Lucy; Intimidation; Jackson, Don; Jackson, Dorothea; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Mahalia; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Jenkins, Ella; Jews; Johnson, Bernice; Johnson, Les; Johnson, Sammie; Kaphan, Boardman; Kassler, Haskell; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Keyes, Kilmer Estus; Keys, Clifton Archie; Keys, Estus; King, C. B; King, Ed; King, Marion, 1932 2007; Kornfield, Carol; Ku Klux Klan; La Fayette, Bernard; La Fayette, Colia; Labor Unions; Larrabee, Eric; Lavelle, Robert; Lawson, Gus; Lawyers; Lee, Roy; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Levine, Allan; Lewis, John; Libraries; Logan, Catherine; Lomax, Alan; Lynching; Lyons, Danny; Manoff, Tom; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Martin, Willie Mae; Masters, Robert; Mc Collum, Mary; Mc Dew, Charles; Mc Donald, Billy; Mc Gee, Jake; Mc Gee, Silas; Mc Kinnie, Lester; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Michalowski, Judith; Milar, Charles; Miles, Robert; Milford, Richard; Miller, Fred; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mississippi Student Union; Monnie, Bill; Montgomery, Neimiah; Moody, Dan; Moore, Charles; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Student Christian Federation; Neblett, Carver; Neblett, Charles; Nonviolence; Ohls, James; Ollins, Henry; Ollins, Lucy; Osman, Robert David; Owen, David; Packer, Alvin; Palmer, Thomas; Paul, John Lyon; Piore, Michael J; Polacheck, John; Police Brutality; Poor; Praetz, Peter; Price, Cecil; Rainey, Lawrence A; Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889 1979; Reagon, Cordell; Reese, Bosie; Religion; Republican Party (U.S.); Richard, Ruby; Richmond, Isiah; Rimmer, Steve; Roberts, Wally; Rogers, Lois; Rubin, Morris H; Russell, J. J; Samstein, Mendy; Savio, Mario; Scales, Charlie T; Schools; Schwartz, Richard; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, A. E; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sex; Shankle, Ike; Shelton, Robert M; Short, Eddie; Smith, Elijah; Smith, Joseph; Smith, Leon; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Willie; Soloff, 1927; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spain, David M; Spears, Lawrence; Stallworth, Jessie Mae; Stevenson, Eddie; Stigler, Joe Louis; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Swanson, Richard; Tessaro, George; Thatcher, Jeff; Thomas, Shirley; Thomason, Frazer; Thornton, Evangeline; Threats; Thurmond, Strom, 1902 2003; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Annie Lee; Unemployment; United States; United States National Student Association; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wahman, Thomas; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Ware, William; Warren, R. R; Watts, Joseph Lee; Weaver, Claude; Weitzman, Abe; Wells, Emma Jean; Werner, Hank; Wheeler, Richard; Wheelock, Richard; Wheelwright, Farley; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; Williams, Betty; Wormack, James L; Wright, Martha; Wright, Robert E; Yancey, Wayne; Yarborrow, Leonard; Zeno, Mary
CORE--Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party - Memoranda and reports, 1964-1966 (Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi 4th Congressional District records, 1961-1966; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 793, Reels 2-3, Segment 37)
Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi, Fourth Congressional District
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Albro, Stanley; Allen, Glenn; Allen, Lewis; Anderson, H. C; Aronson, Henry; Arson; Assault And Battery; Ayres, Jake; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Bankhead, Lee; Barber, Rims; Barnes, Andrew; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnett, Willie, Mrs; Barrett, Russell H; Bass, Robert; Batts, James; Beecher, John; Bell, John; Bernard, Joel; Bill, Simon; Birdin, Bettye; Bishop, Ernestine; Blackwell, Unita, 1933; Bland, Joe Eddie; Bodie, Tommie; Bombings; Boycotts; Boyd, Leslie; Boyd, Richard; Brandt, Barbara; Breazell, C. E; Bronstein, Alvin J; Brooks, Eddie; Browland, Mike; Brown, J. W; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Lovie; Brown, Morgan; Burland, Mike; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Hayden; Carnegie, Alma; Carr, Sam; Carthen, Sallie Mae; Case, Charles; Catler, Thomas; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chapman, Percy; Chastain, Norman; Chipman, Alfred; Church Buildings; Cieciorka, Bobbie; Cieciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Coleman, Ike; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Collier, Clinton; Colmer, William R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Community Action Programs (U.S.); Congress Of Racial Equality; Conwell, Elijah; Cooper, Allen; Cooperative Societies; Cotton, Tom; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cox, Harold; Cross Burning; Crowell, Catherine; Crudup, Arlbon; Cunningham, Dick; Cunningham, Marion Phyllis; Darnell, J. A; Davidson, Marion; Davis, Frank; Davis, Jessie; Davis, Ruby; Davis, Russell; De Muth, Jerry , 1937; Deacons For Defense And Justice; Del Pozzo, Theresa; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, Dave; Derby, Doris Adelaide; Devine, Annie; Devine, Earl; Dilworth, Lee; Dobson, James; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, Charles M; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Elections; Emmerich, J. O; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Finley, John; Flemings, Dink; Flowers, Dick; Foner, Thomas; Food Drives; Ford, Ezekiel; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Frank, Barney, 1940; Freedom Day; Freedom Information Service; Freedom Rides; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Frisby, Noble R; Fund Raising; Galler, Roberta; George, Frances D; Giles, Oscar, Mrs; Giles, Roselle; Gilman, Robert; Glenn, Charles; Glover, Samuel; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Gordon, Bruce; Gordon, Lottie Ruth; Graham, Benjamin; Grandison, Elvira; Grant, Jeanne; Green, Andrew Lee; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Griffin, Lucille; Griffin, Ora; Grumphrey, Jack; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Jessie Lee; Hall, Pinkie; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Harris, Dave; Harris, Jesse; Harris, Rosie L; Hawkins, Mary Sue; Hawkins, Robert; Hawthorne, Grace; Hayden, Casey; Hayer, Robert L; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, Ralthus; Hayes, Robert Lee; Head Start Programs; Heinze, Fred; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Higson, Mike; Hill, Thelma; Hollander, Lynne; Horowitz, Charlie; Host Families; Houston, James Monroe; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Husted, Russell; Hutchinson, Bill; Intimidation; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Ernest; Jackson, Willie; Jacob, Arthur Lee; Jail Experiences; Jewett, Richard A; Johnson, Allen; Johnson, Dona; Johnson, Leroy; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Warren; Jones, James; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Keyes, Youther Lee; King, Anna Mae; King, Edwin H; King, James; King, Lou; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kinney, Herman; Kinoy, Arthur; Kirksey, Henry J; Klein, John; Klein, Monica; Knight, C; Ku Klux Klan; Kushner, Fred; Labor Unions; Ladner, Dorie; Ladner, Heber; Lanemer, Horace; Lawrence, David Leo, 1889 1966; Lawrence, Harold; Lawrence, Ida B; Leadership; Lee, Herbert; Lee, Lucille; Lee, Webb; Lehman, Bob; Lewis, Gavin; Lewis, Patsy; Light, Bill; Lindsay, Merrill W; Lindsey, Will; Long, Curtis Lee; Long, Paul; Lowery, Fred; Luckett, Bill, 1948; Lynn, Kay; Madison County Movement (Miss.); Magee, Jessie; Marcuse, Peter; Martin, Willie; Mass Media; May, W. T; Mays, James; Mc Clully, C. B; Mc Gee, Jake; Mc Hugh, Madeline; Mc Kellar, Chuck; Mc Keller, Tilmon; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Lemore, Leslie Burl; Mc Murtry, Charlie; Mc Ree, J. F; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meely, Fred; Milam, J. W; Milam, S. W; Miles, Robert; Miller, Hattie L; Miller, Hosey; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mitchell, Francis; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morgan, Charles; Morphew, Robert; Morris, Jesse; Morse, Frank; Moses, Robert Parris; Muilenburg, Peter; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Nelson, Debbie; Newell, Bob; Newson, Johnny; Nicklaus, Sue; Nowick, David; O'connor, Peggy J; O'dwyer, Paul; Onshinsky, Ben; Palmer, Hazel T; Palmer, Willie H; Pate, Karen; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Payne, Bruce; Pearson, Drew, 1897 1969; Pellings, Willie; Peters, James C; Peterson, Doris; Peterson, James; Phillips, Dick; Phipps, James Earl; Phipps, Leon; Pitcher, Pinkie; Police; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Ponder, Annell; Poor People's Corporation; Porter, Huley; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Powers, Lillie Bell; Prickett, Kay; Quilting; Quinn, Aylene; Rachlin, Carl; Rainey, Lawrence A; Rainone, Chris; Redd, Andrew; Rednick, Sandra; Reed, James; Reed, Ruthie; Republican Party (U.S.); Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Rhodes, Janet; Rice, Carl; Richards, Dona; Richmond, Eddie; Robinson, Charlie; Robinson, Roy; Robinson, William; Roby, Harold; Rollins, Willie; Rooney, John J; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882 1945; Rosenthal, L. H; Ross, Daniel; Rowley, Earl; Rucker, Sylvester; Ruffin, Susie; Schrader, Emmie; Seaver, Ted; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sellers, Isaiah; Sellers, Nettie; Sewing; Shanahan, Frank E; Shapem, Mark; Shapiro, Mark; Shelton, George; Shulman, Howard; Sillers, Walter, 1888 1966; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simpson, Richard; Singleton, Celia; Sitton, Claude; Skinner, Lee Estes; Skipp, Sue Emma; Slawson, Judy; Smith, Benjamin Eugene; Smith, Bob; Smith, Douglas; Smith, E; Smith, John; Smith, Josie; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Robert; Smith, Willie; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spinks, Eberta; Stavis, Morton; Steiner, Ruth; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Stenson, Robert; Sterling, Bob; Stevens, Carolyn; Stigler, Joe Louis; Stoner, Peter; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Styles, Curtis; Taylor, Anne E; Taylor, Charley; Taylor, Gloria Jean; Taylor, Ned; Taylor, P; Thelwell, Mike; Thomas, C. W; Thomas, Eddie; Thomas, Lee; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Thompson, Ethel; Thornton, William; Threats; Thurmon, Jessie; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tillow, Walter; Trice, Clifford; Turnbow, Hartman; Unemployment; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1957; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1960; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Vaughs, Cliff; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wages; Walker, Johnnie Mae; Walker, Prentiss, 1917 1998; Walker, Rita; War On Poverty; Ware, John; Ware, William; Washington, Cynthia; Watkins, Hezekiah; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watkins, W. H., Jr; Watts, James; Weatherby, Mary Lee; Webb, Simon; Weisboro, Abe; Weiss, Ron; Wheadon, Augusta; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; Whitten, Jamie; Wilder, Carl; Wilder, Ola; Wilder, Peggy J; William, Mary; Williams, Annie Mae; Williams, Bob; Williams, George; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Mary; Williams, Wash; Williams, Willie G; Williamson, Gordon; Wilson, Ora D; Winn, Fred; Winstead, Arthur; Winter, George; Wright, Evelyn; Wright, Martha; Wulf, Melvin L; Yarbrough, George; Ziff, Ed
MFDP--General papers, 1963-1965, part 1 (Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party records, 1962-1971; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 788, Reel 1, Segment 2, Part 1)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Adams, Tom; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adams, Victorine; Agriculture; Alexander, G. G; Allen, Elizabeth; Allen, Lewis; Arnold, J. B; Aronson, Arnold; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Austin, Joyce; Bailey, John; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Ball, John; Bane, Ted; Bane, Tom; Barbieri, Arthur T; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barrett, Russell H; Barrie, Mabel; Bartlett, Edward Lewis Bob; Beckwith, Byron De La; Beittel, Adam Daniel; Bender, Rita L; Benson, Ninnie; Bethune, Mary Mc Leod; Biegert, Maurine; Black, J. C., Mrs; Blackwell, Randolph; Block, Samuel; Bolton, James E. H; Bombings; Bosanquet, Nicholas; Bosch, Lavina; Boudreau, Anne; Boynton, L. S; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Branton, Wiley Austin, 1923 1988; Brown, Edmund G. (Edmund Gerald), 1905 1996; Brown, George; Brown, J. W; Brown, Joyce; Bruce, Blanche K; Buckland, Mary; Burns, Dorothea; Burns, John; Burton, Phillip; Bushart, Sarah Ward; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Hayden; Canson, Virna M., 1921; Carnes, Jack, Mrs; Carney, Charles; Carr, Jessie; Carter, Hodding; Castrell, Sam; Cavanaugh, John; Chaffee, Lois; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chapman, Percy; Chase, Oscar; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Workers; Clay, Leonard; Clergy; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cohelan, Jeffery, 1914 1999; Coles, Robert; Collins, E. K; Colmer, William Meyers, 1890 1980; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conley, Jeannette; Connor, Peggy Jean; Cook, Holden; Cook, Josephine; Cook, Richard; Corcoran, Tom; Corman, James C. (James Charles), 1920 2000; Corrigan, Richard; Cosey, Mildred; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Countryman, Peter; Craig, William H; Cramer, Ann; Cronk, Sue; Crumm, Frank; Currie, George; Daniel, Price; Davidson, Evelyn; Davis, Carrie; Davis, Jesse; Davis, Ruby; Davis, Russell; Dawson, Charles; Day, Noel; De Cell, Herman B; De Muth, Jerry, 1937; De Vine, Annie; Del Pozzo, Theresa; Democratic National Convention (1960 : Los Angeles, Calif.); Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, David; Derrickson, Vernon B; Di Bivort, Lawrence; Diggs, Charles C; Discrimination; Discrimination In Employment; Dolan, Robert; Donahue, Maurice A; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Douglas, Paul; Downs, C. H., Mrs; Dubord, Richard J; Dunbar, James C., Mrs; Duncan, Gladys; Durrough, Charles M; Dwyer, John J; Dymally, Mervyn M., 1926 2012; Easley, Mack; Education; Edwards, Don; Embroy, Elroy; Engel, Austin; Enger, Jane; English, John; Erskine, Doris; Evans, Jack; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Evins, Herby; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Fauntroy, Walter E; Federal Aid; Fields, Alvin G; Fields, H. G; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Freedman, Monroe; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Frey, Richard; Fritchie, Gus, Jr; Gallagher, Harry, Mrs; Gallaher, John; Gibbons, Harold; Gill, Thomas; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Glover, Margaret; Glover, Samuel; Goetz, Victor, Mrs; Goff, Fred; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Paul; Gordon, Bruce; Graham, Jean; Green, Edith, 1910 1987; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Gregory, Lillian; Gressette, L. Marion; Gronemeier, Dale; Gross, Ben; Gruening, Ernest; Guenter, Raymond; Guffey, Dorothy; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Pinkie; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamer, Perry; Hamilton, Lynn; Hanson, Royce; Harrington, J. B; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Hart, Philip A. (Philip Aloysius), 1912 1976; Hartke, R. Vance; Harty, Emmett; Hawkes, Elizabeth; Hawkins, Augustus; Hearst, Ann; Heller, Joseph; Hendrex, Naomi Terrell; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Herrington, J. B; Hewitt, Theodis; Higgins, Dorothy; Higgs, William; Hills, Charles M; Hinchliff, Carolyn; Hirsch, Frank; Holmes, Eleanor K; Honeysucker, Robert; Hooker, E. Wilburn; Hooker, Wilburn; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Hubbard, Mary; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hurst, E. H; Hyman, Lester; Inouye, Daniel K., 1924 2012; Intimidation; Jaffe, H. Miles; Jail Experiences; James, Willie Earl; John, Louise M; Johnson, Ernest; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Daniel; Joseph, Jeri; Kaler, Irving; Kastenmeier, Robert; Keil, Norma; Kelly, Alberta; Kempton, Murray; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kessler, Willis; Kiker, Henry, Jr; King, Edwin H; King, Marjorie; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kinney, Herman; Kirkland, Ernest; Knight, C; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Lacayo, Hank; Ladner, Heber; Lane, Mary; Lanier, Robert; Lawler, Violet; Lawrence, David Leo, 1889 1966; Leddy, Bernard; Lee, Herbert; Leichter, Franz; Lesinksi, T. John; Lewis, John; Lindsay, Merrill W; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Logan, Louise; Lott, Hardy; Lowenstein, Allard K; Lynch, Tim; Lynching; Lynd, Theron C; Lynett, Edward J; Lyons, Ida R; Maddux, Jared; Magnuson, Warren; Maguire, John; Mahoney, George P; Maidenberg, Milton; Markman, Sherwin; Markun, Pat, Mrs; Martino, Aileen; Mass Media; Matsunaga, Spark; Matthews, L. Stanley; May, Ineve; Maytag, Robert; Mc Adams, Herbert H; Mc Cloud, W. M; Mc Cord, W; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Lemore, Leslie Burl; Mc Namara, Landon; Meredith, James, 1933; Miller, Martin; Miller, Mayne; Miller, William; Minn, Momi; Mississippi Free Press; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mitchell, Langston; Mondale, Walter F., 1928; Moody, R. E; Morey, Ola; Morse, Wayne L. (Wayne Lyman), 1900 1974; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Murel, Larry; Music; Muskie, Edmund S., 1914 1996; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Newman, C. B; Nicholson, Eva; Nuclear Weapons Testing; Palmer, Hazel T; Parker, Mack; Parrish, Marguerite; Pasquale, Lila; Pastore, John O; Patridge, Earl Wayne; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Payne, Bruce; Phillips, J. Alton; Phillips, Rubel L; Pierce, M. B; Pigee, Vera Mae; Police; Police Brutality; Polier, Justine Wise, 1903 1987; Poll Tax; Ponder, Annell; Poppiti, Michael A; Porter, Charles O; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Powell, Ted; Pratt, Jack; Public Welfare; Raphael, Ray; Rather, Mary; Rauh, Joseph L., 1911; Rawlings, Calvin; Ray, J. L; Raymond, George; Reese, Sevilla; Reider, Robert W; Religion; Republican Party (U.S.); Reuther, Walter, 1907 1970; Revels, Hiram; Riddell, Tom; Ristuben, Peter; Roberts, Kenneth A. (Kenneth Allison), 1912 1989; Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 1911; Robinson, Charlie; Robinson, Marion; Roby, Harold; Rodgers, Helen; Roosevelt, James, 1907 1991; Roth, Herrick; Roybal, Edward R; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Rutledge, Catherine; Ryan, Ruby; Ryan, Vincent J; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Sampson, Charles; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Sarphie, Claude; Sayer, Michael; Schultz, Margaret; Schurman, Beatrice P; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Segregation; Shanahan, Frank E; Sharecroppers; Shaw, Willie; Shell, Dan; Shirley, Aaron; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simpson, Euvester; Smith, Andrew P; Smith, E; Smith, Frank; Smith, Hugh; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Robert; Sorrocco, Frank; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Springer, Charles; Staebler, Neil; Staggers, Harley O; Starr, Michael; Stavis, Morton; Steele, Jonathan; Stembridge, Jane; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sterilization Of Women; Stevenson, Boyd; Steward, L. L., Jr; Stolz, Mabel; Stoner, Peter; Strelitz, Ilene; Stromquist, Howard Shelton; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Summers, Frank H; Sutton, James, Mrs; Sweetland, Monroe; Sykes, Graham; Sylvester, Barbara; Taylor, Harold; Taylor, Navry; Taylor, P; Taylor, Pink; Taymor, Betty; Teachers; Thomas, Eddie; Thomas, Patrick; Thomas, Willa Mae; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Threats; Thurmond, Lenora; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Toole, Jack; Tougaloo College; Travis, James; Tucker, Robert; Turnbow, Hartman; Turnipseed, Clem; Ullman, Al; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Universities; University Of Mississippi; Urdahl, Alvin M; Vaden, Lewis H; Valand, Leif, Mrs; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wages; Walker, Lloyd; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Wallace, John; War On Poverty; Watt, John Lee; Weaver, Claude; Wells, W. S; Welsh, David; West, H. C., Mrs; West, Harvey E. E; Wetherby, Lawrence W; White Citizens Councils; White, Kevin; White, Roy R; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Wilentz, David T; Wiley, Spencer; Williams, George; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Melba; Williams, Otha; Williams, Rennie; Williams, William Page, Mrs; Winn, Cecelia; Winstead, Arthur; Winter, William F; Wolf, David; Women; Woodley, Richard; Wright, Evelyn; Wynn, Doug; Yamamoto, Hirotoshi; Zaretsky, Eli; Ziegler, Jerome M; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
Robinson--Miscellaneous, 1964-1965 (Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson papers, 1960-1966; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 191, Box 1, Folder 9)
Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Mary Louise; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; African Americans; Agriculture; Alexander, Earms; Alfred, Henry; Alfred, Verililia; Allen, D. M; Allen, Lewis; Anderson, Henrietta; Anderson, Tommie L; Aronson, Henry; Arson; Arthur, Jim; Assault And Battery; Austin, Christine; Bailey, M. W; Baker, Ella C; Ballard, Seth; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barrett, Russell H; Bartoo, Wendall E; Baty, Douglas; Beals, Arneida; Bender, Rita L; Bennett, James; Bennett, Willie P; Bernstein, Debbie; Berrigan, Philip; Black History; Blackman, Edward; Body, John Lee; Body, Maggie; Bombings; Bonall, Marvis; Bosley, Alma; Bouldin, Arthur Lee; Bouldin, Ernest; Bouldin, Floyd; Bouldin, Robert Lee; Branch, Ester; Brown, Barbara Jean; Brown, Carl Kenneth; Brown, Charles Ray; Brown, James; Brown, Lorian; Brown, R. Jess, 1912; Brown, Shirley M; Brown, Stanford; Buckingham, Sue; Buckley, Sears, Jr; Burkes, Marylene; Butler, Raymond; Byrd, Marcellus; Cain, W. S; Calma, Jacques Michael; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, L. Foote; Carbsy, Herbert; Carney, Wilfred I., Jr; Carpenter, Anne; Cauthen, Jack; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chinn, C. O; Chinn, Clarence; Chinn, Henry Lee; Chinn, Minnie Lou; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, James G; Clay, Annie Pearl; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cole, Mozie; Collier, James; Communism; Community Action Programs (U.S.); Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conway, Nance; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cox, Elton; Cox, Harold; Cox, Robert; Cox, Roy E; Dacus, Harold; Darden, Ann; Davis, Cora; Davis, Frank; Davis, Ike James; Davis, Leonard; Dawson, Herman O; Dawson, Jessie Mae; De Lott, Elaine; De Vine, Annie; Dearon, Mackie; Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, Dave; Dial, Amos; Dorrough, Charles M; Drain, Edward, Jr; Drain, Gladys Mae; Duberman, Martin; Dukes, David; Dunlop, Delores; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Elections; Esco, Clark; Esco, Eliza; Esco, Milton; Evans, M. Stanton (Medford Stanton), 1934; Evans, Marie; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Featherston, William P; Federal Aid; Ferguson, Joe; Foner, Thomas; Food Drives; Forehand, Rannie; Forsyth, William H; Francis, Doris; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Galloway, Willie, Jr; Galt, Lester; Garrett, Ivory; Garvey, Marcus, 1887 1940; George, Wyatt Adam; Germany; Gibson, Vencill; Gill, Catherine; Glenn, Randy; Goines, Addie; Goodlow, Annie Louis; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goza, Robert; Grant, Dewett; Grant, Leon; Gray, Barbara Ann; Green, Andrew Lee; Greenwood, Moses; Griffin, Robert; Griffin, Walter; Gunn, Margaret; Hall, Charles; Hamblin, Lorraine; Hamblin, Mc Kinley; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Harden, Charlestine; Harris, Arthur; Harris, Roby B., Jr; Hart, Jeffie; Hart, Tobe; Hawblue, Joe Lee; Hawthorne, Grace; Hayes, Elmer; Hearin, Robert M; Hearn, Andora; Hewitt, Theodis; Hillett, Vivian; Hindman, Neil; Hitler, Adolf, 1889 1945; Hockstedler, Bill; Hollander, Edward S; Holley, Bruno; Hollis, Ernestine; Holston, Oneta; Honeysucker, Luther; Horton, Dorothea; Host Families; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Howard, Houston James; Hudson, Winson, Mrs; Hutchinson, William; Intimidation; Ivy, Sam; Jackson, Gladys; Jackson, Ida; Jackson, Percy Lee; Jail Experiences; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Jefferson, Thomas, 1743 1826; Jenks, David; Jervis, Nancy; Jewett, Richard A; Jews; John Birch Society; Johnson, Alberta; Johnson, Frank; Johnson, George; Johnson, Lee; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Mary; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Percy; Johnson, R; Johnson, Roger; Johnson, S. M; Jones, James, Jr; Jones, L. C; Jones, Martha Jane; Jones, Willie B; Juvinall, Andrew; Kane, Devirdys; Kennard, Clyde; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Kieselbach, Hamid; King, Edwin H; King, Jeannette; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Lacey, John F; Ledbetter, Billy; Lee, Herbert; Lee, Howard; Lee, John; Lee, Willie Henry; Lepper, Mark; Lewis, Isaac; Lewis, Price; Libraries; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Logan, J. T; Luckett, Barbara Nell; Luckett, Leon; Luckett, Roby; Lynching; Madison County Movement (Miss.); Mahoney, Bill; Malm, Harry; Manoff, Tom; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Mass Media; Matthews, L. Stanley; Mc Crary, Angelo; Mc Crary, Tom; Mc Cullough, Closie; Mc Cullough, James; Mc Elroy, Bernice; Mc Fater, Red; Mc Gee, Arsena; Mc Gill, Ralph; Mc Gowan, Buddy; Mc Gowan, Pat; Mc Keigny, Alex; Mc Kerty, J. T; Mc Mullan, W. P. (William Patrick); Mc Ree, J. F; Medicine; Merritt, Carole; Milton, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Moody, Melvia; Moon, Robert W; Moore, Claude; Moore, Roger; Morris, Jesse; Morton, Eric; Mory, Charles; Moses, Denise; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Mosman, Glen B., Jr; Munk, Erika; Murder; Murphy, Lilly Mae; Music; Myers, Patricia; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Newman, John; Nicholas, Catherine; Nichols, Walter; Noble, Bill; Noble, Gus; Nonviolence; Oarsby, Herbert; Oarsby, Ida; Ohls, James; Owens, Mack; Owens, Sammie; Palmer, Hattie; Palmer, Sylvester Lee; Parents; Parker, Alvin; Patterson, Robert B; Peace Corps (U.S.); Penn, Junior; Pickett, Lucy; Pinderhughes, Charles A; Piore, Michael J; Police; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Poor; Poverty; Powell, Joe C; Praetz, Peter; Pugh, Tom; Ramsey, Tom; Raymond, George; Reeb, James, 1927 1965; Reed, Wade; Reid, George Washington; Republican Party (U.S.); Rich, Marvin; Rimmer, Steve; Robinson, Jo Ann, 1942; Robinson, Marion; Robinson, Michael; Robinson, Wilbert; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rogers, Alex; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, Steven, Jr; Saunders, James; Schechner, Richard, 1934; Schwartz, Richard; Schwelb, Frank Ernest, 1932; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, Charles, Mrs; Scott, Lawrence, 1908 1986; Scott, Shelby; Segregation; Sharecroppers; Sharp, Philip W; Shell, Betty Jean; Sheriffs; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Silas, Betty Jean; Sillers, Walter, 1888 1966; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simmons, Bill; Simpson, Euvester; Singleton, Sarah L; Sitton, Claude; Small, Rosa Mae; Smith, Charlean; Smith, Connie Ray; Smith, Frank; Smith, Jerome; Smith, Joe; Smith, Lamar; Smith, Ruth Eva; Smith, Scott B; Smith, Steve; Smoot, Carrie; Smoot, Larry Lee; Smoot, Willie; Social Classes; Soloff, 1927; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Sperlock, Jeanne; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Steward, Ruth; Stewart, Sam; Stipp, Cleo M; Stipp, John L; Stokes, Welton; Stovall, Pinkie; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Sutton, Giles; Sutton, James; Taylor, Jim; Thomas, Chester; Thomas, Norman, 1884 1968; Thomas, Robert; Thompson, Andrew Lee; Thompson, Dan; Thompson, Lillie; Thornton, Mary Jane; Threats; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tougaloo College; Training; Travis, Brenda; Trompauer, John; Trotter, Emma; True, Jim; Tucker, Alice; Turner, Nat, 1800? 1831; Unemployment; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vardaman, James K. (James Kimble), 1894 1972; Veal, William; Vincent, Jake; Vinson, Jake; Volunteers; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wade, Ida Lee; Wages; Wahman, Susan; Walker, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1909 1993; Walker, Sonny Lee; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Ware, Henry; Warren, Earl, 1891 1974; Washington, Benjamin J; Washington, Cynthia; Washington, Frank; Washington, George; Washington, Jackie; Washington, James Alwin; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watson, Johnnie; Watts, Joseph Lee; Weatherford, Charles; Weatherford, Glenn; Weatherford, Richard; Weaver, Claude; Wechsler, James A. (James Arthur), 1915 1983; Weinberger, Eric; White Citizens Councils; White, Inez Mc Lain; Whitehead, Leon; Whitehead, Percy; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Williams, Charles; Williams, Eddie; Williams, James; Williams, Joseph; Williams, Lank; Williams, Mattie; Williams, Otha; Williams, R. D; Williams, S. O; Williams, Susan Mae; Wilson, R. B; Wright, Martha; Yarbrough, George; Young, Andrew, 1932; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
CORE--Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) - Memoranda and reports, 1964-1965 (Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi 4th Congressional District records, 1961-1966; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 793, Reel 2, Segment 19)
Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi Fourth Congressional District
Aber, Joel; Acorn, Jeff; Adams, Jane; Adams, Jim; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Alberts, George; Alcorn Agricultural And Mechanical College; Alexander, Gary; Aley, Margaret; Allan, Adrian; Allen, John; Allen, Louis; Amundson, Bruce; Anderson, Fred; Anderson, Lisa; Anderson, Wayne; Aragon, Eleanor; Archibald, Larry; Aronson, Henry; Arrest; Arthur, Lee; Assault And Battery; Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Austin, Jerry; Avery, Anne Pearl, 1943; Baer, Doug; Bailey, Bob; Bailey, Henry; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Banks, Mary; Barker, Andrea; Barnes, Andrew; Barnhill, Roger; Barrett, Linnell; Bartinelli, Herbert; Bateman, Joe; Batzka, David; Bauer, Ed; Beaulieu, Anthony; Beckwith, Byron De La; Beittel, Adam Daniel; Belfrage, Sally, 1936; Bell, Emma; Bender, Rita L; Benton, Larry; Berger, Robert; Bergstresser, Lawrence; Bernard, Joel; Berry, Elwood; Bingham, Stephen, 1942; Black, Eddie; Black, James; Black, Jonathan; Blackstock, Nelson; Blackwell, Unita, 1933; Block, Margaret; Block, Sam; Blue, Willie; Blum, Jacob; Blumfield, Barbara; Bolton, Carol; Bolton, James E. H; Bosanquet, Nicholas; Bosley, Alma; Boycotts; Boyd, J. D; Boyd, Stan; Bradford, John; Brass, Robert; Breaker, Ethel Jean; Breaker, Jeannie; Breneman, Britt; Brett, Peter; Bridgeforth, Ron; Brooks, Eddie; Brooks, Grace; Broom, Essie; Brown, Bambi; Brown, Candy; Brown, Dennis; Brown, Ed; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Rachel; Brown, Sam; Brubeck, Dave; Brumder, Mary; Buffington, John; Bundy, John; Burnham, Margaret; Burnside, Margaret; Burr, Peter; Burrows, Diane; Burt, Donna; Byers, Bob; Byrd, Marcellus; Cade, Cathy, 1942; Cameron, John, Rev; Carmichael, Stokely; Carstens, Betty; Carter, Melvin; Carver, Ronald; Catalin, John; Chaffee, Lois; Chaiklin, Henry; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Children; Chinn, C. O; Cieciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Workers; Clark, Brad; Clay, Annie Pearl; Claywell, Connie; Clemson, Barry; Clergy; Cleverdon, David; Clippinger, Susie; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cohen, Bob; Cohen, Miriam; Cohen, Sue; Cole, Mary B; Coleman, Isaac; Coles, Robert; Collier, James; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooper, Gwen; Cooperative Societies; Corson, James; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cowan, Geoffrey; Cox, Courtland, 1942; Crawford, Eartiss James; Crawford, William; Cress, Lorne; Crockett, George W; Cronin, Mary Jo; Cross Burning; Cuba; Cummings, Peter; Cunningham, Margaret; Dalgoff, Robert; Dane, Barbara; Dann, James; Davies, Jon; Davis, Harry, Mrs; Davis, Jesse; Davis, John Henry; Davis, Linda; De Sousa, Ronald; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Dennis, David; Detwiler, Bruce; Discrimination; Discrimination In Employment; Dobbins, Margaret; Dohrenburg, Arlan P; Dole, Heidi; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Douglas, Lily M; Duncan, Karen; Duncan, Tina; Dunlap, Bryan; Durham, John; Dye, Brad; Edelman, Marian Wright; Edmonston, Dave; Edwards, Leonard; Egan, Carolyn; Ehrenreich, Robert; Eklund, Neil; Elections; Ellickson, Mary; Ellis, Evelyn; Ellis, Nicholas; Else, Ann; Else, John; Ericksen, Eugene; Ervin, Will; Evans, Myrtis; Everett, Sherry; Everett, Ulysses; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Ewen, Stuart; Falk, Gail; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Fast, Jonathan; Fast, Mark; Featherstone, Ralph; Federal Aid; Ferguson, Johnny; Fetty, Glenn; Flannigan, Dennis; Flowers, Dick; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forsyth, William H; Frank, Barney, 1940; Franklin, Jennie; Fraser, Steve; Freedom Day; Freedom Schools; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Freeman, Orville L; Frey, Richard; Friedland, John; Frye, Hardy T; Fullilove, Robert; Fusco, Liz; Futorian, Aviva; Gallatly, Mary Sue; Galloway, Armanda; Galloway, Warren; Galt, Lester; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Gardner, Clark; Garman, Betty; Garner, Albert; Garofolo, Robert; Garrott, Jimmy; Garrott, Lee; Gates, Herman; Gavin, Joanne; Gerber, David; Gergtz, Mary; Gerould, Pamela; Gershman, Bennett L; Gillard, Mary Lou; Gillman, Robert; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Gladstone, Sue; Glen, Mary Ann; Glenn, Charles; Glushakow, Bruce; Goldstein, Barry; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Al; Goodman, Paul; Gould, Richard; Graham, Benjamin; Grant, Louis; Green, Andrew Lee; Green, Dove; Green, Freddy; Griffin, Marvin; Gronemeier, Dale; Gross, Carole; Guerrero, Gene; Guy, Bonnie; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hackman, Walton; Hall, Carsie A; Halper, Vicki; Hamblin, Mc Kinley; Hamer, Donald; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamer, Perry; Hamilton, Linda; Hamilton, Lynn; Hamlett, Ed, 1939; Hampton, Judy; Hampton, Nick; Hancock, Milton; Hand, Sandra; Handke, Jan; Hargreaves, Robert; Harrington, Michael; Harris, Earl; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Harrison, Jesse; Harrison, Joe; Hartsfield, Ben; Hausfater, A; Hauso, Stu; Hawk, Dave; Hayden, Casey; Hazelton, Margaret Jo, 1942; Heinze, Fred; Heller, Joseph; Henderson, Margaret; Herney, Louise; Hewitt, Theodis; Hexter, Christopher; Higson, Mike; Hill, Tom; Hillegas, Jan; Hindman, Neil; Hite, Pam; Hodes, William; Hogan, Valerie; Holt, Len; Honey, Martha; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Hopson, Clinton; Horwitz, Charles; Houston, James Monroe; Howard, Ruth; Howell, Donna; Hudson, Annie; Hughes, Cephus; Hughes, Mathew; Hulse, Lynn; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hunter, John; Hyatt, Margaret; Ingraham, Michael; Intimidation; Iriyama, Howard; Jackson, Benny; Jackson, Lenise; Jail Experiences; Jemmott, Janet; Jennings, Mary; Jewett, Richard A; Johnson, Barbara; Johnson, Les; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Barbara; Jones, James; Jones, Pamela; Kaplan, Sharon; Kaplan, Sherwin; Kaslo, Greg; Kates, James; Keeney, A. D; Kelley, Dick; Kelvin, Harold; Kendall, David; Kendall, Paul; Kenney, Michael; Kerr, Margaret Ann; Kinderman, Gibbs; Kisselbach, Hamid; Kitnes, Ken; Klein, Paul; Klein, Wendy; Klein, Yvonne; Kline, Adam; Konzen, Jean; Kopit, Bill; Koplowitz, Rita; Kornfield, Carol; Kotz, David; Kunstler, Karin; Ladner, Dorie; Lake, Ellen; Landerman, Lawrence; Lane, Mary; Larsen, Mary Grace; Lauren, Roger; Lavelle, Robert; Lawyers; Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (U.S.); Lee, Donny; Lee, Herbert; Leekley, Brian; Leigh, Sandy; Leonard, Marilyn; Levy, Betty; Levy, Mark; Libraries; Liesner, Joe; Light, Bill; Lindsay, Anne; Lindsay, Barbara; Llorens, David; Lockshin, Larry; Logan, Katherine; Lohia, Rammanohar; Lorenzi, Henry; Lorenzi, Sue; Lucido, Catherine; Lynch, Tim; Lynd, Staughton; Mackie, Eddie; Magram, Fred; Malm, Harry; Mandel, Lisa; Mandel, Robert; Mansor, Charles; Martin, Georgia; Masters, Robert; Mathews, Carol; Matthews, Maryka; Maurer, Joe; Mays, James; Mc Call, Leroy; Mc Daniel, Billy; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Kay, Marianne; Mc Kellar, Chuck; Mc Keller, Tilmon; Mc Kinney, Leslie; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Nair, Landy; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Meely, Fred; Mersenery, Ronald; Michaels, Sheila Kessler; Michalowski, Judith; Miller, Paul; Miller, Richard; Miller, Steve; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi Student Union; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Mobley, Howard; Mogelson, Jack; Moore, Amzie; Moore, Dan; Moore, Howard; Moore, Marcia; Moore, Philip; More, Beth; Morey, R. Hunter, 1940; Morgan, Carl; Morris, Jesse; Morrison, Tim; Morton, Grace; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Mosley, Rufus, Jr; Mulnick, Barbara; Mulvain, Morton; Murder; Murphy, Gene; Murphy, Joseph; Murphy, Maureen; Music; Nance, James; Nathanielson, Kaye; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Lawyers Guild; Neblett, Carver; Nelson, Gene; Nelson, Karol Kay; Newbery, Robert; Newell, Bob; Newman, Doris; Newman, John; Newman, Katey; Nichols, Susan; Nicolaus, Martin, 1941; Nicolaus, Victoria; Ninde, Bill; Norall, Peter; O'brien, Frank; O'brien, Tony; O'neal, John, 1940; O'neill, Helen; Orris, Peter; Osman, Robert David; Owen, David; Owens, David; Pacchela, Diane; Pace, Paula; Pardun, Robert; Parish, Elly; Parker, Jerry; Parker, Pamela; Parkman, Johnny; Parry, James; Patch, Penny; Pate, Karen; Patridge, C. L; Paul, John Lyon; Paulson, Grady; Peacock, Willie; Pearl, Gitte; Perkins, Edna; Phoenix, Roger; Pittman, James; Police; Polier, Justine Wise, 1903 1987; Poll Tax; Pomerance, Carl; Ponder, Annell; Ponder, Preston; Popkin, Ann Hunter, 1945; Poulard, Grady; Powell, Christine; Prettyman, Julie; Preyer, Richardson; Prickett, Kay; Public Welfare; Quinn, Catherine; Rabinowitz, Peter; Race; Ramsey, Tom; Rand, Deborah; Randall, Herbert; Raphael, Ray; Rawlings, Stewart; Raymond, George; Reese, Arthur; Reese, Carol; Reiman, Peggy; Republican Party (U.S.); Richards, Ron; Ridenour, Ron; Robbins, George; Roberts, Wally; Robertson, Stokes V; Robinson, Bill; Robinson, Jo Ann, 1942; Robinson, Ruby Doris Smith, 1941 1967; Rogers, Lois; Rohrbaugh, Ray; Rohrbaugh, Rita; Rose, Jannet; Rose, Margaret; Rowe, Dick; Rowe, Tom; Rowell, George; Rubin, Larry, 1942; Runkle, Diane; Rust College; Rust, Andy; Ryerson, Sue; Sachar, Jeffrey; Samstein, Mendy; Sarachild, Kathie; Savio, Mario; Sawyer, John; Scales, Charlie T; Scattergood, Charles; Schein, Ruth; Schieffelin, Nancy; Schiffer, Judy; Schiffrin, Andrew; Schrader, Emmie; Schulman, Howard; Schwartzbaum, Barbara; Schwarz, Gretchen; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Seese, Linda; Seifert, Rick; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sharp, Philip W; Shaw, Terri; Shaw, Willie; Shelton, Robert M; Shetterly, Jay; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Siegel, Ellen; Siegel, Sanford; Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah; Simpson, Euvester; Singer, Elaine; Sitzer, Lewis; Smith, Benjamin Eugene; Smith, Charlie; Smith, Douglas; Smith, Hazel Brannon; Smith, Jeff; Smith, Joseph; Smith, Nancy; Smith, Steve; Smith, Willie; Social Classes; Sorenson, Soren; Sours, Nancy Ann; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Conference Educational Fund; Sowerwine, Charles; Spears, Lawrence; Stavis, Morton; Stedman, Jay; Steele, Jonathan; Steele, Virginia; Stelzer, Leigh; Stephan, Ruth B; Steptoe, E. W; Sterilization Of Women; Stevens, Larry; Stevens, Mary; Stevenson, Eddie; Stevenson, John; Stewart, Charles; Stone, Robert John, 1919; Stoner, Peter; Strand, John; Strickland, John; Stromquist, Howard Shelton; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Surney, Lafayette; Suter, John W; Swan, Harry; Swanson, Richard; Sykes, Gresham; Tanzman, Harriet; Taylor, Sue; Teachers; Tecklin, Jerry; Teidman, Eleanore; Terrell, Paul; Tessaro, George; Thomas, Morton; Thomas, Patrick; Thrasher, Sue; Thurmond, Lenora; Tiberiis, Douglas; Tillinghast, Muriel; Tobis, Heather; Tompkins, Natalie; Torkington, Roy Bernard, 1940; Tougaloo College; Training; Tranquilli, Vincent; Trice, Clifford; Trimble, David; Trost, Tom; Trottman, Pam; Turner, Leslie; Tyler, Stephen; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Utt, Barry; Vail, Pat; Valencourt, Roy; Van Horne, Holly; Vanderveen, Peter R; Vogel, Lise; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Waddell, Michael; Wahman, Susan; Wahman, Thomas; Walborn, Judy; Walker, Barbara; Walker, Kirby; Walker, Pat; Walker, Sam; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Waltzer, Bruce C; Ward; Ware, Bill; Warren, Larry; Warren, Robert Penn, 1905 1989; Wasow, Bernard; Waters, Walter; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watters, David A; Watts, Joseph Lee; Watts, Sandra; Watts, Thomas; Weaver, Claude; Weibel, Lyle; Weil, Robert; Weiland, Pat; Weinberger, Elaine; Weinberger, Eric; Werner, Hank; Werner, Judy; Werner, Lisa; Wetmore, Linda; Wheeler, Charles; Wheelock, Richard; Whetfield, Melvin; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; White, Thelma; Whites; Whitman, Grenville; Whitten, Jamie; Wiggins, Joan; Wilcox, James; Williams, Annie Marie; Williams, Bob; Williams, Chris; Williams, Robert; Wilson, C. R; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Doris; Wilson, Edwin; Wilson, Geraldine L; Wilson, Linda; Wilson, Luke; Winans, Nedra; Winchester, Johnnane; Winn, Fred; Winter, George; Winter, Mark; Winyard, Fred; Wise, Gloria; Women; Wood, Mike; Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908 1999; Woog, Sylvia; Wright, Frank; Wright, Judy; Wright, Larry; Wright, Robert E; Wulf, Melvin L; Yancey, Wayne; Yarrow, C. H. Mike; Yorck, Pat; York, Judy; Young, Carl; Youngerman, Joe; Zaretsky, Eli; Zaretsky, Malcolm; Zeman, S; Zwerling, Matthew
Dunlap--Mississippi Freedom Project, 1964-1965 (Papers, 1964-1972, 1994; Z: Accessions, M2000-007, Box 2, Folder 5)
Dunlap, Bryan R
Abernethy, Thomas Gerstle, 1903 1998; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; African Americans; Agriculture; Albert, Carl Bert, 1908 2000; Alberts, George; Alexander, A. A; Alexander, Bryce; Allen, Max; Allen, Robert; Allen, Thomas; Amatnick, Kathy; Anderson, J. E; Anderson, Mayola; Andrews, Corrine; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Baez, Joan; Bail; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Baldwin, James, 1924 1987; Banks, Earl; Barber, Rims; Barnes, Betty; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnhill, Roger; Bates, Freddie; Bazer, Irving; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Beittel, Adam Daniel; Belafonte, Harry, 1927; Belk, Jimmy; Belk, Willie; Bell, Derrick A; Bender, Rita L; Benner, Charles J; Bennett, Russell; Bentley, Elizabeth; Bernard, Joel; Berry, Elwood; Berry, W. Raymond; Bikel, Theodore; Bloch, Joan; Blue, Willie; Boaz, Martha; Bombings; Boutwell, B. B., Jr; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Broderick, Vincent; Bronstein, Alvin J; Brooks, Arance; Brown, James; Brown, John R; Brown, Joyce; Brown, R. Jess, 1912; Brownell, Herbert; Bryant, C. C; Bryant, Charles; Burton, Phillip; Bush, William T; Byrd, Harry F., Jr. (Harry Flood), 1914 2013; Callender, Eugene; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Maybelle; Cannada, Ray; Carey, Hugh; Carver, Ronald; Castagna, Edwin; Celler, Emanuel, 1888 1981; Chanes, Ernest R; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Charter Group For A Pledge Of Conscience; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, James G; Cleverdon, David; Clift, David; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cohen, Bob; Cole, Bernice; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Collins, E. K; Collum, Marvin; Colmer, William; Communism; Community Action Programs (U.S.); Community Services Association; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conte, Silvio O; Conyers, John, 1929; Council For Jobs And Freedom; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cox, W. Harold (William Harold), 1901; Crooks, Kenneth; Crosby, Bernice; Cummins, Peter; Dabbs, Wallace; Daddario, Emilio; Dann, James; Davis, Jimmie; Davis, Ossie; Davis, Rennie; De Cell, Herman B; De Lissovoy, Peter; De Vine, Annie; Dee, Ruby; Delaney, Hubert T; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, Dave; Derby, Doris Adelaide; Di Suvero, Henry; Diggs, Charles C; Dillon, Willie J; Doar, John, 1921; Donald, Cleveland; Dowd, Douglas; Dugan, Linda; Dulles, Allen, 1893 1969; Dunlap, Leonie; Dunn, Natalie; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Edwards, Don; Elections; Ellis, Robert; Erickson, John L; Ezelle, B; Ezelle, Robert; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Farnum, Eric; Fatheree, T. B; Feiner, June; Feldman, Myer, 1914 2007; Finney, Thomas; Fischer, Ruth; Food Drives; Ford, Ellis; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forst, Lulamae; Fraley, Martin; Frank, H. T; Fraser, Steve; Fraser, Willard; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Information Service; Freedom Rides; Freedom Vote; Gahtan, Robert; Galloway, Warren; Galt, Lester; Gandy, Evelyn; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Garner, Artis; Garofolo, Robert; Gartin, Carroll, 1913 1966; Gibson, Marvin; Goldfrank, Walter L; Goldstein, Barry; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Carolyn, 1915 2007; Goodman, Robert; Gordon, Emily; Gordon, Maggie; Gottlieb, Edward; Graham, Benjamin; Green, Edith, 1910 1987; Greenberg, Jack, 1924; Greenblatt, Robert; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Grieger, Barry; Guthman, Edwin O., 1919 2008; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Carsie A; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hancock, Cleveland; Handy, John; Hansen, Bill; Harrington, Hattie Ann; Harris, Alphonso; Harris, Tom; Harrison, Jesse; Hartfield, Huston; Hastie, William, 1904 1976; Hayden, Tom; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, William; Head Start Programs; Hearin, Robert M; Hederman, T. M; Heffner, Albert; Heininger, Edward K; Helgesen, H. F; Helms, Grace; Helums, Walter; Henderson, Slim; Hennington, Burnett Y; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hilbun, L. B; Hill, Sadie; Hindman, Neil; Hodes, William; Hoffman, Abbie; Hooker, E. Wilburn; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; House, Stuart; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Howard, David; Hudson, Earnest; Hughes, Cephus; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hutchinson, William; Ichord, Richard; Jack, Nathaniel; Jackson, Blyden; Jackson, Matthew; Jails; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Johnson, Charles; Johnson, George; Johnson, James; Johnson, Les; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Roger; Jones, Bertha; Jones, Jeweldean; Jones, Jim; Kaplan, Sherwin; Katz, Sanford; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Keating, Kenneth B. (Kenneth Barnard), 1900 1975; Keller, Christoph; Kelly, Edna; Kendall, David; Kennedy, Michael; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, Annie Mae; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kirschenbaum, Howard; Kirstein, Lincoln; Kitchen, Herman; Kornfield, Carol; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Lane, Ted; Lavelle, Robert; Lawrence, David Leo, 1889 1966; Lawrence, Nick; Le Paul, Eddie; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Lenz, Charles; Levin, Nancy; Lewis, John; Lewis, Morris; Libraries; Lievow, William; Light, Bill; Light, Harold R; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lindsey, John; Lipscomb, E. L; Loggins, Clinton; Lott, Clarence L; Love, John Clark; Lynd, Staughton; Mac Donald, Billy; Mac Millan, Ernest; Maddox, Lester, 1915 2003; Mandel, Bill; Mandel, Elaine; Mandel, Gene; Mangrum, Fred; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Marshall, Thurgood, 1908 1993; Martin, Lowell; Mass Media; Masters, Robert; Matcheskey, Nathaniel; Mathias, Charles; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Carthy, Joseph; Mc Clendon, B. B; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Mc Coy, A. H; Mc Crae, Ian; Mc Davis, Melvin; Mc Dew, Charles; Mc Dowell, W. O; Mc Ghee, Jake; Mc Ghee, Percy; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Glaughan, Floyd; Mc Gowan, Yvonne; Mc Kinney, Lester; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Lendon, George; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Mercer, Wayne; Meredith, James, 1933; Meyers, William; Migration, Internal; Miles, Robert; Miller, Charles; Miller, Fred; Miller, Steve; Miller, William; Minor, W. F; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Monk, Erica; Moon, Eric; Moore, Philip; Morrison, Tim; Morse, F. Bradford, 1921 1994; Morton, Eric; Morton, Roy Lee; Moses, Denise; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Motley, Constance Baker, 1921 2005; Multer, Abe; Murder; Murphy, John M; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Sharecroppers' Fund (U.S.); Newman, C. B; Nicholas, Mary; Nosser, John; Oboler, Eli; Osman, Robert David; Owen, David; Parents; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Paul, John Lyon; Payne, A. S; Pearson, Drew, 1897 1969; Peart, William; Peets, Randolph; Perdew, John, 1941; Perlman, Daniel; Perry, Henry; Phillips, J. Alton; Pierce, J. B; Polacheck, John; Police Brutality; Pollak, Stephen J; Pollatsek, Frank; Popper, Martin; Poverty; Pratt, John; Proctor, John; Public Welfare; Putnam, Carleton; Quinn, Aylene; Rainey, Lawrence A; Ramsey, Claude; Reich, Eugene; Reid, Ogden R. (Ogden Rogers), 1925; Reitman, Sidney; Republican Party (U.S.); Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Reynolds, Willie James; Rich, Marvin; Ricks, Willie; Riddell, Tom; Ridenour, Ron; Riley, George; Ripston, Ramona; Robbins, Cecil; Roberts, J. W; Roberts, Ralph R; Robertson, Willie C; Roby, Harold; Rogers, Alex; Rogers, Nat; Rogers, Shelby; Rollins, Willie; Rooney, John J; Roosevelt, James, 1907 1991; Rowan, Carl T. (Carl Thomas), 1925 2000; Rubinstein, Annette; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saison, Harry; Samstein, Mendy; Scales, Charlie T; Schwelb, Frank Ernest, 1932; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nathan H; Scott, A. E; Scott, Tom, Jr; Seaver, Ted; Segal, Larry; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Shaffer, Sam Allen; Shannon, Prince; Sharecroppers; Sharp, Monroe; Shaw, Terry; Shell, Dan; Shields, Larry; Shriver, Sargent, 1915 2011; Siegel, Larry; Sien, Max; Silber, Fritz; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Sloan, Frank; Smith, Annie; Smith, Benjamin Eugene; Smith, Ethel; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Robert; Smith, Scott B; Smith, Steve; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spears, Lawrence; Stalworth, Jessie; Starsky, Morris; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sterilization Of Women; Stevenson, Eddie; Stone, Robert John, 1919; Stringfellow, William; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Sweeney, Dennis; Tapscott, Bangs; Taylor, Wendell P; Tessaro, George; Thomas, Morton; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Thompson, Donald; Tillow, Walter; Torkington, Roy Bernard, 1940; Tougaloo College; Townsend, Joe; Triggs, Gene; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Gil; Turner, Louis; Turnipseed, Lamar; Unemployment; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Vanik, Charles; Vaughs, Cliff; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wages; Wahman, Susan; Walker, Prentiss, 1917 1998; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Warren, Larry; Washington, Cynthia; Washington, Hugh; Washington, Jackie; Wathers, Dorothy; Watkins, W. H., Jr; Weaver, Claude; Weil, Robert; Weinberger, Eric; Weiss, Ron; Welsh, David; Werner, Peter; West, Harvey E. E; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; White, Lee C., 1923; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Wiggins, E. J; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Alvery; Williams, Eddie; Williams, Hosea, 1926; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Nellie; Wilson, Baxter; Winn, Fred; Wise, Sherwood; Wolf, Henry; Women; Wright, Joe; Young, Andrew, 1932; Young, Charles; Young, Jack; Young, Quentin, 1923; Young, Whitney M
Freedom Information Service--WATS reports, September 1964 (Freedom Information Service records, 1962-1979; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 780, Reel 1, Segment 7)
Freedom Information Service
Adams, Jane; Adams, Jim; Africa; Agriculture; Alexander, Linda; Allen, John; Allen, Russell; Anderson, A. J; Anderson, Helen; Anderson, L. C; Anderson, Mary Jane; Anderson, Paul; Anderson, Wayne; Aronson, Henry; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Bailey, Henry; Baker, James; Banks, Lanar; Barbour, John; Barfield, Charles; Barnes, Andrew; Bass, Robert; Batdorf, Richard; Bateman, Joe; Bennett, Russell; Bernard, Jessie; Bishop, Ernestine; Bishop, Jessie Lee; Blue, Willie; Boebel, Jim; Bolton, Jimmy; Bombings; Bond, James; Bonds, Charles; Bordner, John; Boswell, Bobby; Bowie, Henry; Boycotts; Boyd, Laura; Bradford, John; Bradshaw, Dave; Breckenridge, Carol Quinn; Brenton, Larry; Bridgeforth, Ron; Bridgeport, Ron; Brisbane, Quinn; Brown, Benjamin; Brown, Bessie; Brown, Betty Jean; Brown, Bob; Brown, Candy; Brown, Carl; Brown, Dennis; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Larry; Brown, Levi; Brown, Otis; Brown, R. Jess; Brown, Sam; Brown, Sheila; Brumder, Mary; Bryant, C. C; Bryant, Charles; Buckingham, Sue; Buckley, Sears, Jr; Buffington, John; Bulick, Mc Kinley; Burchfield, Avilee; Cameron, Patrick; Campbell, Aldon; Campbell, Johnny; Campbell, Mack; Campbell, Malcolm; Campbell, May Bell; Carmichael, Stokely; Carr, James; Carr, Sammie; Cash, Ralph; Catchings, Mr; Cauthen, Jack; Chaffee, Lois; Chambers, Luella; Chambers, Mary Lou; Chandler, Lilly; Chaney, Ben; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chester, Allan; Church Buildings; Churchill, Frank; Civil Rights; Clark, Lisa; Clark, Mattie; Clay, Allen; Clayton, Mrs; Clemson, Barry; Clergy; Cleverdon, David; Clothing And Dress; Cocroft, Freeman; Cohen, Mary Ann; Cohen, Miriam; Coleman, Ike; Collette, F. E; Collier, James; Collier, Tommie; Collins, C. C; Collins, Luther; Communism; Congress Of Racial Equality; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Craig, L. B; Crawford, Eartiss James; Cress, Idell; Cronin, Mary Jo; Cross Burning; Curley, John; Dahl, Kathy; Dann, James; David, John; Davis, Henry; Davis, Howard; Davis, Linda; Davis, Sammy, Jr; Dennis, David; Devine, Annie; Dickey, S. J; Dillard, Alma; Dillon, Willie J; Dillworth, Lee Farris; Disher, John; Doar, John; Dobson, James Otis; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, Charles; Drain, Willie; Duncan, Sandy; Dunlap, Brian; Echols, Sam; Eddy, Willie; Education; Edwards, Len; Ellickson, Mary; Else, Jon; Ervin, Willie; Evans, Gilbert; Evans, Hervey; Evers, Charles; Ewbanks, Thelma; Ewen, Stuart; Ewing, Diane; Farmer, James; Featherstone, Ralph; Felder, Fernell; Ferguson, Janey; Ferguson, John; Fisher, E. C; Flannigan, Dennis; Flowers, Dickie; Forman, James; Forsyth, William; Foster, Leonard; Freedom Day; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Freeman, Rosemary; Freeman, Sam; Fund Raising; Fusco, Liz; Galloway, Warren; Gardner, Albert; Garman, Betty; Garner, Mrs; Garth, Chester; Garth, Irving; Gates, Herman; Gellatly, Mary Sue; Gerber, David; Givens, Jessie; Glendon, Mary Ann; Glenn, Charles; Goldberg, Dr; Goldberg, Joseph; Golden, Emanuel, Jr; Goldstein, Barry; Gordon, Emily; Gordon, Mrs. Ben; Gore, Robert; Graham, Buzz; Grant, Louis; Gray, Victoria; Green, Andrew Lee; Greene, George; Greene, Irene; Greene, Martha; Griffin, Marvin; Griffith, Joe Lee; Grogan, Herman; Grogan, Rayward; Gutter, Booker T; Guy, Bonnie; Guyot, Lawrence; Hall, Carsie; Hamer, Don; Hammond, Buck; Hancock, Milton; Hansen, Bruce; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Harris, Lilly; Harris, Tom; Harrison, Jesse; Harrison, Joe; Harwell, Nathaniel; Hayden, Casey; Hayes, John; Hayes, Lee G; Hayes, Nora; Henderson, Henry; Hennison, Dorothy Jean; Henry, Aaron; Henry, Will; Heppner, Aaron; Hermey, Louise; Hessian, Lawrence; Hewitt, Theodis; Higson, Mike; Hillegas, Jan; Hocker, Philip; Hogan, Valerie; Hollins, Lydia; Hollowell, William; Hoover, Edgar; Host Families; House, Jessie Mae; House, Stuart; Howard, Dave; Howard, Houston; Howard, Jimmy; Hughes, Cephus; Hughes, Matthew; Hunter, Emma Lee; Ingram, Marion; Intimidation; Irving, Willie; Jackson, Benny; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Matthew; Jackson, Nellie; Jail Experiences; James, Hazel; Jefferson, George; Jemmott, Janet; Jenkins, Charles, Jr; Jenkins, Doug; Jenkins, Talmadge; Jewett, Richard; Johns, Sarah; Johnson, Anna Bella; Johnson, Elenora; Johnson, Lyndon; Johnson, Paul; Johnson, Wallace; Johnson, Willie; Jones, Anthony; Jones, Charles; Jones, Frank; Jones, Jimmie; Jones, Roscoe; Joyner, Marilyn; Junk, Ursula; Kaiser, Peter; Kaminsky, Georgia; Kaminsky, Herschel; Kaplan, Sherwin; Kinney, Mike; Kinsey, Richard; Kinsley, Al; Klein, Yvonne; Knight, King; Kopit, Bill; Kornfield, Carol; Ku Klux Klan; Kuenzli, Dr; La Mar, Steve; Ladner, Dorie; Lampe, Keith; Lane, Eddie; Lane, Mary; Lapsansky, Phillip; Larsen, Mary; Lawyers; Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (U.S.); Lee, George; Lee, Herbert; Lee, Johnny; Lee, Roy; Leigh, Sandy; Lenoir, Barbara; Lete, Sara; Levine, Allan; Levy, Ernest; Lewis, Wilbert; Libraries; Light, Bill; Livingstone, Sidney; Lockwood, Dick; Logan, Roy; Louie, Dorothy; Madison County Movement (Miss.); Marsh, Alexander; Marshall, Burke; Marshall, George; Martin, Joe; Martin, Shirley; Maslow, Ellen; Maurer, Joe; Mayes, James; Mc Arthur, Bob; Mc Auliffe, John; Mc Clinton, David; Mc Cormick, Chris; Mc Cormick, Gene; Mc Cormick, Sean; Mc Crae, Ian; Mc Cusker, Ed; Mc Donald, Billy; Mc Donald, George; Mc Ghee, Jake; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Kellar, Chuck; Mc Keller, Tillmon; Mc Kendall, Ben; Mc Kenna, Warren; Mc Kinney, Lester; Mc Laurin, Charles; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meely, Fred; Merrill, Marjorie; Metcalf, George; Meyer, Margrit; Migration, Internal; Miles, Charles; Miles, Dorothea; Miles, Robert; Miller, Joe; Miller, Margie; Miller, Steven; Miner, A. D; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi Student Union; Mitchell, Billy; Mitchell, Ozell; Mitchell, Prince; Moody, Henry; Moody, R. L; Moore, Amzie; Moore, Dick; Moore, Glen; Moore, Ira; Moore, Montgomery; Moore, T. J; Morey, R. Hunter; Morgan, Carl; Morris, Jesse; Morse, Julius; Morton, Eric; Morton, Joe; Morton, Royal Lee; Moses, Robert Parris; Mosley, Bud, Jr; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Neblett, Carver; Neblett, Chico; Newell, Bob; Nixon, Robert; Noble, Billy; Noble, Johnny Frank; Noble, Matthew; Noble, Ruth; Nosser, John; Nussbaum, Judy; Oliver, Hattie May; Orr, Eric; Orsby, Henry; Osheroff, Abe; Owens, James; Owens, Mack; Packer, Alvin; Palmer, Bruce; Parker, John Sidney; Parry, James; Patch, Penny; Pate, Karen; Peacock, James; Peacock, Willie; Peebles, Jack; Peterson, Brian; Phillips, Warren; Phipps, James; Pierson, Robert; Pittman, James; Police; Police Brutality; Ponder, Preston; Powell, Bill; Powell, Kirsty; Power, Thomas M; Powers, Thomas; Price, Brenda; Price, Cecil; Price, Mrs. J. H; Prickett, Charles; Prince, David; Pruitt, William; Public Welfare; Purvis, Jack; Quimby, Linda; Quinby, Linda; Quinn, Anthony; Quinn, Aylene; Quinn, Jacqueline; Rader, Marjorie; Rainey, L. A; Rainone, Chris; Randolph, Sam; Ratliff, Leon; Raymond, George; Reddy, James; Redmond, Roosevelt; Reeves, Robert S; Roberts, Lee; Roberts, Wayne; Robertson, Charles; Robertson, Rob; Robinson, George; Robinson, J. T; Robinson, Owen; Robinson, Ray, Jr; Robinson, Wilbur; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rogers, Lois; Rogers, Rebecca; Rogers, Rosa; Rogers, Shirley; Rogers, Will; Rolling, William; Rollins, Willie; Ross, Jimmy; Rouse, Eugene; Rubin, Larry; Rucker, Sylvester; Rust, Andy; Ruth, Janet; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, I. S; Sanders, James; Sayer, Michael; Scattergood, Charles; Schiff, Morton; Schiffman, Alan; Schrader, Emmie; Schwartzbaum, Barbara; Scott, William; Scott, Willie; Seal, Ira; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland; Sharp, Philip; Shavers, James; Shaw, Brad; Shaw, Willie; Sheriffs; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Simpson, Annie Belle; Simpson, Euvester; Simpson, J. V; Simpson, Kenneth; Singer, Elaine; Slote, Ken; Smith, B. F; Smith, Cora; Smith, D. M; Smith, Douglas; Smith, Elijah; Smith, George; Smith, Jerome; Smith, Joe; Smith, Robert; Smith, Roy; Smith, Willie D; Southerland, Mary; Southern Regional Council; Stanton, Jim; Stevens, Carol; Stevens, Don; Stevens, Harry; Stevens, Larry; Stevenson, Eddie; Stevenson, John Henry; Stevenson, Larry; Stigler, Joe; Stone, Robert; Stout, Curtis; Stovall, Pinkie; Straughter, Willie C; Strelitz, Ilene; Strong, Daniel; Strong, Jim; Strong, Ron; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Surney, Lafayette; Sutherland, George; Sutherland, Mary; Sutton, Robert; Sweeney, Dennis; Taylor, Altert; Taylor, Ned; Thomas, Arthur; Thomas, Geraldine; Thomas, Mary; Thomas, Morton; Thompson, Dan; Thompson, Lloyd; Thornton, Willie; Threats; Tillinghast, Muriel; Tinker, Mrs. Leonard; Tinsley, Richard; Tobias, W. L; Trice, Clifford; Turnbow, Hartman; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1960; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Universities; University Of Mississippi; Vail, Pat; Van Hoffman, Nicholas; Vaughs, Clifford; Voter Registration; Waddell, Mike; Wages; Walborn, Judy; Wallace, Willie Mae; Walzer, Bruce; Ward, Charles; Ware, Bill; Warren, R. R; Washington, Cynthia; Washington, Denver; Washington, George; Washington, George, Jr; Washington, Hermethia; Washington, Hugh; Washington, Larry; Washington, Willie; Watkins, Hollis; Watts, Miller; Watts, Sandra; Weatherford, Rose Lee; Webbert, H. E., Jr; Weil, Robert; Weinberger, Eric; Wheeler, George; Wheeler, Jean; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; Whites; Wiggins, J. P; Wiggins, Joan; Wilcher, Johnnie Lee; Wilkins, John; Williams, Bob; Williams, Floyd; Williams, Honor; Williams, Isaac; Williams, Molly; Williams, Pearline; Williams, Samuel; Williams, Tiny; Wilmore, Gayraud S; Wilson, Neal; Wimbly, James; Wimperly, Nathaniel; Winchester, Johnny; Winter, George; Wright, Amos; Wright, Marion; Wright, Martha; Xifaras, Gloria; Yasutake, Mike; Young, Lawrence; Young, Mrs. Ray; Young, Sherman
Lynd--Printed material, February 1963-October 1965 & undated (Staughton and Alice Lynd papers 1938-2008; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 395, Box 5, Folder 3)
Lynd, Staughton
Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Frank T; Adams, John Quincy; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adelman, Bob; Africa; African Americans; Agriculture; Aiken, A. M; Alcorn Agricultural And Mechanical College; Alcorn, J. L. (James Lusk), 1816 1894; Aleony, Zev; Allen, D. M; Allen, Ivan, 1911 2003; Allen, Louis; Allen, Ralph W., 1941 2005; Amis, Debbie; Anderson, James; Anderson, W. G; Arnold, Carl; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Ault, Richard; Bailey, John M. (John Moran), 1904 1975; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Baker, Howard; Ballots, Jimmy; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnum, John L; Barrett, Joyce; Barrett, Russell H; Bass, Ross, 1918 1993; Bayas, Jacob; Bell, Colin W; Bell, David; Bell, Griffin; Berman, Daniel M; Bernhard, Berl; Berry, Handy; Bethel, Eddie; Bigart, Homer; Bikel, Theodore; Billings, Ella; Black History; Black Muslims; Boggs, Hale; Bombings; Bond, Charles; Boone, Joe; Booth, Mary; Bosanquet, Nicholas; Bosley, Alma; Bouldin, Benny Lou; Bouldin, Ernest; Bouldin, Floyd; Bouldin, Samuel; Boutwell, Albert; Boycotts; Boynton, Amelia P; Branch, Ester; Brando, Marlon; Brannon, John; Branton, Leo; Brawley, James; Brock, E. T; Brown, Alexander; Brown, Connie; Brown, Jess; Brown, Lonnie; Brown, Lula; Brown, Stanford; Brown, Wilson; Bruce, Blanche K; Bryant, Florence; Buber, Martin; Bullock, C. C; Burkes, Marylene; Burlage, Robb, 1937; Burns, James Mac Gregor; Bush, George, 1924; Busick, James; Butler, Raymond; Byrd, Marcellus; Caldwell, Charles; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Charles E; Campbell, L. Foote; Campbell, Lawrence, Rev; Campbell, Paul; Carey, Gordon R; Carpenter, C. C. J; Carter, James; Carter, Joseph, Rev; Carter, Wilmeda; Casey, Robert; Cauthen, Jack; Celler, Emanuel, 1888 1981; Chambers, Albert; Chance, John; Chase, Lendall Warren; Chatmon, Thomas C; Chinn, C. O; Chinn, Henry Lee; Church Buildings; Cinque; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, James G; Clark, Joseph S; Clement, Rufus; Clergy; Clifton, Lessie; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Colbert, Robert; Cold War; Cole, Nat King, 1919 1965; Coleman, Clarence; Coleman, Richard; Collier, James; Communism; Community Action Programs (U.S.); Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Connor, Eugene, 1897 1973; Cook, W. R; Cooperative Societies; Cornish, Charles; Cothran, Tilman; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cox, B. Elton; Cox, Harold; Cross Burning; Crown, James T; Dardenne, Milton; Davis, Archie C; Davis, Frank; Davis, George; Davis, J. W; Davis, Jesse; Davis, Leonard; Davis, Rudolph; Dellinger, David T., 1915 2004; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, David; Devine, Annie; Di Bivort, Lawrence; Doar, John, 1921; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, Charles M; Douglas, Hamilton; Douglas, Thomas; Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895; Dunlap, A. I; Durham, Sallie Mae; Durick, Joseph A; Dylan, Bob, 1941; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Ebert, Roger; Education; Ehrlich, Allen; Eisenberg, Warren; Elections; Employment; Erskine, Doris; Esco, Milton; Evans, Herbie; Evans, Medford; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Evers, Myrlie; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910 1994; Feingold, Mimi; Fischer, Sylvia; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forman, Mildred; Foss, Daniel; Fox, George; Fox, Larry; Frazier, John; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Frey, Richard; Fulton, Richard; Galloway, Willie, Jr; Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869 1948; Gardiner, Robert N; Gibson, Frank; Gillon, Marion; Gilroy, J. R; Goff, Fred; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Paul; Gordon, Bruce; Gordon, Spiver; Gore, Albert; Gore, Bob; Goza, Robert; Grafman, Milton L; Graham, Billy, 1918; Graham, Mary; Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822 1885; Graves, Barbara; Graves, Hubert; Gray, James; Green, Andrew Lee; Green, George; Greenberg, Richard; Greene, Dewey; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Grider, George; Grinage, Ben; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haiti; Haley, Richard; Hall, Prathia; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamilton, John; Hamilton, Mary; Hampton, Nick; Hansen, Bill; Hardin, Paul; Harleaux, W. W; Harmon, Nolan B; Harrington, Michael; Harris, Arthur; Harris, Donald (Donald Stuart); Harris, Jesse; Harris, Scott; Harvey, Fletcher; Haverty, Rawson; Hayden, Tom; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, Elmer; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822 1893; Haynes, Sammie Joe; Hearin, Robert M; Heifitz, Bob; Hemingway, Alice; Henderson, Gordon; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Henry, Edward C; Hewitt, Theodis; Higgins, Dorothy; Hillett, Vivian; Hills, Charles M; Hirsch, Frank; Hobbs, Cleophus; Hochstedler, Eli; Hodges, Luther; Hollander, Edward S; Holley, Bruno; Hollings, Ernest; Holloway, Frank; Hollowell, Don; Holmes, Eleanor K; Holsaert, Faith; Honeysucker, Robert; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Huddleston, George, Jr; Hughes, Mathew; Hughes, P. L; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Humphreys, Benjamin G; Hurst, E. E; Hutchins, Mike; Intimidation; Jackson, Goldie; Jackson, Levi; Jackson, Willie; Jails; James, Robert; James, Willie Earl; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Jefferson, Luretha; Jencks, Christopher; Jenkins, Herbert; Jewett, Richard A; Jews; Jews, Poke; Johnson, Andrew, 1808 1875; Johnson, Bernice; Johnson, Kenny; Johnson, Leroy; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Matthew; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jolley, Edythe; Jones, Ashton Bryant; Jones, James; Jones, James, Jr; Jones, Martha; Jones, W. V; Jones, Warren; Kahn, Tom; Kennard, Clyde; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, C. B; King, Coretta Scott, 1927 2006; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Slater, 1927 1969; Kinney, Anne; Korns, William; Kotler, Milton; Kouvel, James S; Ku Klux Klan; Kuykendall, Dan; La Fayette, Colia; Labor Unions; Ladner, Joyce A; Lafayette, Bernard; Lamb, Martha Turner; Landry, Lawrence; Lary, Curtis; Leadbelly, Billy; Leadership; Lee, Daniel; Lee, Herbert; Lewis, Anthony; Lewis, Isaac; Lewis, John; Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21; Lewis, Price; Libraries; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Lockett, Winston; Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902 1985; Lombard, Rudy; Long, Worth W; Louis, Ella Louise; Lovett, J; Lynching; Lyon, Danny; Mackay, James; Maddox, Lester, 1915 2003; Mahoney, Bill; Malkus, Frederick; Manley, A. E; Mann, Gene; Mansfield, Mike; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Marshall, Thurgood, 1908 1993; Marvell, W. T; Massell, Sam, Jr; Mathews, John; Matters, Corrie; Matthews, L. Stanley; Mays, Benjamin; Mc Cain, E. G; Mc Cain, William D. (William David), 1907 1993; Mc Clendon, Emanuel; Mc Daniel, Thomas; Mc Gee, William; Mc Ghee, Collin; Mc Ghee, H. G; Mc Gill, Ralph; Mc Kart, Jack; Mc Keigny, Alex; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Mullan, W. P. (William Patrick); Mc Nair, Landy; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Medicine; Meek, Buck; Mellion, Willie; Meredith, James, 1933; Meriweather, Charles; Merritt, Carole; Meyers, Patricia; Middleton, Hugh; Migration, Internal; Miller, Dorothy; Miller, Michael; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mitchell, Daniel; Mitchell, Langston; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Moore, Amzie; Moore, Howard; Moore, Ronnie M; Moore, Virlyn; Moore, W. O; Moore, William; Morgan, Ernest; Morris, Jesse; Morrison, John S; Moses, Robert Parris; Moss, Joe; Murder; Murphy, Lilly Mae; Murray, George M; Music; Muste, Abraham John, 1885 1967; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Newman, John; Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913 1994; Noble, Billy; Noble, Gus; Nonviolence; Northern Student Movement; Operation Freedom; Palmer, Sylvester Lee; Patterson, John; Patterson, Robert B; Payne, Bruce; Payne, James; Peacock, Willie; Peck, Jim; Percy, W. C; Perdew, John, 1941; Pickett, Roscoe; Pittman, Edwin Lloyd, 1935; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Porter, Archie B; Porter, Margaret Ann; Porter, Maybelle; Potter, I. Lee; Poverty; Prescod, Martha; Price, Paul; Pruitt, Jimmy; Public Welfare; Pye, Durwood P; Rabinowitz, Joni; Ramage, Edward V; Raymond, George; Reagon, Cordell; Reese, Bosie; Reid, Milton; Republican Party (U.S.); Revels, Hiram; Richardson, Gloria, 1922; Robertson, Willie C; Robinson, Bobbie; Robinson, Reginald; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rockefeller, Winthrop, 1912 1973; Rogers, Alex; Rogers, Will; Rolleston, Morton; Rollins, Avon; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882 1945; Rothstein, Peter; Rusk, Dean, 1909 1994; Russell, Charles; Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897 1971; Salinger, Pierre; Salome, Joe; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Sanders, Foster; Sandidge, Milton H; Sayer, Michael; Schreiber, Emanuel D; Schurz, Carl, 1829 1906; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Shannon, William; Sharecroppers; Sharkey, William Lewis, 1798 1873; Shaw, Willie; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Short, Dave; Shuttlesworth, Fred L., 1922 2011; Silberman, Charles E., 1925 2011; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simmons, William J; Simms, Bobby; Smith, Adam, 1723 1790; Smith, C. Miles; Smith, Carl; Smith, Charlean; Smith, Frank; Smith, Henry; Smith, Hugh; Smith, Jerome; Smith, Joe; Smith, Lamar; Smith, Lillian; Smith, Nathaniel; Smith, Ruby Doris; Smith, Scott B; Songy, Dennis; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; St. Clair, Freddie; St. Clair, Herbert; Stallings, Earl; Stembridge, Jane; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sterilization Of Women; Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792 1868; Stevenson, Aldero; Stinson, Julian; Stone, Floyd J; Stoner, Peter; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Summers, Tom; Sumner, Charles, 1811 1874; Surney, Lafayette; Talbert, Bobby; Talmadge, Herman; Thomas, Robert; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Thompson, Daniel C. (Daniel Calbert); Thoreau, Henry David, 1817 1862; Threats; Thurmond, Lenora; Tilden, Samuel J. (Samuel Jones), 1814 1886; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tocqueville, Alexis De, 1805 1859; Tolg, Thomas Taylor; Tougaloo College; Travis, Brenda; Treen, David C; True, Jim; Tubman, Harriet, 1820? 1913; Tucker, Benny; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Cecil; Turner, Nat, 1800? 1831; Tuttle, Elbert P. (Elbert Parr), 1897 1996; Tyson, Bertrand; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1957; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1960; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Universities; University Of Mississippi; Van Buren, Martin, 1782 1862; Van Doren, Mark, 1894 1972; Vardaman, James K. (James Kimble), 1894 1972; Veal, William; Vesey, Denmark, Approximately 1767 1822; Veterans; Viorst, Milton; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Voting; Wages; Walden, A. T; Walker, David; Walker, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1909 1993; Walker, Mardon; Walker, Wyatt Tee; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Walton, Ronald; War On Poverty; Ware, Charles; Warren, Earl, 1891 1974; Warren, Jessie; Warren, R. R; Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915; Washington, George; Washington, Taylor; Waters, Helen; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watts, Joseph Lee; Watts, Shorty; Weaver, Anna Jo; Weaver, Claude; Webber, H. Ed; Weisbord, Marvin; Wells, H. C; Wells, Samuel B., 1916 2005; Weltner, Charles; Wender, Laurie; Westberry, James; White Citizens Councils; White, John H; White, Juanita; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Wilkerson, Milton; Williams, James; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Lank; Williams, Mennon; Williams, Samuel; Wills, Bill R; Wilson, Joe; Wilson, R. B; Wofford, Charles; Women; Woodall, Luther; Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908 1999; Wright, Willis; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Yancey, P. Q; Yarborough, Ralph; Yarbrough, George; Yates, C. R; Young, Norman; Young, Whitney M; Zellner, Robert; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010; Zweig, Michael
Lynd--Printed material, February 1963-October 1965 & undated (Staughton and Alice Lynd papers 1938-2008; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 395, Box 5, Folder 2)
Lynd, Staughton
Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Frank T; Adams, John Quincy; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adelman, Bob; Africa; African Americans; Agriculture; Aiken, A. M; Alcorn Agricultural And Mechanical College; Alcorn, J. L. (James Lusk), 1816 1894; Aleony, Zev; Allen, D. M; Allen, Ivan, 1911 2003; Allen, Louis; Allen, Ralph W., 1941 2005; Amis, Debbie; Anderson, James; Anderson, W. G; Arnold, Carl; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Ault, Richard; Bailey, John M. (John Moran), 1904 1975; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Baker, Howard; Ballots, Jimmy; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnum, John L; Barrett, Joyce; Barrett, Russell H; Bass, Ross, 1918 1993; Bayas, Jacob; Bell, Colin W; Bell, David; Bell, Griffin; Berman, Daniel M; Bernhard, Berl; Berry, Handy; Bethel, Eddie; Bigart, Homer; Bikel, Theodore; Billings, Ella; Black History; Black Muslims; Boggs, Hale; Bombings; Bond, Charles; Boone, Joe; Booth, Mary; Bosanquet, Nicholas; Bosley, Alma; Bouldin, Benny Lou; Bouldin, Ernest; Bouldin, Floyd; Bouldin, Samuel; Boutwell, Albert; Boycotts; Boynton, Amelia P; Branch, Ester; Brando, Marlon; Brannon, John; Branton, Leo; Brawley, James; Brock, E. T; Brown, Alexander; Brown, Connie; Brown, Jess; Brown, Lonnie; Brown, Lula; Brown, Stanford; Brown, Wilson; Bruce, Blanche K; Bryant, Florence; Buber, Martin; Bullock, C. C; Burkes, Marylene; Burlage, Robb, 1937; Burns, James Mac Gregor; Bush, George, 1924; Busick, James; Butler, Raymond; Byrd, Marcellus; Caldwell, Charles; Cameron, John, Rev; Campbell, Charles E; Campbell, L. Foote; Campbell, Lawrence, Rev; Campbell, Paul; Carey, Gordon R; Carpenter, C. C. J; Carter, James; Carter, Joseph, Rev; Carter, Wilmeda; Casey, Robert; Cauthen, Jack; Celler, Emanuel, 1888 1981; Chambers, Albert; Chance, John; Chase, Lendall Warren; Chatmon, Thomas C; Chinn, C. O; Chinn, Henry Lee; Church Buildings; Cinque; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, James G; Clark, Joseph S; Clement, Rufus; Clergy; Clifton, Lessie; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Colbert, Robert; Cold War; Cole, Nat King, 1919 1965; Coleman, Clarence; Coleman, Richard; Collier, James; Communism; Community Action Programs (U.S.); Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Connor, Eugene, 1897 1973; Cook, W. R; Cooperative Societies; Cornish, Charles; Cothran, Tilman; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courthouses; Cox, B. Elton; Cox, Harold; Cross Burning; Crown, James T; Dardenne, Milton; Davis, Archie C; Davis, Frank; Davis, George; Davis, J. W; Davis, Jesse; Davis, Leonard; Davis, Rudolph; Dellinger, David T., 1915 2004; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, David; Devine, Annie; Di Bivort, Lawrence; Doar, John, 1921; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, Charles M; Douglas, Hamilton; Douglas, Thomas; Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895; Dunlap, A. I; Durham, Sallie Mae; Durick, Joseph A; Dylan, Bob, 1941; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Ebert, Roger; Education; Ehrlich, Allen; Eisenberg, Warren; Elections; Employment; Erskine, Doris; Esco, Milton; Evans, Herbie; Evans, Medford; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Evers, Myrlie; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910 1994; Feingold, Mimi; Fischer, Sylvia; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forman, Mildred; Foss, Daniel; Fox, George; Fox, Larry; Frazier, John; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Frey, Richard; Fulton, Richard; Galloway, Willie, Jr; Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869 1948; Gardiner, Robert N; Gibson, Frank; Gillon, Marion; Gilroy, J. R; Goff, Fred; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Paul; Gordon, Bruce; Gordon, Spiver; Gore, Albert; Gore, Bob; Goza, Robert; Grafman, Milton L; Graham, Billy, 1918; Graham, Mary; Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822 1885; Graves, Barbara; Graves, Hubert; Gray, James; Green, Andrew Lee; Green, George; Greenberg, Richard; Greene, Dewey; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Grider, George; Grinage, Ben; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haiti; Haley, Richard; Hall, Prathia; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamilton, John; Hamilton, Mary; Hampton, Nick; Hansen, Bill; Hardin, Paul; Harleaux, W. W; Harmon, Nolan B; Harrington, Michael; Harris, Arthur; Harris, Donald (Donald Stuart); Harris, Jesse; Harris, Scott; Harvey, Fletcher; Haverty, Rawson; Hayden, Tom; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, Elmer; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822 1893; Haynes, Sammie Joe; Hearin, Robert M; Heifitz, Bob; Hemingway, Alice; Henderson, Gordon; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Henry, Edward C; Hewitt, Theodis; Higgins, Dorothy; Hillett, Vivian; Hills, Charles M; Hirsch, Frank; Hobbs, Cleophus; Hochstedler, Eli; Hodges, Luther; Hollander, Edward S; Holley, Bruno; Hollings, Ernest; Holloway, Frank; Hollowell, Don; Holmes, Eleanor K; Holsaert, Faith; Honeysucker, Robert; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Huddleston, George, Jr; Hughes, Mathew; Hughes, P. L; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Humphreys, Benjamin G; Hurst, E. E; Hutchins, Mike; Intimidation; Jackson, Goldie; Jackson, Levi; Jackson, Willie; Jails; James, Robert; James, Willie Earl; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Jefferson, Luretha; Jencks, Christopher; Jenkins, Herbert; Jewett, Richard A; Jews; Jews, Poke; Johnson, Andrew, 1808 1875; Johnson, Bernice; Johnson, Kenny; Johnson, Leroy; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Matthew; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jolley, Edythe; Jones, Ashton Bryant; Jones, James; Jones, James, Jr; Jones, Martha; Jones, W. V; Jones, Warren; Kahn, Tom; Kennard, Clyde; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, C. B; King, Coretta Scott, 1927 2006; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Slater, 1927 1969; Kinney, Anne; Korns, William; Kotler, Milton; Kouvel, James S; Ku Klux Klan; Kuykendall, Dan; La Fayette, Colia; Labor Unions; Ladner, Joyce A; Lafayette, Bernard; Lamb, Martha Turner; Landry, Lawrence; Lary, Curtis; Leadbelly, Billy; Leadership; Lee, Daniel; Lee, Herbert; Lewis, Anthony; Lewis, Isaac; Lewis, John; Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21; Lewis, Price; Libraries; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Lockett, Winston; Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902 1985; Lombard, Rudy; Long, Worth W; Louis, Ella Louise; Lovett, J; Lynching; Lyon, Danny; Mackay, James; Maddox, Lester, 1915 2003; Mahoney, Bill; Malkus, Frederick; Manley, A. E; Mann, Gene; Mansfield, Mike; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Marshall, Thurgood, 1908 1993; Marvell, W. T; Massell, Sam, Jr; Mathews, John; Matters, Corrie; Matthews, L. Stanley; Mays, Benjamin; Mc Cain, E. G; Mc Cain, William D. (William David), 1907 1993; Mc Clendon, Emanuel; Mc Daniel, Thomas; Mc Gee, William; Mc Ghee, Collin; Mc Ghee, H. G; Mc Gill, Ralph; Mc Kart, Jack; Mc Keigny, Alex; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Mullan, W. P. (William Patrick); Mc Nair, Landy; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Medicine; Meek, Buck; Mellion, Willie; Meredith, James, 1933; Meriweather, Charles; Merritt, Carole; Meyers, Patricia; Middleton, Hugh; Migration, Internal; Miller, Dorothy; Miller, Michael; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mitchell, Daniel; Mitchell, Langston; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Moore, Amzie; Moore, Howard; Moore, Ronnie M; Moore, Virlyn; Moore, W. O; Moore, William; Morgan, Ernest; Morris, Jesse; Morrison, John S; Moses, Robert Parris; Moss, Joe; Murder; Murphy, Lilly Mae; Murray, George M; Music; Muste, Abraham John, 1885 1967; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Newman, John; Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913 1994; Noble, Billy; Noble, Gus; Nonviolence; Northern Student Movement; Operation Freedom; Palmer, Sylvester Lee; Patterson, John; Patterson, Robert B; Payne, Bruce; Payne, James; Peacock, Willie; Peck, Jim; Percy, W. C; Perdew, John, 1941; Pickett, Roscoe; Pittman, Edwin Lloyd, 1935; Police Brutality; Poll Tax; Porter, Archie B; Porter, Margaret Ann; Porter, Maybelle; Potter, I. Lee; Poverty; Prescod, Martha; Price, Paul; Pruitt, Jimmy; Public Welfare; Pye, Durwood P; Rabinowitz, Joni; Ramage, Edward V; Raymond, George; Reagon, Cordell; Reese, Bosie; Reid, Milton; Republican Party (U.S.); Revels, Hiram; Richardson, Gloria, 1922; Robertson, Willie C; Robinson, Bobbie; Robinson, Reginald; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rockefeller, Winthrop, 1912 1973; Rogers, Alex; Rogers, Will; Rolleston, Morton; Rollins, Avon; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882 1945; Rothstein, Peter; Rusk, Dean, 1909 1994; Russell, Charles; Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897 1971; Salinger, Pierre; Salome, Joe; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Sanders, Foster; Sandidge, Milton H; Sayer, Michael; Schreiber, Emanuel D; Schurz, Carl, 1829 1906; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Shannon, William; Sharecroppers; Sharkey, William Lewis, 1798 1873; Shaw, Willie; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Short, Dave; Shuttlesworth, Fred L., 1922 2011; Silberman, Charles E., 1925 2011; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simmons, William J; Simms, Bobby; Smith, Adam, 1723 1790; Smith, C. Miles; Smith, Carl; Smith, Charlean; Smith, Frank; Smith, Henry; Smith, Hugh; Smith, Jerome; Smith, Joe; Smith, Lamar; Smith, Lillian; Smith, Nathaniel; Smith, Ruby Doris; Smith, Scott B; Songy, Dennis; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; St. Clair, Freddie; St. Clair, Herbert; Stallings, Earl; Stembridge, Jane; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sterilization Of Women; Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792 1868; Stevenson, Aldero; Stinson, Julian; Stone, Floyd J; Stoner, Peter; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Summers, Tom; Sumner, Charles, 1811 1874; Surney, Lafayette; Talbert, Bobby; Talmadge, Herman; Thomas, Robert; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Thompson, Daniel C. (Daniel Calbert); Thoreau, Henry David, 1817 1862; Threats; Thurmond, Lenora; Tilden, Samuel J. (Samuel Jones), 1814 1886; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tocqueville, Alexis De, 1805 1859; Tolg, Thomas Taylor; Tougaloo College; Travis, Brenda; Treen, David C; True, Jim; Tubman, Harriet, 1820? 1913; Tucker, Benny; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Cecil; Turner, Nat, 1800? 1831; Tuttle, Elbert P. (Elbert Parr), 1897 1996; Tyson, Bertrand; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1957; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1960; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Universities; University Of Mississippi; Van Buren, Martin, 1782 1862; Van Doren, Mark, 1894 1972; Vardaman, James K. (James Kimble), 1894 1972; Veal, William; Vesey, Denmark, Approximately 1767 1822; Veterans; Viorst, Milton; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Voting; Wages; Walden, A. T; Walker, David; Walker, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1909 1993; Walker, Mardon; Walker, Wyatt Tee; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Walton, Ronald; War On Poverty; Ware, Charles; Warren, Earl, 1891 1974; Warren, Jessie; Warren, R. R; Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915; Washington, George; Washington, Taylor; Waters, Helen; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watts, Joseph Lee; Watts, Shorty; Weaver, Anna Jo; Weaver, Claude; Webber, H. Ed; Weisbord, Marvin; Wells, H. C; Wells, Samuel B., 1916 2005; Weltner, Charles; Wender, Laurie; Westberry, James; White Citizens Councils; White, John H; White, Juanita; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Wilkerson, Milton; Williams, James; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Lank; Williams, Mennon; Williams, Samuel; Wills, Bill R; Wilson, Joe; Wilson, R. B; Wofford, Charles; Women; Woodall, Luther; Woodward, C. Vann (Comer Vann), 1908 1999; Wright, Willis; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Yancey, P. Q; Yarborough, Ralph; Yarbrough, George; Yates, C. R; Young, Norman; Young, Whitney M; Zellner, Robert; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010; Zweig, Michael
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