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Advent of the New York Indians into Wisconsin
Clergy; Government; Indian Reservations; Indians Of North America Government Relations; Menominee; Missionaries; Native Americans; New York Indians; Newspapers; Oneida; Race Relations
Allan--Russell Allan papers, 1964; Archives Main Stacks, SC626
Allan, Russell
Allen, Louis; Alsop, Stewart; Church Buildings; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Host Families; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Lynching; Mass Media; Murder; Police; Segregation; Training; United States; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Volunteers; Voter Registration
Allen--Freedom School mimeo materials 1963-64 (Pamela P. Allen papers, 1967-1974; Archives Main Stacks, M85-013, Folder 1)
Abbot, Klondike; Abbot, Lemon; Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Adam, Bidwell, 1894; Adams, Jim; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adams, William; Adams, William Ed; Africa; African Americans; Agricultural Subsidies; Agriculture; Alcorn, J. L. (James Lusk), 1816 1894; Allen, John; Allen, Louis; Allen, Ralph W., 1941 2005; Americans For Preservation Of The White Race; Analavage, Robert; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Association For The Preservation Of The White Race; Atkins, V. B; Ault, Richard; Bail; Bailey, Henry; Baker, Ella C; Baldwin, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barrett, Joyce; Barrett, Russell H; Bass, Robert; Bassett, Ebenezer D., 1833 1908; Bateman, Joe; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Beecher, John; Belafonte, Harry, 1927; Bell, John; Bennett, Fay; Bernard, Joel; Bess, George; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Bikel, Theodore; Bird, Robert S; Bishop, Ernestine; Bishop, Jack; Black History; Blacks, James; Blackwell, Randolph; Blanchette, Donald; Blaylock, Ira; Block, Sam; Blow, Robert; Bombings; Bowie, Henry; Boycotts; Boynton, Amelia P; Bradford, John; Brewer, Charles; Brewer, Green; Bridgeforth, Ron; Brooks, Eddie; Brown, Alexander; Brown, Benjamin A; Brown, Candy; Brown, Dennis; Brown, John; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Lloyd; Brown, Lonnie; Brown, Tom; Bruce, Blanche K; Buber, Martin; Buckley, Sears, Jr; Burkes, Marylene; Burks, Lela Mae; Burnham, Margaret; Butler, Raymond; Cabot, Luke; Caldwell, Charles; Camera, Jeremy; Campbell, Louis; Campbell, Malcolm; Carmichael, Stokely; Carpenter, David; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chappell, Fred; Chase, Oscar; Chastain, Norman; Chatfield, John; Cierciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Clark, James G; Clergy; Clorfeine, Stephen; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cohen, Bob; Cole, Beatrice; Cole, Junior Roosevelt; Coleman, Buddy; Coleman, Ike; Coleman, Isaac; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Collier, James; Collins, Ben; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Connor, Eugene, 1897 1973; Cooper, Annie Lee; Coopwood, Sam; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Country, Eddie; Courthouses; Cox, Harold; Cross Burning; Cross, Joseph; Daley, Richard M; Daley, Roger; Dann, James; Davis, Jefferson; Davis, Leonard; Davis, Ossie; De Vine, Annie; Declaration Of Independence (By Mississippi Freedom Schools Students); Dee, Ruby; Dellinger, David T., 1915 2004; Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Derby, Doris Adelaide; Dorrough, Charles M; Douglas, Nelson; Douglass, Frederick, 1818 1895; Dunn, Oscar; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Ebert, Roger; Edelman, Marian Wright; Education; Edwards, Allen; Elections; Else, Jon; Emerson, Ruth; Evans, M. Stanton (Medford Stanton), 1934; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Eyrich, Clarence; Falk, Gail; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Fast, Howard; Faulkner, Gary Phillip; Featherstone, Ralph; Federal Aid; Finley, John; Flowers, Dick; Flowers, Richmond; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forman, Mildred; Fox, Ellen; Fox, Larry; France, Gunther; Franklin, Marvin A; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Freeman, Gladys; Frentz, Gunter; Frey, Richard; Funches, Willie; Gallatly, Mary Sue; Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869 1948; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Garner, Johnny O; Garnett, Henry High; Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805 1879; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Gilman, Robert; Glenn, Charles; Glover, Jesse James; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Paul; Goodner, Allen Thomas; Goodwin, Essie; Gordon, Bruce; Goza, Robert; Graham, Benjamin; Grant, Louis; Green, Andrew Lee; Gulick, Susan; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haiti; Hall, Robert H; Hall, William; Hamburg, Fred; Hamer, Donald; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hansen, William; Harper, Debbie; Harris, Donald (Donald Stuart); Harris, Ernest; Harris, Fred; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Harrison, Joe; Hayden, Casey; Hayes, Elmer; Hayes, Louis; Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822 1893; Hearin, Robert M; Henderson, Margie; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hewitt, Theodis; Higgs, William; Hillett, Vivian; Hooper, F. A; Housing; Hughes, Langston, 1902 1967; Hurst, E. F; Hutchinson, William; Intimidation; Jackson, Alma; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Lloyd; Jails; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Jeeter, Joey; Jenkins, Douglas; John Birch Society; Johnson, Andrew, 1808 1875; Johnson, Frank; Johnson, Linda; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Ashton Bryant; Jones, Frank; Jones, James; Junk, Ursula; Kahn, Tom; Kashiwagi, Mike; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kennard, Clyde; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894 1971; King, Ann; King, C. B; King, Edwin H; King, James; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Slater, Mrs; Kirstein, Lincoln; Ku Klux Klan; Kushner, Fred; Labor Unions; Lafayette, Bernard; Lane, Mary; Laurent, George; Lee, Curtis; Lee, Herbert; Lee, Joe; Leigh, Sanford; Lewis, Gavin; Lewis, Isaac; Lewis, John, 1940 Feb. 21; Libraries; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Little, George; Liutkis, John; Loe, D. Eugene; Long, Paul; Long, Worth W; Lorenzi, Henry; Love, John Clark; Lowe, Harry; Lowenstein, Rick; Lucky, Cleota; Lunney, Robert; Lynch, John R; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Lyon, Danny; Mahoney, Bill; Mallory, Hugh; Mansor, Charles; March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.); Marshall, Burke, 1922; Martin, Joe; Mass Media; Matthew, Stanley; Maurer, Joe; Mc Craney, Robert; Mc Daniel, Thomas; Mc Ghee, Laura; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Hugh, Madeline; Mc Keigny, Alex; Mc Keller, Tilmon; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Leod, Blanchard; Mc Mullan, W. P. (William Patrick); Mc Rae, Willie; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Miller, Michael; Minnis, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi Southern Caravan Of Music; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mitchell, Arelya J; Mitchell, Francis; Mize, Sidney C. (Sidney Carr), 1888 1965; Moore, William; Morgan, Lewis; Morse, Frank; Morse, Joseph; Morton, Eric; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Gilbert; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; Muste, Abraham John, 1885 1967; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; National Sharecroppers' Fund (U.S.); Neblett, Carver; Neblett, Charles; Nemenyi, Peter; Newman, M. W; Nixon, Robert; Noble, Gus; Nonviolence; Painter, Willie; Parker, J. S; Parks, Henry; Pate, Karen; Peacock, Willie; Pearlman, Daniel; Perdew, John, 1941; Perkins, Mother; Pete, James; Phipps, James Earl; Pinchback, P. B. S; Police Brutality; Polk, Delois; Ponder, Annell; Ponder, Preston; Poverty; Powell, William; Powells, J. D; Pratt, John; Prescod, Martha; Price, Cecil; Price, Charles; Pritchett, Laurie; Quinn, Aylene; Rainey, Joseph; Rainey, Lawrence A; Raymond, George; Reeb, James, 1927 1965; Reed, J. Nolan; Reese, Bosie; Reese, Henry; Remsburg, Charles; Republican Party (U.S.); Revels, Hiram; Reynolds, Bernard; Rice, Carl; Ridley, Eugene; Riley, David; Roberts, Kenneth A. (Kenneth Allison), 1912 1989; Roberts, Ralph R; Robinson, Reginald; Robinson, Roy; Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908 1979; Rogers, Alex; Rogers, Lois; Ross, Jim; Rouse, Eugene; Rubel, Cathy; Rufus, Octavia; Rush, Georgia; Rush, John T; Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897 1971; Rust College; Rustin, Bayard, 1912 1987; Samstein, Mendy; Scattergood, Charles; Schiff, Morton; Schrader, Emmie; Schulman, Howard; Schurz, Carl, 1829 1906; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, Willie Emma; Seeger, Pete, 1919; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sharecroppers; Sharkey, William Lewis, 1798 1873; Shaw, Terry; Shaw, Willie; Shepard, Walt; Sheriffs; Shields, Roy; Sillers, Walter, 1888 1966; Silver, James W. (James Wesley), 1907 1988; Simpron, Richard; Simpson, Richard; Smith, Bob; Smith, Douglas; Smith, Ernest; Smith, J. D., Mrs; Smith, J. V; Smith, Jeff; Smith, Lamar; Smith, Lillian; Smith, Lorie; Smith, Maury; Smith, Robert; Smith, Steven; Smitherman, Joseph; Snows, Jack; Somlyo, Louise; Soracco, Frank; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Sternberger, Richard S; Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792 1868; Stigler, Joe; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Sumner, Charles, 1811 1874; Surney, Lafayette; Sweeney, Dennis; Talmadge, Herman; Taylor, Ida Mae; Teachers; Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Thetford, William; Thomas, Daniel; Thomas, John; Thomas, Morton; Thomas, Willy; Thompson, Dan; Thoreau, Henry David, 1817 1862; Thornhill, J. E., Sr; Threats; Till, Emmett, 1941 1955; Tillinghast, Muriel; Toussaint Louverture, 1743 1803; Travis, Brenda; Travis, James; Travis, Robert; Trice, Clifford; True, Jim; Tubman, Harriet, 1820? 1913; Tucker, Benny; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Gil; Tuttle, Elbert P. (Elbert Parr), 1897 1996; Unemployment; United Nations; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1957; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Van Doren, Mark, 1894 1972; Vardaman, James K. (James Kimble), 1894 1972; Vaughs, Cliff; Veterans; Voter Registration; Voting; Wages; Walker, David; Walker, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1909 1993; Walker, Wyatt Tee; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Wallace, Mike, 1918 2012; Ware, Bill; Ware, Henry; Ware, William; Warren, Earl, 1891 1974; Washington, Booker T., 1856 1915; Washington, George; Washington, George, Mrs; Washington, Taylor; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watts, Sandra; Weinberger, Eric; Wells, Samuel B., 1916 2005; Welsh, David; Werner, Peter; Wheeler, Jean; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; Whites; Whittaker, R. V; Whitten, Jamie; Wilcox, Jimmy Lee; Wilkins, John; Williams, Alvery; Williams, Bob; Williams, Chris; Williams, James; Williamson, Gordon; Wilson, R. B; Winn, Fred; Winstand, Charles; Winstead, Arthur; Winter, George; Wise, Stanley; Wood, Robert E; Wood, William; Wright, Frank; Wright, Judy; Wright, Martha; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Young, Whitney; Zellner, Robert; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010; Ziss, Edward
Allen--Newspaper and magazine clippings, newsletters and reports, and 1964 correspondence (Pamela P. Allen papers, 1967-1974; Z: Accessions, M85-587, Folder 3)
Arrest; Berkes, Milton; Brewster, Daniel; Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904 1971; Cadwallader, T. Sidney, Ii; Cantor, O. Edward; Case, Clifford; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Clark, Joseph S; Community Centers; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Crockett, George W; Curtin, Willard S; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Dirksen, Everett Mc Kinley; Drinan, Robert F; Dulles, Allen, 1893 1969; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Farrell, Gregory; Fraser, Willard; Freedom Schools; Gillard, Mary Lou; Gleicher, Florence; Gleicher, Sol; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Heyman, Paul; Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906 1967; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Intimidation; Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904 1986; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Keating, Kenneth B. (Kenneth Barnard), 1900 1975; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kurtz, W. L., Mrs; Lawrence, David Leo, 1889 1966; Leatherwood, Tom; Levy, Leonard; Libraries; Luckie, Edward B; Luckie, S. Blair; Lynching; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Mass Media; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Merrill, Gary; Meyers, William; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Morse, Otis B; Morton, Eric; Murder; Murphy, John L; Mutnick, Barbara; Mutnick, George; Mutnick, Margaret; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Osmers, Frank C., Jr; Parents; Parker, Jean; Parker, Stanley M; Patch, Isaac, Jr; Pinston, Ronald; Reid, Ogden R. (Ogden Rogers), 1925; Renninger, John S; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saltonstall, Leverett, 1892 1979; Samuel, Ralph O; Sarachild, Kathie; Sarfatt, Dudley E; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, Hugh; Scranton, William Warren, 1917; Smith, Benjamin Eugene; Stelzer, Elsie; Stelzer, Leigh; Stennis, John C. (John Cornelius), 1901 1995; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Sweeney, Thomas S; Thompson, Frank; Threats; Trimble, David; Trimble, Glen; Tushnet, Fannie; Tushnet, Leonard; Tushnet, Mark; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; Wenk, Elizabeth; White, Lee C., 1923; Williams, Harrison; Wilmore, Ron; Wilson, Cora
Allen--Newspaper and magazine clippings, newsletters and reports, and 1964 correspondence (Pamela P. Allen papers, 1967-1974; Z: Accessions, M85-587, Folder 2)
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Adkins, Jewel; Agriculture; Alberts, George; Amlin, Pat; Aronson, Henry; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Ayers, Beulah Mae; Barnhill, Roger; Bean, Aubery; Beard, John; Beard, Mattie M; Bloomfield, Barbara; Bombings; Boycotts; Bridgeforth, Mamie; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Sterling; Bryant, Harry; Burton, Wanda; Carmichael, Stokely; Carpenter, J. H. (Billy); Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chase, Valita; Church Buildings; Cieciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Coopwood, Sam; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Crawford, Emma; Crockett, Mary Ethel; Cummings, Peter; Davis, Idince; Davis, Wil; De Berry, Roy; De Vine, Annie; Dean, J. T; Dean, Mary; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Demonstrations; Dickerson, Mary; Dilworth, Lee; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorse, Jo Ann; Dorse, Rebecca; Dortch, Francis; Dundan, Johnny; Education; Elliott, Ernice; Evans, Andre; Evans, Annie B; Evans, Ernestine; Evans, Geanevial; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Featherstone, Ralph; Flynn, Deborah; Foster, W. B; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Schools; Freedom Vote; Futorian, Aviva; Gaines, Michael; Galt, Lester; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Graham, Benjamin; Gray, Willie J; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hancock, Cleveland; Handy, John; Hansen, Bill; Hardy, John; Harrington, Donald; Harris, Jesse; Harris, Mary Frances; Heininger, Edward K; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hodes, William; Host Families; House, Stuart; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hunn, Eugene; Intimidation; Jackson, Alma; Johnson, George; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Roger; Jones, Jesse; Kornfield, Carol; Labor Unions; Lavelle, Robert; Libraries; Louie, Dorothy; Lynching; Mac Donald, Billy; Malm, Harry; Manoff, Tom; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Martin, Mel; Mason, Rae; Masters, Robert; Mathis, Ada; Mc Cain, William D. (William David), 1907 1993; Mc Ghee, Annias; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Gowan, Yvonne; Mc Kay, Marianne; Mc Kinnie, Early C; Meely, Fred; Merrill, Marjorie; Miles, Robert; Miller, Charles; Miller, Fred; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Monk, Erica; Moore, Ira; Moses, Denise; Moses, Gilbert; Mulden, Rosie E; Murden, Rosie Ella; Murder; Nunnally, Roy; O'connor, Claire; O'neal, John, 1940; Oliver, Amelia; Oliver, Mattie; Paul, John Lyon; Percell, J. K; Perry, M. C; Peterson, Lloyd; Polacheck, John; Police; Police Brutality; Polk, Delois; Poplar, Walter Lee; Poverty; Powell, Kirsty; Price, Earl; Quam, Paul, Mrs; Quinn, Aylene; Reaves, Imogene; Reaves, Murray; Reaves, Naomi Normene; Reaves, Sonny; Reese, Carolyn; Reynolds, Modena; Richard, Jacqueline; Ricks, Willie; Roberson, Diana; Robertson, Jesse; Robinson, Sarah; Roby, Harold; Rubin, Larry, 1942; Sarachild, Kathie; Scales, Charlie T; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Shannon, Prince; Sharp, Monroe; Siegel, Larry; Simonson, H. C; Skudder, Ken; Smith, Bob; Smith, Ethel; Stanley, Ray; Stevenson, Eddie; Stevenson, James; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Tessaro, George; Thompson, Loyal; Threats; Tidwell, Bernice; Tipler, Alberta; Tipler, James; Turner, Gil; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wahman, Susan; Wahman, Thomas; Walton, Calvin; Washington, Cynthia; Washington, Freddie M; Washington, Jackie; Washington, Linda; Weaver, Claude; Webber, Carmen; Weinberger, Eric; White, Don; Williams, Eddie; Williamson, Roy; Women; Wright, Joe; Xifaras, Gloria; Yancey, Wayne
A Map of South Carolina and a Part of Georgia: Containing the Whole Sea-Coast; All the Islands, Inlets, Rivers, Creeks, Parishes, Townships, Boroughs, Roads, and Bridges: As Also, Several Plantations, with Their Proper Boundary-lines, Their Names, and the Names of their Proprietors
Faden, William
View @ Wisconsin Historical Society
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of Virginia Containing the Whole Province of Maryland: With Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina
Fry, Joshua; Jefferson, Peter
View @ Wisconsin Historical Society
An Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Performed in the Years 1819, 1820
Alcohol Trade; Big Elk, Ong Pa Ton Ga; Biology; Birds; Black Bird, Wash Ing Guh Sah Ba; Botany; Cartography; Clothing; Colonization; Commerce; Construction; Customs; Dakota Sioux; Dance; Diplomacy & Treaties; Earthquakes; Education; Emigration & Migration; Engineering; Flowers; Food & Water; Fruits; Fur Trade; Geography; Geology; Governance & Laws; Health & Illness; Herbs; Housing & Furnishings; Hunting; Indian Beliefs; Indian Practices; Intertribal Relations; Iowa; Jewelry & Adornment; Kansa; Kansas River; Legends; Long, Major S.H; Mahas; Mammals; Military; Mineral Deposits; Minetares; Mississippi River; Missouri; Missouri River; Navigation; O'fallon, Major; Ohio River; Omaha; Osage; Oto; Pawnee; Physics; Platte River; Recreation; Reptiles & Amphibians; Rivers; Sauk; Say, Mr. T; Shrubs; Slaver; Slavery; St. Louis; Teton; Transportation; Trees; Warfare & Battles; Worklife; Yankton
An Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Performed in the Years 1819, 1820
Alcohol & Tobacco; Arapaho; Arkansas River; Bear Tooth; Caddo; Canadian River; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Captain Bell; Cartography; Cherokee; Cheyenne; Clermont; Clothing; Colonization; Comanche; Commerce; Customs; Diplomacy & Treaties; Domestic Animals; Food & Water; Fort Smith, Arkansas; Fox; Geography; Geology; Health & Illness; Hot Springs, Arkansas; Indian Practices; Insects; Intertribal Relations; Kansa; Kaskaia; Kiowa; Little Rock, Arkansas; Major S.H. Long; Military; Mineral Deposits; Missouri; Mountains; Mr. Sibley; Osage; Oto; Pawnee; Peter Choateau; Population; Red River; Rivers; Sauk; Slaver; Slavery; Snake; Soil; The Calf; Trade & Barter; Visual Arts
An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Sauk and Fox Nations of Indians
Adolescence; Aging; Black Hawk War, 1832; Canoes And Canoeing; Childhood; Clothing And Dress; Cookery; Corn; Death; Deer Hunting; Dwellings; Family; Food; Fox; French And Indian War, 1755 1763; Fur Trade; Gardens; Government; Hunting; Indian Dance; Indians Of North America Government Relations; Marriage; Medicine; Meteorology; Native Americans; Prisoners Of War; Race Relations; Rites And Ceremonies; Sauk; War Of 1812
Andrew Goodman
Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Volunteers
Andrew Goodman, Seated
Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Volunteers
Andrew Goodman, Seated
Demonstrations; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Volunteers
Andrew Goodman, Standing on Staircase
Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Volunteers
A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America
Caddo; Caddoan; Catholic; Colonization; Comanche; Father Douay; Firearms Trade; Fishing; Food & Water; Geography; Hans; Health & Illness; Henri Joutel; Housing & Furnishings; Hunting; Huron Including Wyandot Indians; Illinois; Illinois River; Indian Beliefs; Indian Practices; Intertribal Relations; Iroquois; Jean Cavelier; La Salle; Legends; Matagorda Bay; Miami; Missionaries; Mississippi River; Nika; Nikana; Ohio River; Osage; Pawnee; Quebec; Seneca; Shawnee; Slaver; Slavery; Trade & Barter; Visual Arts; Warfare & Battles; Wisconsin River
A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America
Captivity; Catholic; Choctaw; Clothing; Construction; Conversion; Customs; Dance; Food & Water; Geography; Health & Illness; Hunting; Huron Including Wyandot Indians; Illinois; Indian Beliefs; Indian Practices; International Relations; Intertribal Relations; Iroquois; Jewelry & Adornment; Lakes; Mammals; Miami; Missionaries; Mississippi River; Music; Ottawa; Reptiles & Amphibians; Rivers; Slaver; Slavery; Taensa; Tamaroa; Tools & Implements; Trade & Barter; Transportation; Warfare & Battles
Anneke--Series: Women's Suffrage Correspondence, 1866-1884 (Fritz Anneke and Mathilde Franziska Anneke papers, 1791-1934; Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Box 5, Folder 4)
Anneke, Mathilde Franziska
Woman's Suffrage Correspondence
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