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Montgomery--SNCC: Circulars, newsletters, program outlines, incidents, 1963-1966 (Lucile Montgomery Papers, 1963-1967; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 44, Reel 3, Segment 48)
Montgomery, Lucile
Abbott, William; Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Abernethy, Thomas Gerstle, 1903 1998; Achtermann, J. R; Adams, Dora; Adams, Joseph; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Africa; Agriculture; Alanson, Ann; Albert, Carl Bert, 1908 2000; Allen, John; Allen, Thomas; Alsop, Joseph, 1910 1989; American Friends Service Committee; Anderson, Fred; Anderson, Maeola; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Ault, Richard; Austen, James; Avery, Anne Pearl, 1943; Bail; Bailey, Billy; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Baker, Wilson; Baldwin, James, 1924 1987; Baldwin, Lue Eddie; Bankhead, Lee; Barnes, Betty; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnum, John L; Barrett, Joyce; Barry, James; Barry, Marion, 1936; Battiste, John; Battle, Randy, 2009; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Beecher, John; Belafonte, Harry, 1927; Belk, Jimmy; Belk, Willie; Bell, John; Bell, Mary; Bellamy, Fay; Bennett, Adell; Bernard, Joel; Berry, Elwood; Bess, George; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Bird, Robert S; Bishop, Ernestine; Black Power; Blackwell, Randolph; Blaylock, Ira; Block, Sam; Blue, Willie; Bombings; Bond, James; Bond, Julian, 1940; Bouldin, Walter; Boycotts; Boyd, Harry; Boyd, Malcolm, 1923; Boynton, Bruce; Branch, Harllee, Jr; Branch, Stanley; Brandt, Barbara; Bregans, Jesse; Brooks, Arance; Brown, Alexander; Brown, Gwin; Brown, James; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Lonnie; Brown, Lubertha; Brown, Tom; Brown, Wilson; Bryant, Charles; Buffington, John; Burton, Phillip; Bush, A. D; Cabot, Thomas D; Camp, E. A., Jr; Campbell, Malcolm; Campbell, Maybelle; Capleton, Bob; Carmichael, Stokely; Carpenter, Charles; Carr, Terry; Carter, Samuel; Casey, Sandra; Castro, Fidel, 1926; Catlin, John; Cavanaugh, Jerome; Champney, Ken; Chandler, Len; Chaney, Ben; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Chapman, Rosa; Chappell, Fred; Chase, Oscar; Chatfield, Jack; Chesney, Susan; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Claflin, W. H; Clark, Ben; Clark, Ed; Clark, Geoffrey; Clark, James G; Clark, Paul F; Clarke, Edward; Clemson, Barry; Clergy; Cleverdon, David; Clothing And Dress; Cobb, Charles E., Jr; Cole, Bernice; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Coleman, Tom; Colmer, William Meyers, 1890 1980; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooper, Annie Lee; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Courts; Cox, Courtland, 1942; Cravon, Harry; Crocker, L. C; Crosby, Bernice; Cross Burning; Crum, Samson; Cummins, Peter; Dabbs, Jo; Daley, Richard J; Daley, Roger; Dallas, Willa; Daniel, John; Dann, James; Davis, Barbara; Davis, Eddie, Jr; Davis, Freddie; Davis, Ivy; Davis, Linda; Davis, Phil; Davis, Virginia; De Lissovoy, Peter; De Muth, Jerry, 1937; De Sousa, Ronald; Deacons; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dennis, Dave; Dillon, Willie J; Doar, John, 1921; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Douglas, Paul, Mrs; Dyer, Henry; Dymally, Mervyn M., 1926 2012; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Edwards, Don; Edwards, Len; Ellis, Robert; Ellison, Judy; Else, Jon; Ensign, Margo; Ervin, Felix; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Eviction; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Farnum, Eric; Featherstone, Ralph; Federal Aid; Felder, Bobby; Fischer, Charles; Fischer, Sylvia; Fletcher, Robert; Flowers, Richmond; Ford, Betty; Ford, Ellis; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forman, Mildred; Fox, Larry; Fraser, Steve; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Rides; Freedom Schools; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Fullwood, Ulysses; Fund Raising; Gahtan, Robert; Gaither, Thomas Walter, 1938; Galloway, Warren; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Garman, Betty; Garofolo, Robert; Geiger, Jack; Gildersleeve, James E; Giles, Oscar, Mrs; Gilliam, Terry; Gilliam, Willie Roy; Gilman, Robert; Glasco, James; Glass, Elly; Glass, Henry; Gleason, Ralph; Glick, Fred; Goldstein, Barry; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Gordon, Maggie; Gozzi, Ray; Graham, George; Graham, Paul; Green, Edith, 1910 1987; Greene, George; Grieger, Barry; Griffin, Marvin; Griffin, William; Guinea; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haberman, Karen; Hackman, Walton; Hall, Carsie A; Hall, William; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamlett, Ed, 1939; Hammerman, Howard; Hansberry, Lorraine; Hansen, William; Hare, James A; Harris, Donald (Donald Stuart); Harris, Jesse; Harris, Joyce; Harris, Mc Cree; Harris, Tom; Harrison, Jesse; Hart, Philip A. (Philip Aloysius), 1912 1976; Hartfield, Huston; Hawkins, Andrew; Hawkins, Augustus; Hayden, Casey; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, Willie; Height, Dorothy I. (Dorothy Irene), 1912 2010; Heinz, Chris; Heitler, Richard; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Henry, Elizabeth; Herring, H. W; Higgs, William; Highlander Research And Education Center (Knoxville, Tenn.); Hillegas, Jan; Holt, Jack; Hooks, Tommy; Horowitz, Charlie; Horton, Myles, 1905 1990; Host Families; House, Karen; House, Stuart; Houston, M. H; Howard, David; Howard, Ruth; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hunter, Sam; Intimidation; Isaacs, K. L; Jack, Nathaniel; Jackson, Jimmie Lee; Jackson, John; Jackson, Samuel; Jahnke, Tim; Jail Experiences; Jefferson, Aldonia; Jenkins, Douglas; Johnson, Charles; Johnson, Curtis; Johnson, George; Johnson, James; Johnson, L. Warren; Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912 2007; Johnson, Les; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Marlene; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Jones, Ashton Bryant; Jones, Barbara; Jones, Charles; Jones, Jim; Jones, Matthew; Junk, Ursula; Kahn, Simon; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kendall, David; Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917 1963; Kennedy, Robert F., 1925 1968; Keppel, Francis, 1916 1990; Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894 1971; Kinderman, Gibbs; King, Annie Mae; King, C. B; King, Coretta Scott, 1927 2006; King, Edwin H; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Slater, 1927 1969; Kitchen, Herman; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Ladner, Dorie; Ladner, Heber; Lafayette, Bernard; Landry, Lawrence; Lane, Mary; Lanier, J. L; Lapsansky, Phillip; Larry, Gloria; Lary, Curtis; Lauren, Margaret; Lawson, Carol; Lawyers; Leadership; Lefor, Pat; Leigh, Sanford; Lelyveld, Arthur J., 1913 1996; Levine, Allan; Lewis, Gavin; Lewis, John; Libraries; Lindsay, Merrill W; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Little, Grady; Liutkis, John; Lockett, Ramona; Loggins, Clinton; Long, Roosevelt; Long, Worth W; Love, John Clark; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Lyon, Danny; Mac Millan, Ernest; Mahone, Sammy; Mallory, Hugh; Malone, Sammy; Mangrum, Fred; Manning, Rick; Mansfield, Teresa; Mants, Bob; Marshall, Burke, 1922; Marshall, Louise; Marshall, Tom; Martin, Larry; Martin, Louis; Mass Media; Maxwell, Bruce; Mc Alpine, David Lee; Mc Clendon, B. B; Mc Cormack, John W., 1891 1980; Mc Davis, Melvin; Mc Dew, Charles; Mc Ghee, Jake; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Gill, Ralph; Mc Glaughan, Floyd; Mc Kinnie, Lester; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Leod, Blanchard; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Mc Rae, Willie; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meely, Fred; Mellon, Richard King; Melton, Joe; Mercer, Wayne; Metcalf, George; Migrant Labor; Migration, Internal; Miles, Robert; Miller, Gracie; Miller, Hurluf; Miller, Jimmy; Miller, Karen; Miller, Michael; Miller, Steve; Miller, Walt; Miller, Warren; Minnis, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mitchell, Francis; Moldovan, Alfred, 1921; Montgomery, Lucile; Moore, Marcia; Moore, Philip; Moore, William; Morris, David; Morrison, Tim; Morrisroe, Richard; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Neblett, Carver; Neblett, Charles; Nelson, Jack; Newell, Bob; Newman, M. W; Nonviolence; Norman, Silas; Nugent, Jim; Olsen, Clark; Osman, Robert David; Ovshinsky, Ben; Owen, David; Pace, Stephen; Packard, Pat; Palmer, Alpha; Palmer, Bruce; Palmer, Hattie; Palmer, Hazel T; Palmer, Willie H; Parry, James; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Payne, Eula; Payne, Nathan; Payton, Marie; Peacock, Willie; Peake, Jim; Perdew, Amanda B; Perdew, John, 1941; Perlman, Daniel; Perry, Jim; Pittman, Claude F; Pittman, James; Poledano, Warren; Police; Police Brutality; Porter, William; Poverty; Prettyman, Julie; Prickett, Kay; Prince, David; Pritchett, Eugene; Pye, Durwood P; Quinn, Aylene; Raby, Albert A; Rainey, Lawrence A; Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889 1979; Randolph, Elijah; Rateman, Joseph; Reagon, Cordell; Reeb, James, 1927 1965; Reese, Bosie; Reese, F. D; Reese, Henry; Reivich, Lois; Reynolds, Bernard; Reynolds, Willie James; Richardson, Judy; Ricks, Willie; Riddick, George E; Roberts, Kenneth A. (Kenneth Allison), 1912 1989; Roberts, Ralph R; Robertson, Charles; Robertson, Willie C; Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 1911; Robinson, D. P., Jr; Robinson, Jackie; Robinson, Reginald; Robinson, Ruby Doris Smith, 1941 1967; Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908 1979; Rollins, Willie; Romney, George W., 1907 1995; Roosevelt, James, 1907 1991; Rouse, Eugene; Rubin, Larry, 1942; Ruffin, Susie; Rufus, Octavia; Russell, Henry; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Rybolt, Brian; Salinger, Pierre; Samford, F. P; Sampson, Albert; Samstein, Mendy; Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925; Sarachild, Kathie; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, A. E; Scott, Willie Emma; Screws, Claude; Segal, Larry; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.); Shaffer, Sam Allen; Sharecroppers; Sharp, Monroe; Shaw, Terry; Sherrod, Charles, 1937; Shields, Roy; Shirah, Samuel C., 1943; Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah; Simpkins, Isaac; Sims, Mary Jane; Smaw, Perry; Smith, Anne; Smith, Annie; Smith, Dale; Smith, Frank; Smith, Jean; Smith, R. L. T. (Robert L. T.); Smith, Steven L; Soracco, Frank; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Student Organizing Committee (Nashville, Tenn.); Southwell, J. W; Spain, F. E; Spears, Lawrence; Spinks, Althea; Spinks, Charles; Spraggins, Susie; Stalworth, Jessie; Sterilization Of Women; Stewart, Albert; Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein), 1907 1989; Stoner, Peter; Stuart, Lamar; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Surney, Lafayette; Sutton, Saul; Sweeney, Dennis; Tashima, Eugene; Teachers; Tecklin, Jerry; Teller, Joe; Thomas, Daniel; Thomas, Fred Lee; Thompson, Donald; Threats; Tillow, Walter; Tolg, Thomas Taylor; Tougaloo College; Townsend, Joe; Training; Travis, James; Tubb, Jack; Tucker, Benny; Tucker, Joe Lewis; Turner, Albert; Turnipseed, Lamar; Unemployment; Unger, Sanford; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1866; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Varela, Mary; Vaughs, Cliff; Veterans; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wages; Wakayama, Tom; Walker, Johnnie Mae; Walker, Mardon; Walker, Prentiss, 1917 1998; Walker, T. Griffin; Walker, Wyatt Tee; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Ware, George; Warren, Earl, 1891 1974; Warren, R. R; Washington, John; Watkins, Alberta; Watson, Carol; Watts, Thomas; Weathers, Dorothy; Weaver, Claude; Weller, Dorothy; Wells, Lyn; Welsh, David; Werner, Peter; Weston, Sam; Wheatley, Charles; White Citizens Councils; White, Lee C., 1923; White, Sam; Whites; Whitfield, Rice; Whittaker, Norma; Whitten, Jamie; Wiley, Jim; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Alvery; Williams, Clarence; Williams, Hosea, 1926; Williams, John Bell; Williams, Joseph; Wing, John; Wing, Shelley; Winter, George; Wise, Jewell; Wise, Stanley; Women; Wylie, Chris; Yellen, Judy; Young, Andrew, 1932; Young, Stephen M; Young, Whitney M; Younge, Sammy, 1944 1966; Zellner, Bob; Ziff, Ed; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
Tecklin --Sunflower County, 1964, undated (Jerry Tecklin Papers, 1964; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 538, Box 1, Folder 8)
Tecklin, Jerry
Agriculture; Arrest; Arson; Bellipanni, Frank; Bombings; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Workers; Collins, Judy, 1939; Communism; Davis, Ruby; De Muth, Jerry, 1937; Democratic Party (Miss.); Dorrough, Charles M; Eastgate Singers; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Education; Food Programs; Free Southern Theater; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Intimidation; Levine, Allan; Libraries; Lynching; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Moore, Robert Lee; Murder; Music; Parents; Paxton, Tom, 1937; Police; Segregation; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Taylor, Isaiah; Teachers; Threats; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Wallace, Bob; White Citizens Councils; Williams, Rennie, Mrs
Kaplow--Friends of SNCC - General, 1964-1967, undated (Alicia Kaplow papers, 1964-1968; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 507, Box 1, Folder 8)
Agriculture; Alexander, Bryce; Allen, Ivan; American Friends Service Committee; Anderson, John W; Arons, Steve; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Barry, Marion; Basom, Nash; Bernstein, Richard; Bevel, Diane Nash; Bevel, James; Billingsley, Robert; Black History; Black Panther Party; Black, Hector; Blackwell, Unita; Bond, Julian, 1940; Braden, Anne; Braden, Carl; Burns, Aldridge; Caprio, Frank S; Carmichael, Stokely; Carter, Bertha; Carter, Ruth; Chaffee, Lois; Chandler, Nancy; Chavez, Cesar; Child Development Group Of Mississippi; China; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clothing And Dress; Coburn, Judy; Collier, Clinton; Communism; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooperative Societies; Correll, Tim; Daniels, Jonathan; Davies, J. Clarence, Jr; De Pugh, Robert; Delta Ministry; Dennis, Dave; Derby, Doris; Devine, Annie; Di Giorgio, Robert; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Du Bois, W. E. B; East, P. D; Eastland, James O; Education; Elections; Ellis, Albert; Ethridge, Jack; Eviction; Felt, James; Findley, Rachel; Food Drives; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Foster, Isaac; Freedom Christmas; Freedom Rides; Freeman, Orville; Fuller, George T; Fund Raising; Gilmore, Russell; Gray, Victoria; Groover, Denmark; Hall, Bill; Hallsten, John G; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Harris, Joe; Harris, Lueveda; Haslech, Henry, Jr; Haughton, Troy; Hayden, Tom; Henry, Aaron; Hopkins, Annie; Housing; Howard, Dalle; Husted, Ray; Hutchinson, Bill; Jackson, Ella Mae; Jacobson, Beth; Johnson, Lyndon; Jordan, Clarence; Katzenbach, Nicholas; Kempton, Elizabeth; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Kornegay, Alice; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Lawrence, Ida Mae; Lewis, John; Lippman, Laura; Liuzzo, Viola; Lynching; Maslow, Ellen; Mass Media; Mc Crackin, Maurice; Mc Peak, W. J; Mc Ree, J. F; Migrant Labor; Minutemen (Organization); Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Moore, Amzie; Morris, Jesse; Morse, Linda; Murder; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Nonviolence; Oglesby, Carl; Operation Freedom; Paris, Wendell; Parnell (Deputy Sheriff); Parvey, Connie; Patch, Penny; Patriotic Party; Patton, Gwen; Peyson, Walter; Police Brutality; Poor People's Corporation; Poverty; Public Welfare; Rander, A. A; Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Robinson, Bill; Robinson, T; Roehm, Nealeen; Rube, Ned; Rundle, Diane; Rustin, Bayard; Sanders, Carl; Scheer, Robert; Schoonover, Melvin; Scott, William; Scott, William, Jr; Seaver, Robert; Segregation; Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.); Sewing; Sex; Sharecroppers; Shaum, Barbara; Sherburne, Philip; Sheriffs; Shriver, Sargent; Shuttlesworth, Fred; Simon, Barbara; Smith, Arthur; Smith, George; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Conference Educational Fund; Spock, Benjamin; Stanley, William; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Teague, Johnnie; Thomas, Arthur; Thomson, Barbara; Tougaloo College; Trumpauer, Joan; Turner, Calvin; Turner, Mr. And Mrs. Calvin; Unemployment; United States; United States National Student Association; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Veterans; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Vivian, C. T; Voter Registration; Voting; Wages; War On Poverty; Ware, Bill; Whites; Whitten, Jamie; Wile, Gene; Williams, Willie; Willis, Edwin E; Wilson, Helen; Wright, Shirley; X, Malcolm; Younge, Sammy, 1944 1966
Young--Medical Committee for Human Rights clippings, press releases, 1964-1965, 1967 (Quentin Young papers, 1964-1975; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 880, Box 4, Folder 8)
Young, Quentin
Abrams, Herbert K; African Americans; Agriculture; American Civil Liberties Union; Arrest; Berry, Leonidas; Binger, Carl; Bridger, Francis; Bronstein, Alvin J; Cannon, George; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clement, Kenneth; Cobb, Montague; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cornely, Paul; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cross, Roland R; Cunningham, Marion Phyllis; Davidoff, Leo; Day, Richard; Disparti, Josephine; Dixon, James P; Education; Ervin, Frank; Falk, Leslie; Falls, Arthur; Federal Aid; Feifer, George; Finer, June; Gunther, Meyer S; Guttmacher, Alan; Hausknecht, Richard; Holman, Emile; Host Families; Housing; Hurwitt, Elliott; Kimmelman, David; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Labor Unions; Lasagna, Louis; Lashof, Joyce C; Leevey, Carroll; Lepper, Mark; Libraries; Littner, Ner; Liuzzo, Viola, 1925 1965; Lowinger, Paul; Lown, Bernard; Lyon, Will F; Mackay, Roland; Madden, John; Mass Media; Mayer, Leo; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Miller, David; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Moses, Robert Parris; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Piers, Gerhart; Poverty; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Quin, Anthony; Quin, Jacky; Quinn, Aylene; Roomer, Milton; Rosen, Sam; Sanders, Helene Richardson; Segregation; Shoemaker, William C; Siegel, Irwin M; Smith, Earl B; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spock, Benjamin, 1903 1998; Steinberg, Harold; Stickney, Stonewall; Stokes, Joseph, Jr; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Szent Gyorgyi, Albert; Tobias, Jerome; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; Volunteers; Voter Registration; War On Poverty; Weatherly, Patricia; White, Paul Dudley; Whites; Williams, Jasper; Wood, Walter; Wright, C. H; Young, Edward; Young, Quentin, 1923
Moore--Correspondence, 1967 (Amzie Moore papers, 1941-1970; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 551, Box 1 Folder 7)
Abu Ahmed, Omar; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Al Amin, Jamil, 1943; Alexander, William B; American Legion; Applewhite, Johnny; Arrest; Ayers, Jake; Baker, Ella, 1903 1986; Bankhead, C., Mrs; Bankston, P. T; Barnes, Thelma; Barnham, Dave; Berry, Theodene; Black Power; Blackwell, Unita, 1933; Bond, Julian, 1940; Boycotts; Boykin, H. B; Bright, John Douglass, Sr; Bromley, Ernest; Brooks, Owen; Browne, C. Conrad; Bullens, Dorotha; Burke, C. W; Butler, Willie; Cahn, Edgar S; Campbell, Bennie; Carter, Ruth; Chayes, Abram; Child Care Services; Clay, Lillie Mae Smith; Clothing And Dress; Cochran, Clay L; Cockersole, Alex, Jr; Coggins, Ross; Coleman, L. C; Collins, Lee Dora; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooperative Societies; Davis, Earl; Davis, Phil; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Doar, John, 1921; Dodge, Lowell; Drew, R. L; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Edelman, Marian Wright; Engle, Laura M; Farr, W. E; Federal Aid; Fleishman, Joel; Flores, Augustine; Food Drives; Ford Foundation; Ford, Willie; Freedom Rides; Freeman, Orville L; Gadison, Ethel Lee; Gooden, Benny; Green, Eddie L; Greenberg, Jack, 1924; Griffin, E. L; Griffin, Sally; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Hall, Clarence; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hardy, B. D., Jr; Harris, Joseph Lewis; Harris, William S; Hatch, John; Hatcher, J. L; Head Start Programs; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Henson, Pat; Hopkins, Fannie Mae; Housing; Intimidation; Jelinek, Donald A; Johnson, Abraham, Mrs; Johnson, Ada Ruth; Johnson, Juanita; Johnston, Robert G; Jones, Mary Sallie; Jordan, Vernon E. (Vernon Eulion), 1935; Karenga, Ron; Kerina, Jane; Keyes, Youther, Mrs; Killingsworth, J. C; Labor Unions; Lawyers; Lowe, James; Lucas, Bob; Lucas, Earl; Lytton, Bart; Matthews, Bettie; Mazique, Jewell; Mc Adory, Essie; Mc Crackin, Maurice; Mc Ilwain, Willard L; Mc Kissick, Floyd B. (Floyd Bixler), 1922 1991; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Ree, Jim; Mc Skill, Luther Wade; Medicine; Minky, Flossie A; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Labor Union; Mississippians United To Elect Negro Candidates; Mitchell, Daniel; Montgomery, Lucy; Moore, Dana C., Jr; Moore, Mary; Murphy, G. E; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Operation Freedom; Page, Matthew J; Patterson, Alfonsa; Peters, Bill; Phillips, Rubel L; Phillips, William R; Pollack, Ronald; Poor; Poverty; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Ramsay, Claude; Rash, Sammy; Raymond, George; Reece, Sissie; Respass, Harold; Robinson, Isaiah; Russell, Bernard, Mrs; Ruttenberg, Stanley H; Sally, Jimmie Lee; Sanburn, Artie B; Schools; Seabron, William M; Secrease, Leo J; Segregation; Sherman, Peter; Smith, Ceasar, Mrs; Smith, Elbert; Smith, Ernestine; Smith, K. H; Smith, Robert; Springarn, Arthur B; Stanton, Kermit; Stein, James; Steptoe, E. W; Stewart, Mary Alice; Stidhum, Luemether; Sutton, Percy; Thomas, Dave; Thomas, Morton; Threats; Turner, Alla Fair; Voter Education Project (Southern Regional Council); Voter Registration; Wagner, Kenneth C; Walker, Lottie Roy; War On Poverty; Ward, Arthur L; Ward, Dorris L; Washington, Beulah; Washington, Martha Nell; Watkins, Hollis, 1941; Watt, Mattie Bell; Wilkes, George W; Williams, Jerome; Williams, Joseph; Wilmington, Mable G; Wilson, Bitha; Wilson, John; Wince, Mary E; Wirtz, Willard, 1912 2010; Woodbeck, Wilson W; Woods, Edna; Wright, Nathan, Jr; Zellner, Bob
Kaplow--Friends of SNCC - General, 1964-1967, undated (Alicia Kaplow papers, 1964-1968; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 507, Box 1, Folder 4)
Adam, Bidwell; Adams, William; Adams, William Ed; Addison, Don; Agriculture; Allen, Elizabeth; Andrews, Corine; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Attucks, Crispus; Avery, Annie Pearl; Baldwin, James; Barrett, Russell H; Baskin, David; Bateman, Joe; Bates, Freddie; Bayer, Mike; Bellamy, Fay; Bennett, Russell; Bethune, Mary Mc Leod; Bingham, Jim; Black, James; Block, Samuel; Blunt, Mr; Bombings; Bond, Julian; Boycotts; Boynton, Amelia; Boynton, L. S; Brady, Tom P; Brandt, Barbara; Breaker, Jeanne; Brewer, Charles; Brewer, Earl; Brewer, Eugene; Brewer, Green; Brewer, Janie; Brewer, Jesse; Brewer, Jesse James; Brewer, Melina; Brewer, Mrs. John; Brock, Mr; Brown, Ed; Brown, Wilson; Bryant, C. C; Bryant, Charles; Butler, Raymond; Cabot, Paul C; Cabot, Thomas D; Carver, Ronald; Chance, John; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Child Care; Choctaw Indians; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clarke, Joffre; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cole, Beatrice; Cole, Junior Roosevelt; Collins, Ben; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooks, Mr; Cooperative Societies; Corson, James; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Countiss, John R., Iii; Courthouses; Cox, William; Cress, Lorne; Cronk, Sue; Crook, Robert; Cross Burning; Cuba; Davis, Leonard; Dawley, Allen; De Muth, Jerry; Delloch, Mr; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Dillon, Mr. And Mrs. Willie J; Discrimination; Discrimination In Employment; Doar, John; Doghan, Alex; Dorrough, Charles; Douglas, Nelson; Douglass, Frederick; Du Bois, W. E. B; Dulles, Allen; Dunbar, Paul Laurence; Eastland, James O; Education; Elder (Police Officer); Elections; Evans, Medford; Eviction; Farmer, James; Federal Aid; Feldman, Myer; Finney, Tom; Fleming, Karl; Food Drives; Forman, James; Forman, Mildred; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Fullilove, Robert; Funches, Willie; Garman, Betty; Garner, Mr. And Mrs. Artis; Garvey, Marcus; Gillon, Gwen; Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909 1998; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodman, Carolyn; Goodman, Robert; Goodner, Allan; Goza, Robert; Gray, Victoria; Greene, George; Gregory, Dick; Gregory, Lillian; Guthman, Edwin; Guyot, Lawrence; Hagan, Molly; Hall, Carsie; Halloway, Frank; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamer, Perry; Hanson, Norwood Russell; Harvard University; Hayes, Curtis; Hearin, Robert M; Heffner, Mr. And Mrs. Albert, Jr; Heifetz, Esther; Helgesen, H. F; Helms, Grace; Herring, Mrs; Hinton, Rufus; Hoadley, Thomas; Hollander, Edward S; Hoover, J. Edgar; Host Families; Hough, John; Housing; Howard, Ruth; Hughes, Cephus; Huntly, Mr; Intimidation; Jackson, Matthew; Jackson, Sherron; Jails; Jemmott, Janet; John Birch Society; Johnson, Frank; Johnson, James Weldon; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B; Johnson, Sheslonia G; Jolly (Police Officer); Jones, Fred; Jones, James; Jones, Jerry; Jones, Jimmy; Kaplan, Sherwin; Katzenbach, Nicholas; Kelly, Dan; Kennedy, John F; Kennedy, Regis; Kennedy, Robert F; King, Martin Luther; Kirschenbaum, Howard; Kokes, Charles M; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Lauren, Margaret; Lawyers; Le Paul, Eddie; Leadership; Lee, D. Eugene; Lelyveld, Arthur; Levitt, Ralph; Lewis, John; Libraries; Light, Bill; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Little, George; Lowe, Harry; Luckett, Vernon O; Lynching; Marshall, Burke; Matthew, Stanley; Mayner, Mr; Mc Carthy, Joseph R; Mc Clellan, Thompson; Mc Farland, Clifford; Mc Ghee, Percy; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Keigney, Alex; Mc Laurin, Charles; Mc Mullen, William P; Mc Rae, Leroy; Mc Shane, James; Minnis, Jack; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Penitentiary; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mohammed, Elijah; Moore, Charles; Moore, William; Morgan, Tom; Morton, Eric; Morton, Roy Lee; Moses, Dona Richards; Moses, Robert Parris; Murder; Murphy, John L; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Neblett, La Vern Lilly; Nonviolence; Norman, Silias; Painter, Willie; Parents; Patterson, Robert B; Peacock, Willie; Pearlman, Daniel; Perdew, John; Phillips, Rubel; Polhaus, J. Francis; Police; Ponder, Preston; Popper, Martin; Poverty; Price, Cecil; Proctor, John; Public Welfare; Quilting; Quin, Aylene; Reed, J. Nolan; Reid, Ogden; Republican Party (U.S.); Rich, Marvin; Ridenour, Ron; Riley, David; Roberts, Kenneth A; Robinson, Clifford R; Robinson, J. T; Robinson, Ruby Doris Smith; Rogers, Alex; Rotman, Burn; Rush, Georgia; Rush, John T; Ryan, William Fitts; Saizan, Harry; Samstein, Mendy; Schwelb, Mr; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nathan; Schwerner, Rita; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland; Sheriffs; Shields, Roy; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Shuttlesworth, Fred W; Sigel, John; Silver, James; Simmons, Bill; Smith, Bob; Smith, Doug; Smith, Maury; Smith, Robert; Smith, Scott; Smith, Steven; Snowe, Jack; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Stahr, Elvis J; Stennis, John C; Stone, Robert; Stovall, Sandra; Stuart, Jack T; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students; Suarez, Matteo; Surney, Lafayette; Sutherland, Charlie; Swann, Harry; Sweeney, Dennis; Tarvin, Marion; Teachers; Thetford, William; Thomas, Morton; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Thompson, Dan; Threats; Tieger, Buddy; Tieger, Ginny; Tillinghast, Muriel; Travis, Jimmy; True, Jim; Truman, Harry S; Truth, Sojourner; Tubman, Harriet; Unemployment; United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Universities; University Of Wisconsin Madison; Usher, Brenda; Vardaman, James K; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Volunteers; Voter Registration; Walker, Edwin A; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Warren, Larry; Washington, Booker T; Washington, Hugh; Washington, Mr. And Mrs. George, Sr; Weil, Robert; Welsh, David; Wheatley, Phillis; White Citizens Councils; White, Hugh L; White, Lee C; Whites; Whittaker, R. V; Whitten, Jamie L; Wilcox, Jimmy Lee; Williamson, Geraldine; Wilson, R. B; Witt, D; Wolf, Henry; Wood, Myrna; Wood, Rob; Wright, Marion; Wright, Richard; Wright, Shirley; X, Malcolm; Young, Charles; Zellner, Robert
CORE--Political organization (MFDP, CORE, SNCC) - Memoranda, 1964-1965 (Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi 4th Congressional District records, 1961-1966; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 793, Reel 4, Segment 75)
Congress of Racial Equality. Mississippi, Fourth Congressional District
Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agriculture; Alinsky, Saul David, 1909 1972; Aronowitz, Stanley; Arrest; Barr, John; Black, Tim; Boycotts; Brecht, Bertolt, 1898 1956; Broyde, Sam; Brumder, Mary; Cameron, John, Rev; Carmichael, Stokely; Civil Rights; Clothing And Dress; Coles, Joe; Community Organization; Congress Of Racial Equality; Cooperative Societies; Corwin, Ronald; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Davis, Milton; Delta Ministry; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Democratic National Convention (1968 : Chicago, Ill.); Democratic Party (Miss.); Dennis, Dave; Discrimination; Discrimination In Employment; Dodds, Wilmer; Education; Elections; Emanuel, Marsha; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Farris, Carl; Food Drives; Freedom Democratic Club (Chicago, Ill.); Freedom Vote; Fund Raising; Haggstrom, Warren C; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Harris, Jesse; Head Start Programs; Hill, Norman, 1933; Hollander, Lynne; Housing; Houston, James Monroe; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Jones, Fran; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Laizner, Elizabeth; Larry (Greenwood Police Chief); Lawyers; Leadership; Lesser, Mike; Lockett, Winston Henry; Lucas, Robert; Mack, Freddie; Manhardt, Ted; Mao, Zedong, 1893 1976; Martin, L. J; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Medicine; Meyers, Debbie; Miller, S. M; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Murder; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The United States Of America; Nusbaum, Judi; Owen, David; Packard, Pat; Police Brutality; Poverty; Public Welfare; Rainer, Sam, Jr; Reuther, Walter, 1907 1970; Rose, Don; Rotundi, Betty; Sampson, Charles; Segregation; Smith, Charles; Social Classes; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Stalin, Joseph, 1879 1953; Stone, Louise; Stuckey, Sterling; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Taylor, Elmore; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Congress. House. Committee On Un American Activities; United States. Department Of Agriculture; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Voter Registration; Wages; War On Poverty; White Citizens Councils; Whittington (Plantation Owner)
Ewen--SNCC-COFO - Project Reports, November 1964 (Stuart Ewen papers, 1961-1965; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 531, Box 1, Folder 5)
Ewen, Stuart
Agriculture; Allen, Louis; Arrest; Assault And Battery; Brumder, Mary; Church Buildings; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Clothing And Dress; Community Centers; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Cunningham, Marion Phyllis; Day Care Centers; Douglas, Lily M; Ellickson, Mary; Federal Aid; Food Programs; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Freedom Vote; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Hewitt, Theodis; Lawyers; Lee, Herbert; Libraries; Lynching; Mc Kellar, Chuck; Medicine; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Murder; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Poor; Race; Schwartzbaum, Barbara; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Volunteers; Voter Registration; Watts, Sandra
Montgomery--SNCC: Black Power (Lucile Montgomery papers, 1963-1967; Historical Society Library Microforms Room, Micro 44, Reel 3, Segment 47)
Montgomery, Lucile
Agriculture; Anderson, Thomas G; Author, Barbara; Bardacke, Frank; Bellamy, Fay; Bennett, Lerone; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Black History; Black Muslims; Black Power; Black, Austin; Blauner, Robert; Bloice, Carl; Bond, Julian, 1940; Brooke, Edward William, 1919; Brown, J; Butler, Bob; Cannon, Terry; Capper, Charles; Carmichael, Stokely; Carson, Clay; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Cleage, Albert B., Jr; Cockrel, Van; Comfort, Mark; Communism; Daley, Richard J; Davis, Rennie; Democratic National Convention (1964 : Atlantic City, N.J.); Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Drake, St. Clair; Draper, Hal; Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868 1963; Duren, Ray; Elijah Muhammad, 1897 1975; Folsom, Frank M; Freedom Vote; Friedenberg, Edgar; Fulbright, J. William (James William), 1905 1995; Garvey, Marcus, 1887 1940; Glazer, Nathan; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Gornet, Henry; Grey, Danny; Guatemala; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hootie, William; Hopkins, Donald; Hulett, John; Jencks, Christopher; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Karenga, Ron; Killens, John O; King, Seth S; Landry, Lawrence; Landy, Sy; Leftwich, J. T; Lennie, Brother; Levine, Lawrence; Lewis, E. P; Lewis, P. L; Lusk, Ben; Mallory, May; Mc Clinton, George; Mc Kissick, Floyd B. (Floyd Bixler), 1922 1991; Miller, Burkett; Miller, Michael; Minnis, Jack; Minor, Ethel; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Morrison, George L; Murder; Murray, James; Nonviolence; Parker, Mike; Petras, James; Pinchback, P. B. S; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Power, John Francis; Racism; Reese, F. D; Revels, Hiram; Robeson, Paul, 1898 1976; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Scott, Roland; Segregation; Sharp, Monroe; Shute, Michael; Smalls, Robert; Social Classes; South Africa; Stanford, Max; Stewart, Potter; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Students For A Democratic Society (U.S.); Thailand; Turcios, Luis; Turner, Elijah; Underwood, B. V; United States; United States. Voting Rights Act Of 1965; Veterans; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Voter Registration; War On Poverty; Whites; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Robert; Willis, B. C; Winbush, Samuel; Woodruff, G. W; Woodruff, Robert W; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Younge, Sammy, 1944 1966
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