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- Quakers[remove]100
- Slaver41
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- The underground railroad: A record of facts, authentic narratives, letters, & c., narrating the hardships, hair-breadth escapes, and death struggles of the slaves in their efforts for freedom, as related by themselves and others or witnessed by the author : together with sketches of some of the largest stockholders and most liberal aiders and advisers of the road4
- Lives Transformed, the People of Southland College3
- Underground railroad from slavery to freedom.2
- Broadsides collection1
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A journal of the life, gospel labours, and Christian experiences of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ Journal
Biography; Controversial Literature; Quakers; Slaver; Slavery; United States; Woolman, John, 1720 1772
A letter to Friends from DC Jail
Flanagan, Ross; Hartsough, David; Matlack, James
Criminal Justice; Demonstrations; District Of Columbia. Department Of Corrections; Federal Spending Policy; Police Crackdowns; Politics; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Public Welfare; Quakers; Social Justice; United States; United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
Apr.-May, 1782 Jt. Select Comm., Reports and Papers (petitions, messages, etc.) April. 17-27
North Carolina. General Assembly
Administration Of Estates; Appointment To Office; Claims; Committees; Contracts For Deeds; Emigration And Immigration; Finance, Public; Government; Guardian And Ward; History; Ireland; Judges; Land Titles; Legislation; Legislative Bodies; Martin, Alexander, 1740 1807; Nash, Abner, Approximately 1740 1786; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Officer; Pattillo, Henry, 1726 1801; Politics And Government; Quakers; Registration And Transfer; Revolution, 1775 1783; Sharpe, William, 1742 1818; Slaver; Slavery; Soldiers; Springer, John, 1744 1798; United States; United States. Continental Navy; Wages; Wilmington (N.C.)
A Quaker merchant, William Graham writes about the slave revolt and business in Antigua. May 29, 1738. 2 pp., 30 cm.
Antigua; Antigua And Barbuda; Correspondence; Early Works To 1800; History; Merchants; Quakers; Slave Insurrections; Slaver; West Indies
Chicago Cold War: Charles Suchar
Suchar, Charles Ohlson, Walter H
Cold War; Conscientious Objection; Holocaust, Jewish (1939 1945); Interviews; Oral History (Discipline); Quakers
Dec. 16: House bill to vest title of certain Negroes in William Sanders Lancaster (with petition) (rejected)
North Carolina. General Assembly
Government; Liberty; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; Politics And Government; Quakers; Slaver; Slaves; Wayne County (N.C.)
Give us this day our daily bread...
Quaker Direct Action Corps
Bread; Demonstrations; Federal Aid For Public Welfare; Federal Spending Policy; Food Stamps; Lobbying; Lord's Prayer; Politicians; Politics; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Public Welfare; Quakers
Hubbard, William B. - Interview and Memoir
Afro Americans; Discrimination; Farms And Farming; Quakers; Race Discrimination; Race Riot, 1908; Rural Life; Springfield (Ill.)
January-February, 1779: Joint Select Committees
North Carolina. General Assembly
Administration Of Estates; Allegiance; Appointment To Office; Armed Forces; Auctions; Belief And Doubt; Boyd, Adam, 1738 1803; Burgwin, John, 1731 1803; Butler, John, 1786; Caswell, Richard, 1729 1789; Cherokee Indians; Chile Saltpeter; Citizenship; Clothing And Dress; Commissariat; Committees; Confiscations; Finance, Public; Frontier And Pioneer Life; Generals; Government; Granville County (N.C.); Harnett, Cornelius, 1723 1781; Hewes, Joseph, 1730 1779; History; Indians; Iredell, James, 1751 1799; Justices Of The Peace; Legislative Bodies; London, John, 1747 1816; Mc Culloh, Henry E. (Henry Eustace), Approximately 1810; Merchants; Military Campaigns; Military Discharge; Military Supplies; Militia; Moravians; New Hanover County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Oaths; Partnership; Pasquotank County (N.C.); Penn, John, 1740 Or 1741 1788; Pennsylvania Farmer (Brig); Perquimans County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Quakers; Quartermasters; Religion; Revolution, 1775 1783; Salisbury (N.C.); Ships; Slaver; Slavery; Tobacco; Tryon County (N.C.); United States; United States. Army; United States. Congress; United States. Continental Army; United States. Continental Congress; Virginia; Washington County (N.C.)
John and Mary; or, The Fugitive Slaves, a Tale of South-Eastern Pennsylvania
Ellwood Griest
Fugitive Slaves; Pennsylvania; Quakers; Slaver; Slavery And The Church; Society Of Friends; Underground Railroad; United States
Joint Papers (April-May, 1780): Joint Select Committee Reports and Papers
North Carolina. General Assembly
Administration Of Estates; Administrative Regulations; Allegiance; Armed Forces; Armies; Belfast (Northern Ireland); Bloodworth, Timothy, 1736 1814; Bounties, Military; Caswell, Richard, 1729 1789; Cities And Towns; Commerce; Commissariat; Confiscations; Cornell, Samuel, 1731 1781; Counties; Customs Administration; Davis, James, 1721 1785; Debt; Deeds; Duplin County (N.C.); Edenton (N.C.); Ellis, Richard, Active 1765 1790; Fanning, Edmund, 1739 1818; Finance, Public; Firearms; Government; Governors; Harrington, Henry William, 1748 1809; Hatteras, Cape (N.C.); Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754 1816; History; Hunt, Memucan, 1729 1808; Imports; Inlets; Iredell, James, 1751 1799; Ireland; Jefferson, Thomas, 1743 1826; Jones, Willie, Approximately 1741 1801; Justices Of The Peace; Land Grants; Land Titles; Martin, Alexander, 1740 1807; Mc Culloh, Henry E. (Henry Eustace), Approximately 1810; Mc Culloh, Henry, Approximately 1700 1779; Mecklenburg County (N.C.); Military Assistance; Military Intelligence; Military Supplies; Militia; Montgomery County (N.C.); Nash, Abner, Approximately 1740 1786; New Bern (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Oaths; Ocracoke (N.C.); Ocracoke Island (N.C.); Officials And Employees; Onslow County (N.C.); Orphans; Pasquotank County (N.C.); Perquimans County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Printers; Property; Property Tax; Public Buildings; Public Officers; Quakers; Reed, James, 1777; Religion; Revolution, 1775 1783; Roanoke Colony; Rutherford, Griffith; Shelby, Evan, 1719 1794; Shipping; Ships; Slaver; Slaves; Soldiers; South Carolina; Taxation; United States; United States. Army; United States. Continental Army; United States. Continental Congress; Valuation; Virginia; Volunteers; Wade, Thomas Holden, Approximately 1720 1786; Widows; Williams, Benjamin, 1751 1814
Joint Select Committees, Nov. 25 - Dec. 20
North Carolina. General Assembly
Armed Forces; Armies; Burke County (N.C.); Census; Commissariat; Committees; Courts; Elections; Exports; Fayetteville (N.C.); Government; Guilford County (N.C.); Hemp; Indigo; Iron Works; Land Use; Legislative Bodies; Lenoir, William, 1751 1839; Militia; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Orange County (N.C.); Paper Money; Politics And Government; Quakers; Rowan County (N.C.); Rum; Sheriffs; Slaver; Slaves; Tax Collection; Taxation; Tobacco; United States; United States. Army; Warrants (Law); Widows; Wilkes County (N.C.); Wilmington (N.C.)
Joint Standing Committees: Committee to examine governor's message and to bring public bills: reports and papers Apr 20-May 21
North Carolina. General Assembly
Appointment To Office; Boundaries; Commerce; Committees; Confiscations; Copyright; Debt; Definitive Treaty Of Peace Between Great Britain And The United States (1783 September 3); Depreciation; Emigration And Immigration; Fines (Penalties); Forfeiture; Government; Governors; Henderson, Richard, 1735 1785; History; Indians; Land Grants; Land Titles; Legislative Bodies; Martin, Alexander, 1740 1807; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; North Carolina. Inferior Court Of Pleas And Quarter Sessions; North Carolina. Superior Court Of Justice; Orange County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Property Tax; Publishers And Publishing; Quakers; Revolution, 1775 1783; Roads; Slaver; Slaves; Tariff; Taxation; United States; United States. Articles Of Confederation; United States. Continental Congress; Virginia; Wages
Journal of that faithful servant of Christ, Charles Osborn : containing an account of many of his travels and labors in the work of the ministry, and his trials and exercises in the service of the Lord, and in defense of the truth, as it is in Jesus
Abolitionists; Biographies; Biography; Description And Travel; Europe; Osborne, Charles, 1775 1850; Quakers; Travel; United States
Journal of the life and religious labors of Sarah Hunt (late of West Grove, Chester County, Pennsylvania)
Hunt, Sarah Morey, 1797 1889; Hunt, Sarah, 1797 1889; Quaker Women; Quakers; Women
Letter from Caleb Foote to A. J. Muste
Barr, Allen H; Civilian Public Service; Conard, Joe; Congress Of Racial Equality; Deuel, Peg; Fellowship Of Reconciliation (U.S.); Pacifists; Quakers; Race Relations; Rustin, Bayard 1912 1987; Swomley, John M. 1915 2010
Letter from Cheyney Training School for Teachers to W. E. B. Du Bois
Cheyney Training School for Teachers
African Americans; Education; Quakers
Letter from Richard Davis Webb, Dublin, [Ireland], to Mary Anne Estlin, 1851 April 23
Antislavery Movements; Christianity; Correspondence; England; Estlin, J. B. (John Bishop) 1785 1855; Estlin, Mary Anne 1820 1902; Great Britain; History; Newspapers; Publishers And Publishing; Publishing; Quaker Abolitionists; Quakers; Religious Aspects; Slaver; Society Of Friends; United States; Webb, Richard Davis 1805 1872; Weston, Anne Warren 1812 1890; Wigham, Eliza; Women; Women Abolitionists; Women Social Reformers
Letter from Theodore Parker, Boston, [Massachusetts], to Matilda Goddard, 1855 Ap[ril] 23
Antislavery Movements; Christianity; Correspondence; Goddard, Matilda 1814 1901; History; Massachusetts; Parker, Theodore 1810 1860; Quaker Abolitionists; Quakers; Religious Aspects; Slaver; Society Of Friends; United States; Women; Women Abolitionists
Letter from William Lloyd Garrison, Brooklyn, [Conn.], to Mary Benson, Nov. 27, 1835
Abolitionists; Antislavery Movements; Benezet, Anthony 1713 1784; Benson, Mary 1797 1842; Brown, Moses 1738 1836; Correspondence; Garrison, William Lloyd 1805 1879; History; Martineau, Harriet 1802 1876; Quakers; Slaver; Smith, Gerrit 1797 1874; Thanksgiving Day; United States; Woolman, John 1720 1772
Letter to Abraham. L. Pennock, June 18, 1845
Dirkind, Alexander
Antislavery Movements; Cumberland (England); Dirkind, Alexander; England; Haverford (Pa.); London Yearly Meeting (Religious Society Of Friends); Pennock, Abraham Liddon, 1786 1868; Pennsylvania; Quaker Abolitionists; Quakers; Slaver; Slavery; Society Of Friends; United States; Wigton (England)
Letter to Judge Alfred Burke of the D.C. General Sessions Court
Nielson, Scott
Criminal Justice; Demonstrations; Jails; Lobbying; Police; Police Brutality; Police Ethics; Politics; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Prisons; Public Welfare; Quakers; Reform; Social Justice
List of worshipers arrested on Capitol steps workshop
Criminal Justice; Demonstrations; Federal Spending Policy; Police Crackdowns; Politics; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Public Welfare; Quakers; Social Justice; United States; United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
Mad Dan, the spy of 1776: a centennial story
Abduction; African Americans; American Loyalists; Clergy; English; Forced Marriage; History; Mentally Ill; Quakers; Revenge; Unrequited Love
Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet
Antislavery Movements; Benezet, Anthony, 1713 1784; Biography; Quakers; Slaver; United States
Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet
Antislavery Movements; Benezet, Anthony, 1713 1784; Biography; Quakers; Slaver; United States
Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet
Antislavery Movements; Benezet, Anthony, 1713 1784; Biography; Quakers; Slaver; United States
Memorandum to Regional Offices Field Staff of the American Friends Service Committee on phase two of the Poor People's Campaign
American Friends Service Committee; Buskirk, Phil
American Friends Service Committee; Demonstrations; Federal Aid To Public Welfare; Lobbying; Politics; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Public Welfare; Quakers; Social Justice
Minutes of North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held at New Garden on Second-Day, the Fifth of Eleventh Month, 1866
Alcohol Use; Conduct Of Life; Education; Freedmen; North Carolina; North Carolina Yearly Meeting Of Friends (1698); Quakers; Society Of Friends
National Freedmen's -Aid Union, Lancashire Distress Surplus Fund
National Freedmen's-Aid Union of Great Britain and Ireland Taylor, John
African Americans; Charities; Freedmen; Great Britain; National Freedmen's Aid Union Of Great Britain And Ireland; Quakers; Services For; Society Of Friends; Southern States
Our state Our state (Greensboro, N.C.);Our state magazine;Our state : North Carolina;Down home in North Carolina
Airlines; Automobile Racing Drivers; Charlotte; Description And Travel; Durham; Durham (N.C.); Fugitive Slaves; Historic Sites; Johnston County (N.C.); Madison (N.C.); North Carolina; Periodicals; Quakers; Simpson, Vollis, 1919; Slaver; Slavery And The Church; Society Of Friends; Stock Car Racing; Underground Railroad; Wilson (N.C.)
Petitions (Miscellaneous)
North Carolina. General Assembly
Actions And Defenses; Administration Of Estates; African Americans; Animal Traps; Artisans; Attorneys General; Bath (N.C.); Beaufort County (N.C.); Bladen County (N.C.); Brunswick County (N.C.); Burke County (N.C.); Camden County (N.C.); Cape Fear River (N.C.); Capital Punishment; Capitalists And Financiers; Caswell County (N.C.); Cattle; Citizenship, Loss Of; Cogdell, Richard, 1724 1787; Commercial Products; Contracts For Deeds; Corporal Punishment; Costs (Law); Crime; Criminals; Crops; Cumberland County (N.C.); Debt; Debtor And Creditor; Depreciation; Devaluation Of Currency; Duplin County (N.C.); Edenton (N.C.); Executors And Administrators; Expenditures, Public; Fear, Cape (N.C.); Finance, Public; Fires; Franklin County (N.C.); Fraud; Funeral Rites And Ceremonies; Game Laws; Georgia; Government; Governors; Great Britain; Guilford County (N.C.); Halifax (N.C.); Hamilton, John, 1817; Hanging; Hawkins County (Tenn.); Horse Stealing; Hunting; Indians; Inheritance And Succession; Interstate Commerce; Iredell County (N.C.); Kentucky; Labor Supply; Land Titles; Larceny; Legislation; Liberty; Lincoln County (N.C.); Livestock; Loans; London (England); Lotteries; Mc Culloh, Henry E. (Henry Eustace), Approximately 1810; Mecklenburg County (N.C.); Military Pensions; Military Supplies; Militia; Nash, Abner, Approximately 1740 1786; Neuse River (N.C.); New Bern (N.C.); New Hanover County (N.C.); New York (State); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; North Carolina. Superior Court Of Justice; Parent And Child (Law); Parole; Pasquotank County (N.C.); Pasquotank River (N.C.); Perquimans County (N.C.); Philadelphia (Pa.); Politics And Government; Pork; Power Of Attorney; Prisoners Of War; Probate Law And Practice; Quakers; Real Property; Reclamation Of Land; Registration And Transfer; Religious Tolerance; Riddick, Joseph, 1735 1818; Roads; Rockingham County (N.C.); Rowan County (N.C.); Salisbury (N.C.); Slaver; Slavery; Slaves; Society Of Friends; South Carolina; Swine; Tax Collection; Tyrrell County (N.C.); United States; United States. Congress; Virginia; Wages; Wayne County (N.C.); White, James, 1749 1809; Wilkes County (N.C.); Wills; Wilmington (N.C.)
Poor People's Campaign and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: a report to Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, from the Social Order Committee
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Baltimore Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends; Demonstrations; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Poor People's Campaign; Poverty; Public Welfare; Quakers
Quaker idyls
Gardner, Sarah M. H
Antislavery Movements; Fiction; Quakers; Slaver
Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the Reputed President of the Underground Railroad: Being a Brief History of the Labors of a Lifetime in Behalf of the Slave, with the Stories of Numerous Fugitives, Who Gained Their Freedom through His Instrumentality, and Many Other Incidents
Levi Coffin
Abolitionists; Antislavery Movements; Biography; Coffin, Levi, 1798 1877; Dillingham, Richard, D. 1850; Fairbank, Calvin, 1816 1898; Fugitive Slaves; History; Indiana; North Carolina; Ohio; Quaker Abolitionists; Quakers; Slaver; Slavery; Slavery And The Church; Society Of Friends; Underground Railroad; United States
Report of the Peace and Society Concerns Committee
Smithfield Monthly Meeting of Friends (Smithfield, R.I.)Peace and Social Concerns Committee
Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Conscientious Objectors; Peace; Quakers; Vietnam War, 1961 1975
Report on visits with eight ministers
African Americans; Christianity; Civil And Human Rights; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movement In Tennessee; Civil Rights Movements; Quakers; Race Relations; Religion; Religious Aspects; Segregation United States 1960 1970; Tennessee; United States
Research reports
Aeronautical Workers Union (Seattle, Wash.); African American Communists; African American Construction Workers; African American Labor Leaders; African American Labor Union Members; African American Political Activists; African American Stevedores; African American Women; African American Women Civil Rights Workers; African American Women Employees; African Americans; Agricultural Laborers; Aircraft Industry; Alaska; Alien Labor; Black Militant Organizations; Black Nationalism; Black Panther Party; Black Power; Black Student Union (University Of Washington); Boeing Aircraft Company; Boycotts; California; Canned Foods Industry; Cannery Workers; Cannery Workers And Farm Laborers Union. Local 7 (Seattle, Wash.); Centro De La Raza (Seattle, Wash.); Chicano Movement; Christian Friends For Racial Equality; Christians; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Communist Party Of The United States Of America (Wash.); Community Relations; Complaints Against; Concentration Camps; Construction Workers; Detention Of Persons; Discrimination; Electric Industry Workers; Electric Utilities; Electrical Workers Minority Caucus (Seattle, Wash.); Electricians; Employees; Evacuation And Relocation, 1942 1945; Filipino Americans; Filipino Forum (Seattle, Wash.); Filipino Students; Fort Lawton (Seattle, Wash.); Government; Grape Strike, Calif., 1965 1970; Hispanic Americans; History; Immigrants; Indian Women; Indians Of North America; International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers. Local 46 (Seattle, Wash.); International Longshore And Warehouse Union; International Longshoremen's And Warehousemen's Union. Local 37 (Seattle, Wash.); Interracial Marriage; Japanese; Japanese American Citizens' League. Seattle Chapter; Japanese Americans; Journalists; King County (Wash.); Labor; Labor Disputes; Labor Journalism; Labor Literature; Labor Movement; Labor Unions; Latin Americans; Law And Legislation; Liability (Law); Machinists; Marriage Law; Mexican American Students; Mexican Americans; Newspapers; Police; Police Brutality; Police Misconduct; Political Activists; Political Activity; Politics And Government; Press Coverage; Press, Labor; Private Schools; Propaganda, Anti Japanese; Public Utilities; Quakers; Race Relations; Racial Discrimination; Reparations; Reparations For Historical Injustices; Resettlement; School Integration; Seattle; Seattle (Wash.); Seattle City Light; Segregation; Segregation In Education; Segregationists; Sexism; Siege, 1970; Sieges; Social Justice; Social Movements; Stevedores; Training Of; Training Programs; United Construction Workers Association; United Farm Workers Organizing Committee; United Indians Of All Tribes Foundation (U.S.); United Mexican American Students (Seattle, Wash.); United States; United States Commission On Civil Rights; Universities; University Of Washington; Vineyard Laborers; Washington (State); Women; Women Electric Industry Workers; Women Labor Union Members; World War, 1939 1945
Session of December 1793-January 1794: Petitions (Emancipation; Compensation for executed slaves)
North Carolina. General Assembly Munden, Levi Hall, William Griffin, Archibald Cunningham, Thomas MacLellan, John Hall, John Henagan, Darby
Government; Guilford County (N.C.); History; Nash County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Pasquotank County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Quakers; Sheriffs; Slaver; Slaves; United States
Session of December 1791-January 1792: Senate Committee Reports
North Carolina. General Assembly Hargett, Frederick Cabarrus, Stephen Campbell, John A Blount, Edmund Clinton, Richard Dickson, J Johnson, Charles Maclean, William Child, Francis Lane, Joel Long, Nicholas
Avery, Waightstill, 1741 1821; Blount, William, 1749 1800; Caldwell, David, 1725 1824; Caswell, Richard, 1729 1789; County Charters; Davidson County (Tenn.); Debts, Public; Diseases; Dobbs County (N.C.); Duplin County (N.C.); Edenton (N.C.); Elections; Emigration And Immigration; Executors And Administrators; Finance, Public; Gillespie, James, 1747 1805; Government; Governors; Halifax (N.C.); History; Iredell County (N.C.); Iredell, James, 1751 1799; Johnston County (N.C.); Land Grants; Moravians; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; North Carolina. Militia; Paper Mills; Parliamentary Practice; Politics And Government; Printers; Public Records; Quakers; Quarantine; Real Property; Revolution, 1775 1783; Rutherford County (N.C.); Secretaries Of State (State Governments); Sheriffs; Ships; Shober, Gottlieb, 1756 1838; Slaver; Slaves; Smallpox; Soldiers; Stokes County (N.C.); Tyrrell County (N.C.); United States
Session of December 1793-January 1794: Senate Committee Reports
North Carolina. General Assembly Kenan, James Blackledge, Richard Leech, Joseph Speed, Joseph Clark, T Williams, Robert Campbell, John Clinton, R McKinnie, Richard Knight, Reubin Williams, John Singleton, Richard Riddick, J
Beaufort County (N.C.); Camden County (N.C.); Caswell, Richard, 1729 1789; Craven County (N.C.); Decedents' Estates; Diseases; Edenton (N.C.); Fayetteville (N.C.); Gates County (N.C.); Government; Guilford County (N.C.); Hertford County (N.C.); Hillsborough (N.C.); History; Hogg, James, 1729 1805; Montgomery County (N.C.); New Bern (N.C.); New Hanover County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; North Carolina. Militia; Orange County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Prisoners; Quakers; Randolph County (N.C.); Richmond County (N.C.); Rockingham County (N.C.); Rutherford County (N.C.); Rutherfordton (N.C.); Sheriffs; Slaver; Slaves; Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 1758 1802; Stokes County (N.C.); Tax Collection; Transportation; Tyrrell County (N.C.); United States; Wilmington (N.C.)
Session of November-December, 1795: House Bills, November 16
North Carolina. General Assembly Phifer, Caleb
Confiscations; Courts; Courts Martial And Courts Of Inquiry; Dams; Debt; Deep River Watershed (N.C.); Executors And Administrators; Fishways; Government; Gristmills; Harbor Masters; Haw River (N.C.); Health Officers; History; Jury; Land Grants; Moore County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; Northampton County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Public Health; Quakers; Randolph County (N.C.); Sheriffs; Slaver; Slaves; Taxation; United States; Wilmington (N.C.)
Session of November-December 1796: Petitions and Committee Reports: Emancipation
North Carolina. General Assembly
Craven County (N.C.); Free Blacks; Government; History; New Hanover County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Northampton County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Quakers
Session of November 1794-February 1795: Petitions (Emancipation)
North Carolina. General Assembly Giles, William Click, Nicholas Mundin, Levi Jones, Abraham
Executors And Administrators; Government; History; North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; Pasquotank County (N.C.); Politics And Government; Quakers; Rowan County (N.C.); Slaver; Slaves; United States
Session of November 1792-January 1793: House Committee Reports
North Carolina. General Assembly Cabarrus, Stephen Locke, Matthew Mebane, Alex Hawkins, Wyatt White, Will Henderson, Thomas Taylor, James Yancy, Thornton
Beaufort County (N.C.); Blount, John Gray, 1752 1833; Blount, William, 1749 1800; Boundaries; Bridges; Canals; Caswell, Richard, 1729 1789; Coffee; Committees; County Charters; Courts; Craven County (N.C.); Currituck (N.C.); Davidson, William Lee, 1746 1781; Debtor And Creditor; Debts, Public; Divorce; Edgecombe County (N.C.); Election Districts; Electoral College; Elizabeth River (Va.); Emigration And Immigration; Enfield (N.C.); Executions And Executioners; Executors And Administrators; Expenditures, Public; Ferries; Finance, Public; Franklin, Jesse, 1760 1823; Government; Great Britain. Parliament; Greene County (N.C.); Halifax (N.C.); Hall, Thomas H., 1773 1853; Halling, Solomon, 1755 1813; Hillsborough (N.C.); History; Impeachments; Inheritance And Succession; Justice, Administration Of; Land Grants; Larceny; Legislators; Livestock; Loans; Loans, Personal; Mallett, Peter, 1744 1805; Martin County (N.C.); Martin, Francois Xavier, 1762 1846; Mc Culloh, Henry E. (Henry Eustace), Approximately 1810; Mecklenburg County (N.C.); Misconduct In Office; Money; New Bern (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. Militia; Parliamentary Practice; Pasquotank River (N.C.); Politics And Government; Power Of Attorney; Prisons; Quakers; Real Property; Revenue; Revolution, 1775 1783; Roads; Sheriffs; Slaver; Slaves; Soldiers; Statutes; Sugar; Surry County (N.C.); Tarboro (N.C.); Taxation; Telfair, Alexander, Approximately 1734 1786; Tobacco; Tryon Palace (New Bern, N.C.); United States; United States. Congress; Wages; Warrenton (N.C.); Wilkes County (N.C.); Williams, Benjamin, 1751 1814; Wills
Session of November 1792-January 1793: Miscellaneous Petitions (2 of 2)
North Carolina. General Assembly Burke, Andrew Munford, Edward Munford, Thomas Spear, Henry Allen, Elizabeth Davidson, John Mathews, William Shepard, William Callahan, Henry Smith, James Purss, Henry Turner, Thomas Hooper, George Jones, Ed Harkins, Richard Blount, Charles Blount, William Hadley, Joshua Parker, Samuel Moore, James Gideon, James Lassitter, Nathan Sheppard, William Pope, John
Actions And Defenses; Appointment To Office; Arson; Assault And Battery; Chatham County (N.C.); Clemency; Court Administration; Courts; Crime; Criminals; Davidson County (N.C.); Debt; Debtor And Creditor; Debts, Public; Endowments; Escheat; Executors And Administrators; Fines (Penalties); Government; Granville County (N.C.); Gristmills; Halifax County (N.C.); Hillsborough (N.C.); History; Horse Stealing; Judges; Justice, Administration Of; Legislators; Livestock; Mecklenburg County (N.C.); Mental Illness; Misconduct In Office; Money; Montgomery County (N.C.); New Hanover County (N.C.); North Carolina; North Carolina. General Assembly; North Carolina. General Assembly. House Of Commons; North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate; North Carolina. Militia; Orange County (N.C.); Philadelphia (Pa.); Politics And Government; Ports Of Entry; Pre Trial Release; Prisoners; Prisons; Property; Punishment; Quakers; Rebates; Revenue; Slaver; Slaves; Soldiers; Stanly, John Wright, 1742 1789; Surry County (N.C.); Tax Collection; Trusts And Trustees; United States; United States. Constitution; Universities; Universities And Colleges; University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill; Wages
State State (Raleigh, N.C.);Down home in North Carolina
America; Bingham, Mary Lily Kenan Flagler, 1867 1917; Chapel Hill; Country Life; Discovery And Exploration; French; History; Jamestown; Kenan Family; North Carolina; North Carolina Collection; Periodicals; Photograph Collections; Plantations; Quakers; Slaver; Slavery; Slings; Universities; University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill; University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill. Wilson Library; Verrazano, Giovanni Da, 1485? 1527
Steps toward freedom
Lindley, Walter
Abolitionists; African Americans; Lectures And Lecturing; Pamphlets; Photographs; Quakers; Slave Trade; Slaver; Slavery; Underground Railroad; Whittier (Calif.)
The fighting Quaker, or, The droll darky's dismay
African Americans; Cowardice; History; Indians Of North America; Massacres; Quakers
The Free Negro in North Carolina
Rosser H. Taylor
African Americans; Emancipation; Free African Americans; Freedmen; History; Legal Status, Laws, Etc; North Carolina; Quakers; Slaver; Slaves
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