Manufacturers' Review Co
This is the volume I, issue 8, January 30, 1900 issue of Manufacturers Review: A Semi-Monthly Journal Devoted to the Industrial Development of the Southeast, a newspaper published semi-monthly by Manufacturers' Review Co. in Birmingham, Alabama. The newspaper includes news, information, facts, correspondence, editorials, illustrated ads, and articles of interest related to industry and technology. Topics include business, economics, industry, technology, politics, and statistics. Articles vary greatly in length and may be written by newspaper staff or outside contributors; summarized or copied from other newspapers; or summarized statements from public figures. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Organizing industrial associations; The Nicaragua Canal; Iron production in the South; At the head of the list; Southern textile schools; Improvement of Southwest pass; Decrease of production in December; North Carolina will spin its crop; Industrial education in Germany; Gold mining in Georgia; The Negro as an iron worker; American coal in commerce; Yellow pine; Pig iron; New Southern cotton mills; Southern hosiery manufacturers; The Port of Mobile; Review of the Southern markets (Southern timber land items; Mobile market; Naval stores markets; Iron in the Birmingham district; Pig iron output in 1899; Production of basic pig iron; Production of charcoal pig iron; Hardware; Coal); Semi-monthly survey of Southern industries; Large transfer of timber land
Finch, N. P. T