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Walker--WATS Line reports, 1964-1965 (Samuel Walker papers, 1964-1966; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 655, Box 1, Folder 4)

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Walker, Samuel


This folder includes a variety of WATS line and incident reports from July 1964-March 1965 (with interruptions), along with a few other items. The WATS line and incident reports cover the following dates: June 30-July 17, 1964, WATS line report, October 1964 list of incidents, November 28-December 30, 1964, incident list, and January-March 1965 WATS line and incident reports. Many of the incidents involve attempts to integrate motels and restaurants under the Civil Rights Act, while the January WATS line reports report that several MFDP members who participated in the Congressional Challenge in Washington, D.C., lost their jobs or were evicted from their homes on their return to Mississippi. State-wide depositions about voter suppression in Mississippi, initiated by the MFDP, were being taken at this time, and reports detail the testimony, witnesses, and lawyers involved. Malcolm X is assassinated during this period of time, and a shocking number of Mississippi civil rights workers
Reports And Surveys Press Releases Flyers And Handbills
Copyright to these documents belongs to the individuals who created them or the organizations for which they worked. The principal organizations have been defunct for many years and copyright to their unpublished records is uncertain. We share them here strictly for non-profit educational purposes. We have attempted to contact individuals who created personal papers of significant length or importance. Nearly all have generously permitted us to include their work. If you believe that you possess copyright to material included here, please contact us at Under the fair use provisions of the U.S. copyright law, teachers and students are free to reproduce any document for nonprofit classroom use. Commercial use of copyright-protected material is generally prohibited.
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Record Contributed By

Wisconsin Historical Society

Record Harvested From

Recollection Wisconsin


  1. Abbot, Klondike
  2. Abbot, Lemon
  3. Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990
  4. Abrams, Robert
  5. Adams, Jane
  6. Adams, Jim
  7. Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006
  8. Agnew, John
  9. Agriculture
  10. Alberts, George
  11. Albritton, Red
  12. Alderman, D. H
  13. Aley, Margaret
  14. Allen, John
  15. Allen, Louis
  16. Allen, Louis, Mrs
  17. Americans For Preservation Of The White Race
  18. Analavage, Robert
  19. Anderson, Gardner
  20. Anderson, Nathaniel
  21. Anglin, Frank
  22. Archibald, Larry
  23. Archie, Houston
  24. Arrest
  25. Arson
  26. Assault And Battery
  27. Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives
  28. Ault, Richard
  29. Austen, James
  30. Axelrod, Beverly
  31. Bailey, John
  32. Bankhead, Lee
  33. Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987
  34. Barnhill, Roger
  35. Barrett, Joyce
  36. Barry, Marion, 1936
  37. Bartlett, Jack
  38. Bass, James
  39. Bateman, Joe
  40. Bates, James
  41. Battiste, John
  42. Battle, Randy, 2009
  43. Baty, Douglas
  44. Beech, Robert, 1935 2008
  45. Belcher, William
  46. Belfrage, Sally, 1936
  47. Bell, John
  48. Bellamy, Fay
  49. Berman, Jack
  50. Bess, George
  51. Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008
  52. Bingham, Jonathan
  53. Bingham, Stephen, 1942
  54. Birdsong, T. B
  55. Bishop, Ernestine
  56. Bishop, Jack
  57. Blackwell, Jeremiah
  58. Blackwell, Unita, 1933
  59. Blanchette, Donald
  60. Blow, Robert
  61. Bombings
  62. Boone, Richard
  63. Bowie, Harry
  64. Bowie, Henry
  65. Boycotts
  66. Boyd, Sally Mae
  67. Boyd, Stan
  68. Brady, Phillip
  69. Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973
  70. Brandt, Barbara
  71. Bray, Sandra
  72. Brehay, R
  73. Breiner, Richard
  74. Brewer, Mike
  75. Bridgeforth, Ron
  76. Briggs, J. C
  77. Britting, Mary
  78. Broderick, Vincent
  79. Bronstein, Alvin J
  80. Brooks, Eddie
  81. Brown, Bambi
  82. Brown, Benjamin A
  83. Brown, Candy
  84. Brown, Charity
  85. Brown, James
  86. Brown, Jerry
  87. Brown, Joyce
  88. Brown, Larry
  89. Brown, Lloyd
  90. Brown, Otis
  91. Brown, Sandy
  92. Brown, Tom
  93. Brown, Wilson
  94. Bryant, Ray
  95. Buffington, John
  96. Bukely, Luther
  97. Burnham, Margaret
  98. Burt, Gordon
  99. Cabes, Leonard
  100. Calma, Jacques Michael
  101. Camera, Jeremy
  102. Campbell, A. E
  103. Campbell, Cecil
  104. Campbell, Ellis
  105. Campbell, Hayden
  106. Campbell, James A
  107. Campbell, L. Foote
  108. Campbell, Louis
  109. Campbell, Malcolm
  110. Campbell, Maybelle
  111. Carmichael, Stokely
  112. Carpenter, David
  113. Carr, Sam
  114. Carson, Judy
  115. Carver, Bernard
  116. Carver, Ronald
  117. Casey, Jerry
  118. Caston, Billy Jack
  119. Caves, Leonard B
  120. Chandler, Len
  121. Chaney, Ben
  122. Chaney, Fannie Lee
  123. Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964
  124. Charles
  125. Chastain, Norman
  126. Church Buildings
  127. Cieciorka, Frank
  128. Civil Rights
  129. Civil Rights Demonstrations
  130. Civil Rights Workers
  131. Clark, James G
  132. Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969
  133. Clemson, Barry
  134. Clergy
  135. Clothing And Dress
  136. Cocroft, Mason Freeman
  137. Cohelan, Jeffery, 1914 1999
  138. Cohen, Bob
  139. Coleman, Buddy
  140. Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991
  141. Coleman, John
  142. Collins, Ben
  143. Collins, Bill
  144. Collins, Eddie
  145. Communism
  146. Community Centers
  147. Congress Of Racial Equality
  148. Conyers, John, 1929
  149. Cooper, Fannie
  150. Corcorin, Ernest
  151. Cotton, Mac Arthur
  152. Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.)
  153. Country, Eddie
  154. Cox, Courtland, 1942
  155. Cox, Harold
  156. Craig, Calvin
  157. Crawford, Eartiss James
  158. Cress, Lorne
  159. Crosby, Mary Louise
  160. Cross, Joseph
  161. Crumpton, Oliver
  162. Cunningham, Sidney
  163. Currie, Browel
  164. Dahl, Katherine
  165. Daley, Roger
  166. Dann, James
  167. Darden, Ann
  168. Davis, A. B
  169. Davis, Clarence
  170. Davis, Frank
  171. Davis, Leroy
  172. Davis, Linda
  173. Davison, Marion
  174. Davy, Dick
  175. De Lott, Elaine
  176. De Vine, Annie
  177. Democratic Party (Miss.)
  178. Democratic Party (U.S.)
  179. Demonstrations
  180. Diggs, Charles C
  181. Dillon, Mattie
  182. Dixon, Homer
  183. Dixon, James H
  184. Doar, John, 1921
  185. Dodd, Len
  186. Dodd, Willer
  187. Donaldson, Ivanhoe
  188. Dorrough, William
  189. Dow, John
  190. Dubinsky, Ed
  191. Dyal, Ken
  192. Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986
  193. Easton, Louis
  194. Edwards, Don
  195. Ellery, Walter
  196. Else, Jon
  197. Ervin, Will
  198. Evans, Frank
  199. Everett, Sherry
  200. Everett, Ulysses
  201. Evers, Charles, 1922
  202. Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963
  203. Evins, Walker
  204. Eyrich, Clarence
  205. Farese, Tony
  206. Farmer, Clint
  207. Farmer, James, 1920 1999
  208. Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910 1994
  209. Featherstone, Ralph
  210. Fike, Tom
  211. Finley, John
  212. Finley, Steve
  213. Fisher, E. C
  214. Fleming, T. A
  215. Fletcher, Robert
  216. Flowers, Dick
  217. Floyd, Curtis E
  218. Food Drives
  219. Ford, James
  220. Forman, James, 1928 2005
  221. Forsyth, William H
  222. Fortenberry, Glenn
  223. Foster, John
  224. Fox, Larry
  225. Franklin, Maolla
  226. Franklin, Presley
  227. Fraser, Steve
  228. Free Southern Theater
  229. Freedom Day
  230. Freedom Singers
  231. Freedom Vote
  232. Freeman, Gladys
  233. Frentz, Gunter
  234. Frye, Hardy T
  235. Fusco, Liz
  236. Futorian, Aviva
  237. Galloway, Warren
  238. Ganz, Marshall, 1943
  239. Gaston, Dennis
  240. Gibson, Charlie
  241. Gillon, Gwendolyn
  242. Gilman, Robert
  243. Givens, Leo
  244. Gladney, Edna
  245. Glenn, Charles
  246. Goldberg, Stu
  247. Golden, Cleveland
  248. Goode, James P
  249. Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964
  250. Goodner, Allen Thomas
  251. Goodwin, Essie
  252. Gordon, Bruce
  253. Gordon, Emily
  254. Graham, Benjamin
  255. Grant, Louis
  256. Graves, Charles
  257. Gray, Douglas
  258. Gray, Jesse
  259. Gray, Lucius
  260. Green, Dove
  261. Greenberg, Iris
  262. Griffin, Rubel
  263. Gulick, Susan
  264. Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012
  265. Haberman, Karen
  266. Hall, Bill
  267. Hall, Clarence
  268. Hall, Cosey
  269. Hamer, Donald
  270. Hamer, Fannie Lou
  271. Hamilton, M. W., 1909 1990
  272. Hamlett, Ed, 1939
  273. Hancock, Milton
  274. Hansen, Bill
  275. Hansen, Ruthie Buffington
  276. Hanson, Pat
  277. Hardaway, Oliver
  278. Hargreaves, Robert
  279. Harper, Debbie
  280. Harper, J
  281. Harris, Ernest
  282. Harris, Jesse
  283. Harris, John
  284. Harrison, Jerry
  285. Harrison, Joe
  286. Hartfield, Ben
  287. Hartfield, Charles Nelson
  288. Hawkins, Augustus
  289. Hawthorne, Grace
  290. Hayes, Curtis
  291. Hayes, Louis
  292. Heitler, Richard
  293. Henderson, Margie
  294. Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997
  295. Hewitt, Theodis
  296. Higgs, William
  297. Higson, Mike
  298. Hill, Charles
  299. Hill, Lon Clay
  300. Hillegas, Jan
  301. Hines, Louis
  302. Hintz, Delores
  303. Hintz, Elsie
  304. Holt, James
  305. Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972
  306. Hope, Catherine
  307. Hopkins, Andrew
  308. House, Lou
  309. House, Stuart
  310. Howard, David
  311. Howard, Ruth
  312. Hubbard, Earl
  313. Hudgies, Howard
  314. Hughes, Cephus
  315. Hughes, Donald
  316. Hughes, Norman
  317. Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978
  318. Hurst, E. H
  319. Ingraham, Michael
  320. Intimidation
  321. Irby, Lucy
  322. Jackson, Albert
  323. Jackson, Ellis
  324. Jackson, Jimmie Lee
  325. Jackson, Joe
  326. Jackson, John
  327. Jackson, Lloyd
  328. Jackson, Moses Lee
  329. Jackson, Viola
  330. Jails
  331. Jeeter, Joey
  332. Jefferson, Mitchell
  333. Jemmott, Janet
  334. Jenkins, Douglas
  335. Jenkins, L
  336. Jenkins, Linda
  337. Johnson, Arthur
  338. Johnson, Caliss
  339. Johnson, Charles
  340. Johnson, Elenora
  341. Johnson, Joe
  342. Johnson, Linda
  343. Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973
  344. Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985
  345. Johnson, Willie
  346. Johnston, Erle
  347. Joiner, John Henry
  348. Jones, Daniel
  349. Jones, Frank
  350. Jones, Fred
  351. Jones, Hercules A
  352. Jones, James
  353. Jones, Jimmie Lee
  354. Jones, Mathew
  355. Jordan, R. O
  356. Josey, Thomas
  357. Junk, Ursula
  358. Kabat, Lucien
  359. Kaminsky, Georgia
  360. Kaminsky, Herschel
  361. Kaslo, Greg
  362. Katchings, Albert
  363. Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012
  364. Kelly, Richard
  365. Kempfer, James
  366. Keyes, Kilmer Estus
  367. King, Ann
  368. King, C. B
  369. King, Edwin H
  370. King, James
  371. King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968
  372. King, Slater, 1927 1969
  373. Kinner, Bob
  374. Kirkland, M. L
  375. Kirschenbaum, Howard
  376. Kitchens, Herman
  377. Klein, Paul
  378. Kline, Adam
  379. Knox, Alfred
  380. Koonan, Karen
  381. Kornfield, Carol
  382. Kotz, David
  383. Ku Klux Klan
  384. Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995
  385. Kushner, Fred
  386. Ladner, Dorie
  387. Ladner, Heber
  388. Lafayette, Bernard
  389. Larsen, Mary Grace
  390. Lary, Curtis
  391. Laurent, George
  392. Lavelle, Robert
  393. Lawrence, Tina
  394. Lee, Curtis
  395. Lee, Herbert
  396. Lee, Joe
  397. Lee, Roy
  398. Lee, Virginia Ann
  399. Lee, William
  400. Lee, Willie Henry
  401. Leigh, Sanford
  402. Lester, Julius
  403. Lewis, Jim
  404. Lewis, John
  405. Libraries
  406. Light, Bill
  407. Lindsay, Flossie
  408. Lingo, Al
  409. Literacy Tests (Election Law)
  410. Little, Grady
  411. Littlejohn, Roy
  412. Liutkis, John
  413. Lo Galbo, Emmanual
  414. Lockett, Ramona
  415. Loftus, Bill
  416. Long, Paul
  417. Long, Worth W
  418. Lorenzi, Henry
  419. Love, John Clark
  420. Lowenstein, Rick
  421. Lucky, Cleota
  422. Lynching
  423. Lynd, Staughton
  424. Mack, Mc Kinley
  425. Mack, Thelma
  426. Mahone, Sammy
  427. Marfleet, Ben
  428. Margolis, Ben
  429. Martin, Georgia
  430. Martin, Gordon
  431. Martin, Joe
  432. Martin, L. J
  433. Mass Media
  434. Masters, Robert
  435. Mc Arthur, Bob
  436. Mc Cord, Don
  437. Mc Cray, Willie
  438. Mc Gauley, Pat
  439. Mc Ghee, Jake
  440. Mc Ghee, Laura
  441. Mc Ghee, Silas
  442. Mc Ghee, Willie
  443. Mc Hugh, Madeline
  444. Mc Intyre, Red
  445. Mc Kellar, Chuck
  446. Mc Keller, Everett
  447. Mc Kinnie, Lester
  448. Mc Knight, Leo
  449. Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii
  450. Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.)
  451. Meredith, James, 1933
  452. Merritt, Carole
  453. Metcalf, George
  454. Miles, Robert
  455. Miller, George (George Paul), 1891 1982
  456. Miller, Marjorie
  457. Miller, Richard
  458. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
  459. Mississippi Freedom Schools
  460. Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission
  461. Mississippi Student Union
  462. Mitchell, Francis
  463. Mogelson, Jack
  464. Moldovan, Alfred, 1921
  465. Montgomery, Dorothy
  466. Montgomery, Edward G
  467. Moore, Marcia
  468. Moore, Philip
  469. Moore, Roy K
  470. Moore, William
  471. Morphew, Richard
  472. Morris, Isaac
  473. Morse, F. Bradford, 1921 1994
  474. Morse, Frank
  475. Morton, Eric
  476. Moses, Denise
  477. Moses, Robert Parris
  478. Mosk, Ed
  479. Murder
  480. Music
  481. National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
  482. Neblett
  483. Nelson, Roland
  484. Nemenyi, Peter
  485. Newell, Bob
  486. Nixon, Robert
  487. Norman, Silas
  488. O'connor, Claire
  489. O'neal, Chuck
  490. O'wyner, Paul
  491. Ohls, James
  492. Omerberg, Maynard
  493. Orris, Peter
  494. Page, Carl
  495. Palmen, Hazel
  496. Palmer, Hattie
  497. Parker, Sidney
  498. Parks, Henry
  499. Parry, James
  500. Patch, Penny
  501. Pate, Karen
  502. Patine, Raymond
  503. Patterson, Joseph Turner
  504. Peacock, James
  505. Pearlman, Daniel
  506. Perdew, John, 1941
  507. Pestana, Frank
  508. Pete, James
  509. Phipps, Bobby
  510. Phipps, James Earl
  511. Phipps, Leon
  512. Pickering, Merle
  513. Pigee, Vera Mae
  514. Pigford, William
  515. Police
  516. Police Brutality
  517. Poor
  518. Pounds, Ray
  519. Poverty
  520. Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972
  521. Powell, William
  522. Powells, J. D
  523. Pratt, Jack
  524. Prevost, G. M
  525. Price, Cecil
  526. Price, Charles
  527. Quinn, Aylene
  528. Rainey, Lawrence A
  529. Ramsey, Tom
  530. Ranew, Charles
  531. Ransom, James
  532. Rasberry, Donald
  533. Raymond, George
  534. Reaves, G. N., Mrs
  535. Redbyrd, Cecil
  536. Reed, Ogden
  537. Reese, Tony
  538. Reese, Willie
  539. Reinicke, Helmut
  540. Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969
  541. Rhodes, Edna
  542. Rice, Carl
  543. Rich, Marvin
  544. Richardson, Judy
  545. Ricks, Willie
  546. Ridley, Eugene
  547. Robertson, Joseph
  548. Robertson, Richard
  549. Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 1911
  550. Robinson, Jackie
  551. Robinson, James
  552. Rogers, Ruthie Lee
  553. Rohrbaugh, Ray
  554. Romney, George W., 1907 1995
  555. Rose, Glenn
  556. Ross, Jim
  557. Rouse, Eugene
  558. Rubin, Larry, 1942
  559. Ruffin, Susie
  560. Ryan, William F., 1922 1972
  561. Saltzman, Warren
  562. Samstein, Mendy
  563. Sanderford, D. O
  564. Saunders, Eddie
  565. Savio, Mario
  566. Scattergood, Charles
  567. Scheuer, James
  568. Schiffman, Alan
  569. Schools
  570. Schrader, Emmie
  571. Schulman, Howard
  572. Schwartz, Joseph
  573. Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964
  574. Schwerner, Nathan H
  575. Scott, Willie Emma
  576. Scudder, Kenneth
  577. Seese, Linda
  578. Segal, David
  579. Segregation
  580. Sellers, Cleveland, 1944
  581. Sellers, Minnie
  582. Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.)
  583. Shanahan, Paul
  584. Shankle, Ike
  585. Shannon, Henry
  586. Sharp, Charlie
  587. Sharp, Monroe
  588. Shaw, Terry
  589. Shaw, Willie
  590. Shelby, Ollie B
  591. Shepard, Walt
  592. Sherrod, Turner
  593. Shupenko, Mary Ann
  594. Sigel, John
  595. Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah
  596. Simmons, Jesse
  597. Simpkins, Isaac
  598. Simpson, Euvester
  599. Simpson, Richard
  600. Sims, Aaron
  601. Sims, Willie Gervis
  602. Smith, Dale
  603. Smith, Elvy
  604. Smith, F. L
  605. Smith, Frank
  606. Smith, J. D
  607. Smith, J. D., Mrs
  608. Smith, J. V
  609. Smith, J. W
  610. Smith, Jean
  611. Smith, Joe
  612. Smith, Lorie
  613. Smith, Robert
  614. Smith, Scott B
  615. Smith, Theresa
  616. Smith, Willie G
  617. Smitherman, Joseph
  618. Sneed, Billy
  619. Soracco, Frank
  620. Sorenson, Douglas
  621. Sours, Nancy Ann
  622. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  623. Spears, Lawrence
  624. Spencer, James
  625. Spinks, Althea
  626. Spios, Bill
  627. Stallworth, Jessie Mae
  628. Stavis, Morton
  629. Stenson, Bob
  630. Steptoe, E. W
  631. Sternberger, Richard S
  632. Steven, Philip E
  633. Stigler, Joe
  634. Stone, Joe
  635. Stribling, Tom
  636. Strong, Robert
  637. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
  638. Suarez, Matteo
  639. Sullivan, Joseph
  640. Surney, Lafayette
  641. Swartzfager, Paul
  642. Sweeney, Dennis
  643. Tate, Jesse
  644. Taylor, Ida Mae
  645. Thomas, Daniel
  646. Thomas, John
  647. Thomas, Morton
  648. Thomas, Willy
  649. Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980
  650. Threats
  651. Tillotson, John
  652. Townsend, Oscar
  653. Travis, Jimmy
  654. Trice, Clifford
  655. Tucker, Benny
  656. Turnbow, Hartman
  657. Turner, Albert
  658. Turner, Clint
  659. Unemployment
  660. United States
  661. United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964
  662. United States. Department Of Justice
  663. United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation
  664. Vaughs, Cliff
  665. Vietnam War, 1961 1975
  666. Vivian, C. T
  667. Vivian, Weston
  668. Volunteers
  669. Von Faxel, Morgan
  670. Voter Registration
  671. Walker, Daniel
  672. Walker, Robert
  673. Walker, Sid
  674. Wallace, Bill
  675. Wallace, Fred
  676. Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998
  677. War On Poverty
  678. Ware, Bill
  679. Ware, Henry
  680. Warren, R. R
  681. Warshaw, Mel
  682. Washington, Cynthia
  683. Washington, George
  684. Washington, Jackie
  685. Washington, John
  686. Washington, Willie
  687. Wasserman, Jac
  688. Watkins, Alberta
  689. Watkins, R. W
  690. Watts, Sandra
  691. Weathersby, William
  692. Wells, John
  693. Welsh, David
  694. Westbrook, Gerald
  695. Wetmore, Linda
  696. Wheat, Donald
  697. Wheatley, J. D
  698. White Citizens Councils
  699. White, Don
  700. White, Hilliard, Jr
  701. White, James
  702. White, Robert
  703. Whites
  704. Whitley, Clifton R
  705. Wiggins, E. J
  706. Wiley, Christopher
  707. Wilgoren, Arlene
  708. Wilkins, John
  709. Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981
  710. Williams, Andy
  711. Williams, Benny
  712. Williams, Bob
  713. Williams, Charles
  714. Williams, Chris
  715. Williams, Floyd
  716. Williams, Hosea, 1926
  717. Williams, James C
  718. Wilson, Jim
  719. Wilson, Warren
  720. Winn, Fred
  721. Winter, George
  722. Wise, Stanley
  723. Woodward, Otis
  724. X, Malcolm, 1925 1965
  725. Young, Andrew, 1932
  726. Young, Jack
  727. Young, Lawrence
  728. Zaretsky, Eli
  729. Zellner, Bob
  730. Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
  731. Zirker, Eva
  732. Ziss, Edward