Walker--WATS Line reports, 1964-1965 (Samuel Walker papers, 1964-1966; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 655, Box 1, Folder 4)
@ Wisconsin Historical Society
Walker, Samuel
This folder includes a variety of WATS line and incident reports from July 1964-March 1965 (with interruptions), along with a few other items. The WATS line and incident reports cover the following dates: June 30-July 17, 1964, WATS line report, October 1964 list of incidents, November 28-December 30, 1964, incident list, and January-March 1965 WATS line and incident reports. Many of the incidents involve attempts to integrate motels and restaurants under the Civil Rights Act, while the January WATS line reports report that several MFDP members who participated in the Congressional Challenge in Washington, D.C., lost their jobs or were evicted from their homes on their return to Mississippi. State-wide depositions about voter suppression in Mississippi, initiated by the MFDP, were being taken at this time, and reports detail the testimony, witnesses, and lawyers involved. Malcolm X is assassinated during this period of time, and a shocking number of Mississippi civil rights workers
Reports And Surveys Press Releases Flyers And Handbills
Copyright to these documents belongs to the individuals who created them or the organizations for which they worked. The principal organizations have been defunct for many years and copyright to their unpublished records is uncertain. We share them here strictly for non-profit educational purposes. We have attempted to contact individuals who created personal papers of significant length or importance. Nearly all have generously permitted us to include their work. If you believe that you possess copyright to material included here, please contact us at asklibrary@wisconsinhistory.org. Under the fair use provisions of the U.S. copyright law, teachers and students are free to reproduce any document for nonprofit classroom use. Commercial use of copyright-protected material is generally prohibited.
Record Contributed By
Wisconsin Historical SocietyRecord Harvested From
Recollection WisconsinKeywords
- Abbot, Klondike
- Abbot, Lemon
- Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990
- Abrams, Robert
- Adams, Jane
- Adams, Jim
- Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006
- Agnew, John
- Agriculture
- Alberts, George
- Albritton, Red
- Alderman, D. H
- Aley, Margaret
- Allen, John
- Allen, Louis
- Allen, Louis, Mrs
- Americans For Preservation Of The White Race
- Analavage, Robert
- Anderson, Gardner
- Anderson, Nathaniel
- Anglin, Frank
- Archibald, Larry
- Archie, Houston
- Arrest
- Arson
- Assault And Battery
- Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives
- Ault, Richard
- Austen, James
- Axelrod, Beverly
- Bailey, John
- Bankhead, Lee
- Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987
- Barnhill, Roger
- Barrett, Joyce
- Barry, Marion, 1936
- Bartlett, Jack
- Bass, James
- Bateman, Joe
- Bates, James
- Battiste, John
- Battle, Randy, 2009
- Baty, Douglas
- Beech, Robert, 1935 2008
- Belcher, William
- Belfrage, Sally, 1936
- Bell, John
- Bellamy, Fay
- Berman, Jack
- Bess, George
- Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008
- Bingham, Jonathan
- Bingham, Stephen, 1942
- Birdsong, T. B
- Bishop, Ernestine
- Bishop, Jack
- Blackwell, Jeremiah
- Blackwell, Unita, 1933
- Blanchette, Donald
- Blow, Robert
- Bombings
- Boone, Richard
- Bowie, Harry
- Bowie, Henry
- Boycotts
- Boyd, Sally Mae
- Boyd, Stan
- Brady, Phillip
- Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973
- Brandt, Barbara
- Bray, Sandra
- Brehay, R
- Breiner, Richard
- Brewer, Mike
- Bridgeforth, Ron
- Briggs, J. C
- Britting, Mary
- Broderick, Vincent
- Bronstein, Alvin J
- Brooks, Eddie
- Brown, Bambi
- Brown, Benjamin A
- Brown, Candy
- Brown, Charity
- Brown, James
- Brown, Jerry
- Brown, Joyce
- Brown, Larry
- Brown, Lloyd
- Brown, Otis
- Brown, Sandy
- Brown, Tom
- Brown, Wilson
- Bryant, Ray
- Buffington, John
- Bukely, Luther
- Burnham, Margaret
- Burt, Gordon
- Cabes, Leonard
- Calma, Jacques Michael
- Camera, Jeremy
- Campbell, A. E
- Campbell, Cecil
- Campbell, Ellis
- Campbell, Hayden
- Campbell, James A
- Campbell, L. Foote
- Campbell, Louis
- Campbell, Malcolm
- Campbell, Maybelle
- Carmichael, Stokely
- Carpenter, David
- Carr, Sam
- Carson, Judy
- Carver, Bernard
- Carver, Ronald
- Casey, Jerry
- Caston, Billy Jack
- Caves, Leonard B
- Chandler, Len
- Chaney, Ben
- Chaney, Fannie Lee
- Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964
- Charles
- Chastain, Norman
- Church Buildings
- Cieciorka, Frank
- Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Demonstrations
- Civil Rights Workers
- Clark, James G
- Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969
- Clemson, Barry
- Clergy
- Clothing And Dress
- Cocroft, Mason Freeman
- Cohelan, Jeffery, 1914 1999
- Cohen, Bob
- Coleman, Buddy
- Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991
- Coleman, John
- Collins, Ben
- Collins, Bill
- Collins, Eddie
- Communism
- Community Centers
- Congress Of Racial Equality
- Conyers, John, 1929
- Cooper, Fannie
- Corcorin, Ernest
- Cotton, Mac Arthur
- Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.)
- Country, Eddie
- Cox, Courtland, 1942
- Cox, Harold
- Craig, Calvin
- Crawford, Eartiss James
- Cress, Lorne
- Crosby, Mary Louise
- Cross, Joseph
- Crumpton, Oliver
- Cunningham, Sidney
- Currie, Browel
- Dahl, Katherine
- Daley, Roger
- Dann, James
- Darden, Ann
- Davis, A. B
- Davis, Clarence
- Davis, Frank
- Davis, Leroy
- Davis, Linda
- Davison, Marion
- Davy, Dick
- De Lott, Elaine
- De Vine, Annie
- Democratic Party (Miss.)
- Democratic Party (U.S.)
- Demonstrations
- Diggs, Charles C
- Dillon, Mattie
- Dixon, Homer
- Dixon, James H
- Doar, John, 1921
- Dodd, Len
- Dodd, Willer
- Donaldson, Ivanhoe
- Dorrough, William
- Dow, John
- Dubinsky, Ed
- Dyal, Ken
- Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986
- Easton, Louis
- Edwards, Don
- Ellery, Walter
- Else, Jon
- Ervin, Will
- Evans, Frank
- Everett, Sherry
- Everett, Ulysses
- Evers, Charles, 1922
- Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963
- Evins, Walker
- Eyrich, Clarence
- Farese, Tony
- Farmer, Clint
- Farmer, James, 1920 1999
- Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910 1994
- Featherstone, Ralph
- Fike, Tom
- Finley, John
- Finley, Steve
- Fisher, E. C
- Fleming, T. A
- Fletcher, Robert
- Flowers, Dick
- Floyd, Curtis E
- Food Drives
- Ford, James
- Forman, James, 1928 2005
- Forsyth, William H
- Fortenberry, Glenn
- Foster, John
- Fox, Larry
- Franklin, Maolla
- Franklin, Presley
- Fraser, Steve
- Free Southern Theater
- Freedom Day
- Freedom Singers
- Freedom Vote
- Freeman, Gladys
- Frentz, Gunter
- Frye, Hardy T
- Fusco, Liz
- Futorian, Aviva
- Galloway, Warren
- Ganz, Marshall, 1943
- Gaston, Dennis
- Gibson, Charlie
- Gillon, Gwendolyn
- Gilman, Robert
- Givens, Leo
- Gladney, Edna
- Glenn, Charles
- Goldberg, Stu
- Golden, Cleveland
- Goode, James P
- Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964
- Goodner, Allen Thomas
- Goodwin, Essie
- Gordon, Bruce
- Gordon, Emily
- Graham, Benjamin
- Grant, Louis
- Graves, Charles
- Gray, Douglas
- Gray, Jesse
- Gray, Lucius
- Green, Dove
- Greenberg, Iris
- Griffin, Rubel
- Gulick, Susan
- Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012
- Haberman, Karen
- Hall, Bill
- Hall, Clarence
- Hall, Cosey
- Hamer, Donald
- Hamer, Fannie Lou
- Hamilton, M. W., 1909 1990
- Hamlett, Ed, 1939
- Hancock, Milton
- Hansen, Bill
- Hansen, Ruthie Buffington
- Hanson, Pat
- Hardaway, Oliver
- Hargreaves, Robert
- Harper, Debbie
- Harper, J
- Harris, Ernest
- Harris, Jesse
- Harris, John
- Harrison, Jerry
- Harrison, Joe
- Hartfield, Ben
- Hartfield, Charles Nelson
- Hawkins, Augustus
- Hawthorne, Grace
- Hayes, Curtis
- Hayes, Louis
- Heitler, Richard
- Henderson, Margie
- Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997
- Hewitt, Theodis
- Higgs, William
- Higson, Mike
- Hill, Charles
- Hill, Lon Clay
- Hillegas, Jan
- Hines, Louis
- Hintz, Delores
- Hintz, Elsie
- Holt, James
- Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972
- Hope, Catherine
- Hopkins, Andrew
- House, Lou
- House, Stuart
- Howard, David
- Howard, Ruth
- Hubbard, Earl
- Hudgies, Howard
- Hughes, Cephus
- Hughes, Donald
- Hughes, Norman
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978
- Hurst, E. H
- Ingraham, Michael
- Intimidation
- Irby, Lucy
- Jackson, Albert
- Jackson, Ellis
- Jackson, Jimmie Lee
- Jackson, Joe
- Jackson, John
- Jackson, Lloyd
- Jackson, Moses Lee
- Jackson, Viola
- Jails
- Jeeter, Joey
- Jefferson, Mitchell
- Jemmott, Janet
- Jenkins, Douglas
- Jenkins, L
- Jenkins, Linda
- Johnson, Arthur
- Johnson, Caliss
- Johnson, Charles
- Johnson, Elenora
- Johnson, Joe
- Johnson, Linda
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973
- Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985
- Johnson, Willie
- Johnston, Erle
- Joiner, John Henry
- Jones, Daniel
- Jones, Frank
- Jones, Fred
- Jones, Hercules A
- Jones, James
- Jones, Jimmie Lee
- Jones, Mathew
- Jordan, R. O
- Josey, Thomas
- Junk, Ursula
- Kabat, Lucien
- Kaminsky, Georgia
- Kaminsky, Herschel
- Kaslo, Greg
- Katchings, Albert
- Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012
- Kelly, Richard
- Kempfer, James
- Keyes, Kilmer Estus
- King, Ann
- King, C. B
- King, Edwin H
- King, James
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968
- King, Slater, 1927 1969
- Kinner, Bob
- Kirkland, M. L
- Kirschenbaum, Howard
- Kitchens, Herman
- Klein, Paul
- Kline, Adam
- Knox, Alfred
- Koonan, Karen
- Kornfield, Carol
- Kotz, David
- Ku Klux Klan
- Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995
- Kushner, Fred
- Ladner, Dorie
- Ladner, Heber
- Lafayette, Bernard
- Larsen, Mary Grace
- Lary, Curtis
- Laurent, George
- Lavelle, Robert
- Lawrence, Tina
- Lee, Curtis
- Lee, Herbert
- Lee, Joe
- Lee, Roy
- Lee, Virginia Ann
- Lee, William
- Lee, Willie Henry
- Leigh, Sanford
- Lester, Julius
- Lewis, Jim
- Lewis, John
- Libraries
- Light, Bill
- Lindsay, Flossie
- Lingo, Al
- Literacy Tests (Election Law)
- Little, Grady
- Littlejohn, Roy
- Liutkis, John
- Lo Galbo, Emmanual
- Lockett, Ramona
- Loftus, Bill
- Long, Paul
- Long, Worth W
- Lorenzi, Henry
- Love, John Clark
- Lowenstein, Rick
- Lucky, Cleota
- Lynching
- Lynd, Staughton
- Mack, Mc Kinley
- Mack, Thelma
- Mahone, Sammy
- Marfleet, Ben
- Margolis, Ben
- Martin, Georgia
- Martin, Gordon
- Martin, Joe
- Martin, L. J
- Mass Media
- Masters, Robert
- Mc Arthur, Bob
- Mc Cord, Don
- Mc Cray, Willie
- Mc Gauley, Pat
- Mc Ghee, Jake
- Mc Ghee, Laura
- Mc Ghee, Silas
- Mc Ghee, Willie
- Mc Hugh, Madeline
- Mc Intyre, Red
- Mc Kellar, Chuck
- Mc Keller, Everett
- Mc Kinnie, Lester
- Mc Knight, Leo
- Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii
- Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.)
- Meredith, James, 1933
- Merritt, Carole
- Metcalf, George
- Miles, Robert
- Miller, George (George Paul), 1891 1982
- Miller, Marjorie
- Miller, Richard
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
- Mississippi Freedom Schools
- Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission
- Mississippi Student Union
- Mitchell, Francis
- Mogelson, Jack
- Moldovan, Alfred, 1921
- Montgomery, Dorothy
- Montgomery, Edward G
- Moore, Marcia
- Moore, Philip
- Moore, Roy K
- Moore, William
- Morphew, Richard
- Morris, Isaac
- Morse, F. Bradford, 1921 1994
- Morse, Frank
- Morton, Eric
- Moses, Denise
- Moses, Robert Parris
- Mosk, Ed
- Murder
- Music
- National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
- Neblett
- Nelson, Roland
- Nemenyi, Peter
- Newell, Bob
- Nixon, Robert
- Norman, Silas
- O'connor, Claire
- O'neal, Chuck
- O'wyner, Paul
- Ohls, James
- Omerberg, Maynard
- Orris, Peter
- Page, Carl
- Palmen, Hazel
- Palmer, Hattie
- Parker, Sidney
- Parks, Henry
- Parry, James
- Patch, Penny
- Pate, Karen
- Patine, Raymond
- Patterson, Joseph Turner
- Peacock, James
- Pearlman, Daniel
- Perdew, John, 1941
- Pestana, Frank
- Pete, James
- Phipps, Bobby
- Phipps, James Earl
- Phipps, Leon
- Pickering, Merle
- Pigee, Vera Mae
- Pigford, William
- Police
- Police Brutality
- Poor
- Pounds, Ray
- Poverty
- Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972
- Powell, William
- Powells, J. D
- Pratt, Jack
- Prevost, G. M
- Price, Cecil
- Price, Charles
- Quinn, Aylene
- Rainey, Lawrence A
- Ramsey, Tom
- Ranew, Charles
- Ransom, James
- Rasberry, Donald
- Raymond, George
- Reaves, G. N., Mrs
- Redbyrd, Cecil
- Reed, Ogden
- Reese, Tony
- Reese, Willie
- Reinicke, Helmut
- Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969
- Rhodes, Edna
- Rice, Carl
- Rich, Marvin
- Richardson, Judy
- Ricks, Willie
- Ridley, Eugene
- Robertson, Joseph
- Robertson, Richard
- Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 1911
- Robinson, Jackie
- Robinson, James
- Rogers, Ruthie Lee
- Rohrbaugh, Ray
- Romney, George W., 1907 1995
- Rose, Glenn
- Ross, Jim
- Rouse, Eugene
- Rubin, Larry, 1942
- Ruffin, Susie
- Ryan, William F., 1922 1972
- Saltzman, Warren
- Samstein, Mendy
- Sanderford, D. O
- Saunders, Eddie
- Savio, Mario
- Scattergood, Charles
- Scheuer, James
- Schiffman, Alan
- Schools
- Schrader, Emmie
- Schulman, Howard
- Schwartz, Joseph
- Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964
- Schwerner, Nathan H
- Scott, Willie Emma
- Scudder, Kenneth
- Seese, Linda
- Segal, David
- Segregation
- Sellers, Cleveland, 1944
- Sellers, Minnie
- Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.)
- Shanahan, Paul
- Shankle, Ike
- Shannon, Henry
- Sharp, Charlie
- Sharp, Monroe
- Shaw, Terry
- Shaw, Willie
- Shelby, Ollie B
- Shepard, Walt
- Sherrod, Turner
- Shupenko, Mary Ann
- Sigel, John
- Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah
- Simmons, Jesse
- Simpkins, Isaac
- Simpson, Euvester
- Simpson, Richard
- Sims, Aaron
- Sims, Willie Gervis
- Smith, Dale
- Smith, Elvy
- Smith, F. L
- Smith, Frank
- Smith, J. D
- Smith, J. D., Mrs
- Smith, J. V
- Smith, J. W
- Smith, Jean
- Smith, Joe
- Smith, Lorie
- Smith, Robert
- Smith, Scott B
- Smith, Theresa
- Smith, Willie G
- Smitherman, Joseph
- Sneed, Billy
- Soracco, Frank
- Sorenson, Douglas
- Sours, Nancy Ann
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- Spears, Lawrence
- Spencer, James
- Spinks, Althea
- Spios, Bill
- Stallworth, Jessie Mae
- Stavis, Morton
- Stenson, Bob
- Steptoe, E. W
- Sternberger, Richard S
- Steven, Philip E
- Stigler, Joe
- Stone, Joe
- Stribling, Tom
- Strong, Robert
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
- Suarez, Matteo
- Sullivan, Joseph
- Surney, Lafayette
- Swartzfager, Paul
- Sweeney, Dennis
- Tate, Jesse
- Taylor, Ida Mae
- Thomas, Daniel
- Thomas, John
- Thomas, Morton
- Thomas, Willy
- Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980
- Threats
- Tillotson, John
- Townsend, Oscar
- Travis, Jimmy
- Trice, Clifford
- Tucker, Benny
- Turnbow, Hartman
- Turner, Albert
- Turner, Clint
- Unemployment
- United States
- United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964
- United States. Department Of Justice
- United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation
- Vaughs, Cliff
- Vietnam War, 1961 1975
- Vivian, C. T
- Vivian, Weston
- Volunteers
- Von Faxel, Morgan
- Voter Registration
- Walker, Daniel
- Walker, Robert
- Walker, Sid
- Wallace, Bill
- Wallace, Fred
- Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998
- War On Poverty
- Ware, Bill
- Ware, Henry
- Warren, R. R
- Warshaw, Mel
- Washington, Cynthia
- Washington, George
- Washington, Jackie
- Washington, John
- Washington, Willie
- Wasserman, Jac
- Watkins, Alberta
- Watkins, R. W
- Watts, Sandra
- Weathersby, William
- Wells, John
- Welsh, David
- Westbrook, Gerald
- Wetmore, Linda
- Wheat, Donald
- Wheatley, J. D
- White Citizens Councils
- White, Don
- White, Hilliard, Jr
- White, James
- White, Robert
- Whites
- Whitley, Clifton R
- Wiggins, E. J
- Wiley, Christopher
- Wilgoren, Arlene
- Wilkins, John
- Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981
- Williams, Andy
- Williams, Benny
- Williams, Bob
- Williams, Charles
- Williams, Chris
- Williams, Floyd
- Williams, Hosea, 1926
- Williams, James C
- Wilson, Jim
- Wilson, Warren
- Winn, Fred
- Winter, George
- Wise, Stanley
- Woodward, Otis
- X, Malcolm, 1925 1965
- Young, Andrew, 1932
- Young, Jack
- Young, Lawrence
- Zaretsky, Eli
- Zellner, Bob
- Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010
- Zirker, Eva
- Ziss, Edward