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Relationship between African Americans and the two party system

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White, Conrad Rivero, Marita Barrow-Murray, Barbara Spooner, Dighton


In this clip Marita Muhammad Rivero interviews Mtangulizi Sanyika, the Political Director of the National Black Political Assembly, to discuss the recent NBPC convention in Cincinnati. Sanyika comments on failure of the current two party system to serve the interests of African Americans, and his particular disappointment with the Democratic Party Convention and party structure in addressing the needs of the Black Community. Overall the pProgram examines the National Black Political Convention and the evolution of a third party based on the political interests of African Americans. Host Marita Rivero speaks separately with Luix Overbea, writer for the Christian Science Monitor, and Mtangulizi Sanyika, the Political Director of the National Black Political Assembly, to discuss the recent NBPC convention in Cincinnati, whether there was a strong local representation from communities across the country, whether the conventions are moving towards a stronger African American party, whether the party's platform still has a strong nationalist feel; whether the two-party system works, whether the National Black Political Assembly has the potential of serving as a national forum, whether the agenda of the Assembly is a good one, and whether the events of Charlotte, N.C., in which African American elected officials stated interest in continuing to work within the two-party system. Program includes still photography of convention events and politicians and the "Community Calendar." Produced by Marita Muhammad Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Buccheri, RonMahard, FranWareham, SkipMacKnight, JohnWhite, DonSpangler, JenniferPlausse, JohnClarke, BrianKane, PatAllen, LydiaBourne, WendellBundy, KissetteLane, FrankCross, JuneWilson, BobKramer, Sharon
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