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Inside Story of Little Rock - Page 2

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Hays, Brooks


Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks U.S. News & World Report —USN&WR Photo [photograph credit] SHOWDOWN IN SEPTEMBER, 1957 - Federal troops at Little Rock's Central High School [photograph caption] (The book, "A Southern Moderate Speaks," by Brooks Hays, is published by the University of North Carolina Press. Permission to reprint any portion, including the excerpts printed here, must be obtained from the University of North Carolina Press.) August 20, Governor Faubus telephoned Governor Marvin Griffin of Georgia, who was due to address the Capital Citizens Council of Little Rock two days later. Upon being assured that Griffin and Roy Harris, former Georgia State senator and Citizens Council leader, would not make any inflammatory speeches, Governor Faubus invited them to stay at the Governor's Mansion. Said Harris later: "We had to accept Faubus's invitation to stay at the Mansion, but we had to apologize to the [Citizens] Council folks for staying there. "When we got to the airport there at Little Rock, Marv went over and greeted the Governor's delegation-the State troopers and all-and that gave me time to get to one side with our people. I apologized and told 'em that Marv figured it was just courtesy to accept another Governor's invitation, and that being discourteous wouldn't do any good. "And then I told 'em, 'Why, having us two there at the Mansion's the worst thing could happen to Faubus. It'll ruin him with the integrationists and liberals.'...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
Created Date:
March 23, 1959
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Brooks Hays Materials

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University of Arkansas