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Letter from Orson S. Murray, Shoreham, [Vt.], to William Lloyd Garrison, March 15, 1833

@ Boston Public Library
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Murray, Orson S


Holograph, signed.Title devised by cataloger.Manuscript annotated on recto, with "23" penciled in above Murray's salutation on top-left of page.Manuscript addressed on verso to "Mr. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Ed. Liberator, Boston, Mass."Orson S. Murray writes William Lloyd Garrison on a number of matters, opening with a brief philosophizing concerning the cutting down of a large true wherein he laments that cutting down the "root of popular error" is not so easily achieved. Turning quickly towards his ongoing consideration of the offer of an appointment as an agent of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, Murray informs Garrison that he has decided to accept this position. Murray states that his friends have advised him to compose an antislavery pamphlet. Murray requests Garrison's advice on the formation and operation of auxiliary societies, and discusses certain reviews and notices which have appeared in the newspapers. Murray expresses his earnest desire that he should avoid the charge that he has used only copied materials in his writings, and states that he has been reviewing and criticizing writings of proponents of colonization.
Correspondence Manuscripts
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Boston Public Library

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