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Poem by Chôsui

@ St. Catherine University

Suzuki Harunobu


This color woodblock print features a vertical composition of an interior view. In the foreground, there are figures of two women facing one another, wearing long robes and with hair that appears to be twisted and embellished high on the back of their heads. The woman on the left is wearing layered garments of grey over soft oranges, wrapped at the waist with a striped band. Her head is leaning to the left of the composition, facing downward. She is standing on her right foot with the left foot raised behind her, toes just off the floor. Her arms are entangled with the woman on the right. The latter is wearing a deep blue patterned garment over orange layers, wrapped at the waist with a cream colored band. Her right foot is partially visible behind the garment. This woman’s upper body is bent forward, with her left arm extended out toward the woman on the left. The latter uses her right hand to who grasps the left wrist of the woman on the right. The woman on the right is holding an object that appears to have writing on it in her right hand, and she contorts her body away from the other figure, seemingly to keep the other woman from getting the object. Both figures’ gazes are downward, toward the lower left of the composition, with little expression on either face. The floor on which they stand is a cool midtone brown with two bands of blue grey running...
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St. Catherine University