1879-06: Alabama Farm Journal, Auburn, Alabama, Volume 2, Issue 3
This is the volume II, issue 3, June 1879 issue of The Alabama Farm Journal: A Monthly Magazine for the Field and Fireside, a newspaper published monthly in Auburn, Alabama. The newspaper includes news, information, facts, correspondence, editorials, illustrated ads, and articles of interest related to agriculture and rural life. Topics include agriculture, livestock, birds, flowers, home economics, food, clothing and fashion, economics, politics, and statistics. Articles vary greatly in length and may be written by newspaper staff or outside contributors; summarized or copied from other newspapers; or summarized statements from public figures. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Wasted elements of fertility; Small farms; Stock raising in the South; Jersey Red swine; Linseed and cotton-seed cake; Cat-tail millet; Results of experiments at the Massachusetts Agricultural College: Influence of rain water on fertilizers; The exodus of the Negro; Compost and cotton seed meal; Level culture; Grape culture; Dwarf and other pears; White clover in pastures; Monthly abstract of the weather; Prickly comfrey; Winter grasses; Notes on the May number (An asparagus bed; Terracing or hill-side ditching); How to keep fowls; Feeding for butter; How cotton seed kills hogs; Fertilizers for corn--Lessons from the field experiments; Mutton sheep and their management; U. S. Patents for March, 1879; About the farm; Fattening hogs without corn; Why Not?; U. S. Patents Issued to Alabama for April, 1879; Give us lIght; Prevention of cholera...
Record Contributed By
Auburn University
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia