Relation of the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle from 1679 to 1681: The Official Narrative
@ Wisconsin Historical Society
Travel Narrative Translation
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Wisconsin Historical SocietyRecord Harvested From
Recollection WisconsinKeywords
- Agriculture
- Arkansas
- Assiniboin
- Captivity
- Cayuga
- Chickasaw
- Clothing
- Cold Weather
- Construction
- Customs
- Dakota Sioux
- Diplomacy & Treaties
- Fernando De Soto
- Food & Water
- Fort Fontenac
- Fox
- Fr. Louis Hennepin
- Great Lakes
- Green Bay
- Hunting
- Illinois
- Indian Practices
- Intertribal Relations
- Iroquois
- Kickapoo
- Lake Erie
- Lake Huron
- Lake Michigan
- Lakes
- M. De Tonti
- M. De Tonty
- Mascouten
- Miami
- Montreal
- Navigation
- Niagara Falls
- Ohio River
- Omaha
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Osage
- Potawatomi
- Resistance & Revolt
- Rivers
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Slaver
- Slavery
- Snow
- Storms
- Tamaroa
- Tools & Implements
- Trade & Barter
- Transportation
- Wappo
- Warfare & Battles
- Winds
- Worklife