Weare, Robert Henry
voice Coll. by M.C. Parler DeValls Bluff, Ark Nov. 14, 1953 Sung by Mr. Henry Weare Miss Dinah Reel 173 Item 5 Night-time a-comin and daylight a-scootin, Dew-drop a - f a l l i n , and big owl a-hootin, Lil ol' stars am a - f a l l in and a-shootin, De big ol' horn am a-blowin an' a-tootin, Hi-oh, Miss Dinah, listen to my song, Hi-oh, Miss Dinah, comin' right along Hi-oh, Miss Dinah, I'll see you a l i t t l e later, Hi-oh, Miss Dinah, he'p you peel dat tater. Lil stars gittin up higher an a higher, Supper-time comin on nigher an' nigher, Courtin Miss Dinah by the hick'ry f i r e, Roast dem taters while settin down by 'er, Hi-oh, etc. Cat-bird are happy when de cherry gittin redder, De sheep are mighty lively an' a-grazin in de medder, De nigger an' his l i l gal a-settin down togedder, Happy as a cricket in de sunshiny wedder, Hi-oh, etc. Funding for digitization provided by the Arkansas Humanities Council and the Happy Hollow Foundation.
Parler, Mary Celestia
1953 11 14
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