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Inside Story of Little Rock - Page 4

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Hays, Brooks


Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks Inside Story of Little Rock ..."There was no doubt about Governor Faubus's desire to work constructively with the President and to avoid a showdown that would aggravate the tension" and his denial of opposition to integration, gave me hope that a quick and peaceful solution would be found. I spoke again that evening at the Immanuel Baptist Church, already committed to make my good offices available as mediator and anxious to draw on the spiritual resources of our people to help remedy the situation. Monday morning, September 9, I called Presidential Assistant Sherman Adams at the White House to say that, in the existing difficulties over integration of Little Rock Central High School, I wanted to be as helpful as possible. I had no qualms about calling the President's right-hand man because we had developed a close friendship in Congress 10 years before. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked. He indicated that there might be and that he appreciated my call very much. Although nothing definite came out of the conversation, it served as the beginning of the negotiations leading to the Newport, R. L, meeting. When Sherman asked for some specific steps that might be taken, I suggested that the President invite the Governor to Washington for a conference. Though I had no information whatever on that point and had not talked to the Governor at all, I was convinced...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
Created Date:
March 23, 1959
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Brooks Hays Materials

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University of Arkansas