Annual Report, Glen Lake Farm School for Boys
@ Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Glen Lake Farm School for Boys; Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Home
In 1907 the legislature of Minnesota made provision for a Detention Home in Hennepin county, under the joint direction of the Judge of the District Court and the Board of County Commissioners. Judge John Day Smith, who first stirred public sentiment to the necessity of a home for boys, was assigned to the Juvenile Court work, which also included the location and equipment of the home. Ninety-two acres of land were bought, and a ten-room farm house, barns and outbuildings were soon remodeled, made modern and ready for occupancy in February, 1909, when the first boys arrived. Contents of this year include: board of managers (including photos); maintenance; expenditures; roll of admission/release; justification and organizational structure; equipment, crops, and stock; daily schedule; map; backgrounds, offenses and/or dependency, nativity, and ages of boys; dining room; government; education, discipline, and religious instruction; library; letters; parental demographics; amusements; Boys' Friends (male and female volunteers/benefactors); photos of grounds and of boys at work/play.
D.C. MacKenzie, superintendent