Rivero, Marita Barrow-Murray, Barbara Jones, Vickie White, Conrad Crippens, David Balhatchet, Tom Spooner, Dighton Fairweather, Bill Handyside, Keith Spangler, Jennifer Correia, Dennis
In this clip Georgia State Representative Julian Bond presents his "Historical Minute" on the history of Black capitalism in the United States. He quotes from the Gazetteer and Guide from 1901 that states between 1620 and 1830 the real and personal property of Free Blacks was valued at $100 million. Overall the program explores the beliefs and ideals of African American Muslims who are members of the Nation of Islam, through three principal segments: footage from the 1975 Savior's Day Celebration in Chicago (including excerpts from a speeches and interviews given by Supreme Minister Wallace D. Muhammad and National Secretary Abass Rasoul), a "Conversation" between Vickie Jones and a female member of the Nation of Islam about restrictions placed upon women by the Nation, and an excerpt from an interview with poet and Nation member Sonia 5X Sanchez. Additional segments include "Information" on Arab/African relations, a "Spotlight" on the African art of Momodou Ceesay, the "Historical Minute" with Georgia State Representative Julian Bond, "Commentary" by professor and historian A.B. Spellman, and segment interludes with Reggie Torrian (of the musical groupThe Impressions), Louis Wilson (of the musical group Mandrill), and Pi Douglas (cast member of The Wiz). Produced by Marita Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Izzi, SteveSilva, CandelariaRivero, MaritaHenry, ArthurLeCain, LarryHadfield, PeterWareham, SkipSpeight, Alonzo RMcGuire Nicholas, SallieBordett, BruceLane, FrankMacKnight, JohnSmith, LeeBravo Wing, CarlaWilson, BobHutton, DavidFletcher, LeahBuccheri, RonWebster Lewis Septet, TheHaydock, RogerNixon, BeverlyHolden, DickSmith, KathyTarter, MargaretBenson, BillCharette, BillChigas, BasilCogell, LloydNicholas , Huntley, JrSullivan, John LPlausse, JohnMacDonald, GregFloyd, MichaelWright, SylviaWright, RodnerEstus, BoydDick, MichaelBagwell, OrlandoJohnson, HenryDeVitt, DouglasKenner, SharonSt. Onge, DavidKane, PatSimons, FredJackson, BillLoerzel, DavidKoppel, Tiit
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Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- African American Business Enterprises
- African American Businesspeople
- African American Politicians
- African Americans
- Black Muslims
- Capitalism
- Ceesay, Momodou 1945
- Civil Rights
- Douglas, Pi
- Mandrill, Louis
- Muhammad, Wallace D. Rasoul, Abass
- Sanchez, Sonia
- Savior's Day Celebration
- Segregation
- Torrian, Reggie
- United States