Hays, Brooks
Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks Inside Story of Little Rock "There were speculations as to what might have happened if Judge Davies had ordered the United States marshal to assist the local police and add to his force of deputies" and I had no thoughts of doing so at this time. I was reassured, though, when Sherman added that, if I needed to talk to someone again, "Call me any time." Thus, on the morning of Tuesday, September 24, my struggle to prevent federal use of troops came to an end. Relman Morin, AP correspondent, and Pulitzer Prize winner for his reporting of the Little Rock story, told me recently that he had good reason for believing that the Daisy Bates NAACP group had not intended to attempt to enter the Negroes in Central High on September 23, and that Governor Faubus was really surprised when he learned, at Sea Island, Ga., of Monday's developments. How plans got changed remains as much a mystery to me as it does to Governor Faubus. There were speculations as to what might have happened "if": If the Governor had not gone away, and if he had sent State police to patrol actively the school area-he had never said he would not; If it had not been a bright clear day-it had rained hard the two previous days; If the fire chief had responded to Mayor Mann's request for the use of...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
March 23, 1959
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