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Letter to] Dear Deborah [manuscript

@ Boston Public Library


Holograph, signed with initialsAnne W. Weston gives a detailed account of the expenses incurred through her preparation for Northampton and New York. Warren Weston called to take leave before sailing for Havana. The risk of the voyage is his own, and business is bad. Anne describes her journey with Henry G. and Maria W. Chapman to Northampton. Together, Anne and Henry explored a bookstore "where was a very respectable circulating library." Judge Lyman and his family called, also Mr. (William) Adam, and later Mr. David Lee Child. George Benson has two children dangerously ill with scarlet fever. Anne does not think that Henry G. Chapman's health is improving and wants him to see Dr. (Robert) Wesselhoeft. There is a prospect of Henry G. Chapman taking a house on Summer Street, Boston. Anne lists friends who are going to New York. David Lee Child has written a memorial to the House of Representatives asking for an alteration of the Constitution, which has been signed by the leading people of Northampton
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Boston Public Library

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