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Ornette Coleman

@ National Portrait Gallery


Ornette Coleman #2This drawing of jazz musician Ornette Coleman (born 1930) is one of at least three Elaine made around 1965. As in some of her drawings of John F. Kennedy, Coleman’s head is disembodied. We see only his intense concentration, lowered gaze, and furrowed brow, drawn with a few well-placed, rhythmic strokes of her pencil.Este dibujo del músico de jazz Ornette Coleman (nacido en 1930) es uno de por lo menos tres que hizo Elaine hacia 1965. Igual que en algunos de sus dibujos de John F. Kennedy, aquí aparece la cabeza de Coleman sin cuerpo. Solo vemos su intensa concentración, la mirada baja, la frente fruncida, todo delineado con pocas líneas, trazadas estratégica y rítmicamente por su lápiz.
Pencil On Paper
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
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National Portrait Gallery

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Smithsonian Institution