Rivero, Marita Jones, Vickie Barrow-Murray, Barbara White, Conrad Balhatchet, Tom Handyside, Keith Spooner, Dighton Correia, Dennis Fairweather, Bill Spangler, Jennifer Crippens, David
In this clip host David Crippens offers commentary on the current penal system. As a spokesperson for Say Brother, he seeks to point out the flaws of the penal system and offer ways it could be improved through local community solutions. Overall the program focuses on the rebellion that took place at Attica State Prison, New York, September 13, 1971. Using original footage of the rebellion (prisoners, hostages, McKay Commission excerpts, police preparing to enter the prison, etc.), an "Information" segment with material on the National Prisoners' Rights Association and the National Coalition to Help Prisoners, and commentary by Askia Muhammad, Say Brother seeks to point out the flaws of the penal system and offer ways it could be improved. Additional segments include "Bookbeat," an interview with African American television producer Tony Brown on changing Black programming, a poetry reading/performance by Sam Stamper, the "Historical Minute" with Georgia State Representative Julian Bond, and a segment interlude with Ric Mandrill (of the musical group Mandrill). Produced by Marita Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Simons, FredWebster Lewis Septet, TheSpeight, Alonzo RMcGuire Nicholas, SallieWright, RodnerBuccheri, RonDevitt, DouglasIzzi, SteveSmith, KathyMacKnight, JohnEstus, BoydChigas, BasilHadfield, PeterFloyd, MichaelMacDonald, GregDick, MichaelLane, FrankHenry, ArthurJohnson, HenryLoerzel, DavidBordett, BruceBenson, BillCogell, LloydHolden, DickCharette, BillTarter, MargaretWright, SylviaHutton, DavidSt. Onge, DavidWilson, BobSmith, LeeCrane, DavidPlausse, JohnNicholas , Huntley, JrKane, PatBravo Wing, CarlaHaydock, RogerKoppel, TiitKenner, SharonFletcher, LeahWareham, SkipLeCain, LarryRivero, MaritaSullivan, John LBagwell, Orlando
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