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SAVF-Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (Social Action vertical file, circa 1930-2002; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 577, Box 48, Folder 4)

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Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee


This folder is composed primarily of memoranda, press releases, reports, and solicitation letters produced by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the years 1962 and 1963. Many subjects are addressed within, but the primary areas of focus concern: discussions of how federal law could be used aid the civil rights movement; debate around the ways in which the civil rights movement should develop; desegregation efforts in the South; soliciting funds for civil rights programs; and SNCC's Food and Jobs Conference. Highlights include a conference report explaining "Omnibus Integrations Suits" and a "Survey of Current Fieldwork."
Programs Memoranda Reports And Surveys Newspaper Clippings Petitions Flyers And Handbills Press Releases Pamphlets Correspondence
Copyright to these documents belongs to the individuals who created them or the organizations for which they worked. The principal organizations have been defunct for many years and copyright to their unpublished records is uncertain. We share them here strictly for non-profit educational purposes. We have attempted to contact individuals who created personal papers of significant length or importance. Nearly all have generously permitted us to include their work. If you believe that you possess copyright to material included here, please contact us at Under the fair use provisions of the U.S. copyright law, teachers and students are free to reproduce any document for nonprofit classroom use. Commercial use of copyright-protected material is generally prohibited.
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Record Contributed By

Wisconsin Historical Society

Record Harvested From

Recollection Wisconsin


  1. Agricultural Subsidies
  2. Agriculture
  3. Allen, Ivan, Jr
  4. Allen, Ralph
  5. Arrest
  6. Arson
  7. Baldwin, James
  8. Bombings
  9. Bond, Julian
  10. Braden, Anne
  11. Braden, Carl
  12. Britt, Travis
  13. Carr, Michael L
  14. Civil Rights
  15. Civil Rights Demonstrations
  16. Civil Rights Movements
  17. Community Organization
  18. Craft, Edd
  19. Cuba
  20. Demonstrations
  21. Donaldson, Ivanhoe
  22. Economic Conditions
  23. Employment
  24. Food
  25. Forman, James
  26. Freedom Rides
  27. Freedom Singers
  28. Fund Raising
  29. Goldwater, Barry
  30. Hansen, William
  31. Hardy, John
  32. Harris, Don
  33. Harris, Jesse
  34. Harris, Rutha
  35. Harrison, Albert
  36. Hayden, Sandra
  37. Hayden, Tom
  38. History
  39. Hughes, H. Stuart
  40. Humphrey, Hubert
  41. Hurst, E. H
  42. Intimidation
  43. Jackson, Ernest
  44. Johnson, Robert
  45. Jones, Ashton Bryant
  46. Kennedy, John F
  47. Kennedy, Robert F
  48. King Slater
  49. Lafayette, Bernard
  50. Law
  51. Lawyers
  52. Lee, Herbert
  53. Lewis, John
  54. Lingo, Albert
  55. Long, Worth
  56. Matthews, Zeke T
  57. Mc Dew, Charles
  58. Mc Nair, Landy
  59. Moore, William
  60. Moses, Robert
  61. Mounger, Breed O
  62. Murder
  63. National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People
  64. Neblitt, Chuck
  65. Nonviolence
  66. Parker, John
  67. Perdew, John
  68. Police
  69. Police Brutality
  70. Poll Tax
  71. Rabinowitz, Joni
  72. Reagon, Cordell
  73. Robinson, Reginald
  74. Rollins, Avon
  75. Rustin, Bayard
  76. Segregation
  77. Sherrod, Charles
  78. Shuttlesworth, Fred
  79. Smith, Ruby Doris
  80. Southern Conference Educational Fund
  81. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
  82. Travis, Brenda
  83. Travis, James
  84. United States
  85. United States. Department Of Agriculture
  86. United States. Department Of Justice
  87. Universities
  88. Universities And Colleges
  89. Vaughn, William C
  90. Violence
  91. Vivian, Cordy Tindell
  92. Voter Registration
  93. Wallace, George
  94. White Citizens Councils
  95. Wood, John Q
  96. Zellner, Robert

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