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Old Hickory 'Mexican village' and 'Virginia Mess No. 3'with historic Hadley home in the background

@ Tennesse State Library and Archives


The 'Mexican village' and 'Virginia Mess No. 3' at the Old Hickory DuPont Gunpowder plant with the old Hadley home in the background. The sign in the foreground reads: "this way to the quartermasters office & athletic field."DuPont recruited tens of thousands of domestic and international workers in order to build and operate the Old Hickory Gunpowder plant. Many of these workers lived on-site in temporary and permanent housing, which was segregated according to race and gender. Laborers and low-skilled workers lived in the temporary village west of Hadley Avenue, company employees and high-skilled workers lived in the permanent village east of Hadley Avenue, Mexican workers lived in the 'Mexican village' to the north of the plant, and African Americans lived west of Hadley Avenue "along ninth and tenth streets."
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Tennesse State Library and Archives

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Digital Library of Tennessee