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Commence and Go Forth

@ University of Arkansas


your true purpose and calling in life. Robert Frost spoke of this sentiment when he said, "two roads diverged in a yellow wood, long I stood and looked down as far as I could to where one bent in the undergrowth, and then I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference." Though it may have been for you, as for me, a critical decision to come to college, to continue your quest for knowledge, understanding, and over time, wisdom, the greatest value of this education and your continued quest for knowledge through lifelong learning may be found in the ability from this point forward to make better choices in all that you (that we) do. The way we look at life and its many complexities, the jobs we do as the first teachers for our children, or in the future, the first substitute teachers for our grandchildren, our ability to love more deeply and intensely because we now know that life is fleeting, and, at the end of the day it is truly measured and defined by who we have loved, who has loved us, and what we have done together. Here, we are informed by the words of Alex Haley: "find the good, and praise it." Well, graduates of 2006, this is a good moment! And we praise YOU. We praise you for the stony roads trod, the rivers crossed, the commanding heights scaled, the hardships endured, the burdens overcome, the hopes embraced,...

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Commence and Go Forth - University of Arkansas Commencement Speeches

Record Contributed By

University of Arkansas

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