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"Students home drive official report," September 26, 1919

@ Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa)



Scanned from microfilm held at the State Historical Society of Iowa (Des Moines). Contact the State Historical Society of Iowa: STUJUEllTB HOME &BIVS OTXteiAl, BSFOftT tftf ieliotarsitip commitee of the Iowa Pedefaiiob wiio have been conducting tha tiadents home drive^met in Des HoiB9B Monday. 'RkOBe present were: Mrs. Martha Widte et India&ola, Resident of Iowa Kedention. Vim, Hfilen Downey, chainnaB of com- nUttW'ittd who eondacted the dri%'e. M*i. Jemye McClain, state treasurer; Mw. George C. Young, secretary of f'oiUBtttee; Mr». S. Joe Brown, Defe MoiBw; Mrs. Jennie Wright, Buxton; itafc C, B. Lewis, Kansas City; Blrs. Wliite, state prcsideat and Mrs. H- 3>owm«y made oxeoHent report oa proj>- nrty porchased and its condition- The -ieftd %» property and insurance papers) wer« tiir&ed over to trfeasurer. 4 vote
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State Historical Society of Iowa (Des Moines) (host institution)
Material in the public domain. No restrictions on use.
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Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa)