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1849-11-12 Lenox MA

@ Illinois Wesleyan University
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Walker, Lucy Adam


Lenox MA August 10 1848 (AL 5) LAW-SWD Page 1 of 4 Not for publication, reproduction, sale, or release to other persons or institutions without the express written permission of the archive which holds the original document and of the David Davis Mansion Foundation. Sabbath Evening 7 OClock Lenox Novr 12th 1849 My Dear Sarah – Mr Bishop who has been making us a friendly call, and has just taken leave - and now I am seated at the writing table on ...
Patricia Kasbohm Schley, David Davis Mansion, or 1-309-828-1084
Not for publication, reproduction, sale, or release to other persons or institutions without the express written permission of the archive which holds the original document and of the David Davis Mansion Foundation.
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Illinois Wesleyan University

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Illinois Digital Heritage Hub