Jones, Vickie Barrow-Murray, Barbara Carew, Topper White, Conrad Johnson, Henry
Excerpt from a film by Topper Carew on Mississippi Fred MacDowell about the blues musician acclaimed by his contemporaries, but commercially ignored. Includes performance footage of Mississippi Fred MacDowell. Overall the program contains four independent films that Say Brother producer Topper Carew produced or helped execute. These include the animated short The Maggot (an anti-drug film for children), Mississippi Fred MacDowell (about the blues musician acclaimed by his contemporaries, but commercially ignored), This is the Home of Mrs. Levant Graham (a film documenting the inner-city household of a Black woman and her children), and A Wild Irish Rose (a film about a group of alcoholics who congregate in a Washington, DC parking lot to talk, sing and drink). Produced by Topper Carew. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
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Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- African American Musicians
- African American Singers
- African Americans
- Blues (Music)
- Blues Musicians
- Mac Dowell, Fred
- Maggot, The (Motion Picture)
- Mississippi Fred Mac Dowell (Motion Picture)
- Music
- New Thing Flick Company, The
- Performance
- Righteous Apple Productions
- This Is The Home Of Mrs. Levant Graham (Motion Picture)
- Wild Irish Rose, A (Motion Picture)