1889-12: Alliance Journal, Montgomery, Alabama, Volume 1, Issue 5
Alabama Farmers State Alliance
This is the volume I, issue 5, December 1889 issue of Alliance Journal: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Agriculture and the General Interests of Alabama, a newspaper published monthly by the Alabama Farmers State Alliance in Montgomery, Alabama. The newspaper includes news, information, facts, correspondence, editorials, illustrated ads, and articles of interest related to agriculture and rural life. Topics include agriculture, livestock, birds, flowers, home economics, food, business, economics, politics, and statistics. Articles vary greatly in length and may be written by newspaper staff or outside contributors; summarized or copied from other newspapers; or summarized statements from public figures. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Hog cholera; Potato; Chevaliers of the Order Agricultural Merite; Farm stock; Wood-pile; Corn crop; Letter about manure; Watermelon syrup; Agriculture for the Journal; Diversified crops; The poultry yard; What a boy did; Success with poultry; White Leghorns; The apiary (The bee-year; Bee stings for rheumatism; The bees and the law; Preparing bees for the winter); Horticultural (water; florists; manure for fruit trees; Niagara grape; rose houses; strawberry planting; Chrysanthemums; The flowers of the season); The improvement of the soil, fertilizers, etc.; An open letter to Col. Newman; Officers of the Alabama Farmers State Alliance; The Alliance and its literature; Give cotton bagging a fair trial; The Shelby Resolutions; Politicians and the Alliance; Press notes; Observations; Farmers' insitutes; The cotton crop; Farmers and the speculators; The...
Record Contributed By
Auburn University
Record Harvested From
Digital Library of Georgia