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It Takes 100 Years to Have This Much Fun

@ History Colorado


Poster depicts a roller coaster starting at left top curving down to bottom and rising slightly on the right until it disappears. Middle top depicts the ferris wheel, fence at bottom, adult and child looking up at people in buckets on ride. Left column is a lady in front of an ostrich. Second column are flowers, then ice cream, soda, hamburger, hot dog, fries and popcorn. Between the third and fourth column are roses, between column four and five is a carrousel horse, on line of last column are lowers. Bottom right side is a logo of Elitch's.*Printed in black across top of poster: "It Takes 100 Years to Have This Much Fun." *Printed in column one in black: "Around the 1890s, Henry Ford was just beginning to build his first car. Marconi was doing a little tinkering on an invention later to be called the radio. And a young couple named John and Mary Elitch were busy working on a creation of their own. Elitch Gardens was soon to be born. IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS BROCCOLI. It's hard to believe that a place kids love as much as Elitch's could have been started by something kids despise as much as vegetables. But it was. Because most of the 28 acres now called Elitch Gardens were originally purchased by the Elitchs for a very specific reason. (Printed under drawing of ostrich and Mary: Mary Elitch, seen on the right, used to cruise the Gardens with her ostrict-drawn carriage.")To grow...

Record Contributed By

History Colorado

Record Harvested From

Plains to Peaks Collective