Martin Luther King Jr.: nonviolence in Albany
@ New Georgia Encyclopedia
WSB-TV (Television station : Atlanta, Ga.)
In this WSB newsfilm clip, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking at an outdoor press conference in Albany, Georgia, on Wednesday, July 25, 1962, says that he would call for demonstrations only if there appeared to be no threat of violence from members of the Albany Movement.Dr. King sits at a wooden table on which a microphone sits. A chain-link fence stands behind him. He first states that he feels that the members of the Albany Movement are eager to embrace nonviolence "at least as a tactic." He concedes that most African Americans are not yet ready to accept nonviolence as a "creed and as a way of life." He then notes that, in spite of this, as long as civil rights activists in Albany demonstrate a commitment to nonviolence, demonstrations will resume. He finally asserts that he will not advocate for demonstrations if he believes that African Americans are willing to engage in violence.
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New Georgia Encyclopedia
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Digital Library of Georgia