Arlington shrine, Birmingham Alabama
@ Troy University Library Troy University (Troy, Ala.) Library; University of Alabama. Library (Digitization)
W.M. Massey
Color photographic view of the Arlington antebellum home with with two women and a girl in period costume on the lawn. The house was built by Judge William S. Mudd, one of the ten founders of Birmingham, AL. Divided back postcard. Printed on front: 'Arlington Shrine, Birmingham Ala.'; Printed on back: 'Arlington Shrine, Birmingham, Ala., Built in 1842 by slave labor, Arlington was used by Gen. Wilson of the Federal Army as his head-quarters in the final stages of the War Between the States.', 'Color by W. M. Massey, Alabama Post Card Co., Bessemer, Ala. 35020, 53087'
Alabama Post Card Co.
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