Part one of an oral history interview with Virginia Luce Allen about her family history and work in Washington, D.C., changes to the Georgetown neighborhood, and her founding of the Georgetown Senior Center. In her interview, Allen details her long family history in Georgetown, going back four generations on her mother's side. She talks about her childhood, family, and close-knit, racially mixed community. She remembers the people and places of her Georgetown childhood and how the city has changed. Luce concludes by detailing her volunteer work and the process by which she founded the Georgetown Senior Center.Virginia Luce Allen (1919-2009) was a fourth-generation resident of the Georgetown neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C. She worked as an interior designer at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She retired from HUD in 1978 and in 1981 founded the Georgetown Senior Center at St. John's Episcopal Church, serving for many years as its director. She died in 2009.This interview is continued in dcpl_ohp12-01_02.Original version: audiocassette; DC Public Library, Special Collections, OHP 12 St. Mary's Court Oral History Project - Never Too Old To Learn
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