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Sonia Sanchez on the teachings of the Nation of Islam

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Barrow-Murray, Barbara Rivero, Marita White, Conrad Spooner, Dighton


In this clip Sonia Sanchez talks about the physical and spiritual role of women in the Nation of Islam. Overall A Special Edition program, Nation of Islam: A Portrait explores the goals and beliefs of African American Muslims practicing with the Nation of Islam shortly after the death of Supreme Minister Elijah Muhammad in February 1975. Through interviews with members of the Nation -- including Jon X. Brim, poet Sonia Sanchez, newly appointed Supreme Minister (and son of Elijah Muhammad) Wallace D. Muhammad, and Marvis X (Director of the University of Islam in Roxbury, Mass. ) -- Say Brother calls attention to how the Nation of Islam addressed the spiritual needs of its followers, fostered self respect, and made imperative its mission among followers in the 1970s. Interviews are structured around Say Brother footage of the 1975 Savior's Day Celebration in Chicago and the event speeches of Abass Rasoul (National Secretary of the Nation of Islam), Jesse Jackson, and Muhammad Ali. Program concludes with commentary by Producer Marita Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Jones, VickieBagwell, OrlandoFarrier, StephenMcGuire Nicholas, SallieNixon, BeverlyNicholas , Huntley, JrJackson, BillIzzi, Steve
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