Letter from Sarah Pugh, 1014 Green St., Philad[elphia], [Penn.], to Maria Weston Chapman, Nov. 4, [18]57
@ Boston Public Library
Holograph, signed.Sarah Pugh presumably wrote this letter to Maria Weston Chapman. Pugh regrets that she cannot do more "in the [Liberty] 'Bell' line." James Miller McKim [sic M'Kim] hopes to procure a copy of the Episcopal Prayer Book. Copies are difficult to obtain since they were published for the southern market and are not sold here. Bishop Doane "sanctioned the atrocious mutilation of Scheffer's work." James Miller M'Kim does not believe in the "Kentucky insurrection." Last week, Thomas Garrett, the president of the Underground Railroad, had to "pass on twenty-one, who came in one company." A friend in Chester was roused at midnight to aid eleven brought by an agent in three wagons.
Correspondence Manuscripts
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Record Contributed By
Boston Public LibraryRecord Harvested From
Digital CommonwealthKeywords
- Antislavery Movements
- Boston
- Chapman, Maria Weston 1806 1885
- Correspondence
- Doane, George Washington 1799 1859
- Fugitive Slaves
- Garrett, Thomas 1789 1871
- History
- M'kim, J. Miller (James Miller) 1810 1874
- Massachusetts
- Pugh, Sarah 1800 1884
- Scheffer, Ary 1795 1858
- Slaver
- Underground Railroad
- United States
- Women
- Women Abolitionists