Barrow-Murray, Barbara White, Conrad Rivero, Marita Jones, Vickie Handyside, Keith Spangler, Jennifer Balhatchet, Tom Crippens, David Correia, Dennis Spooner, Dighton Fairweather, Bill
This clip features this week's edition of the "Political Note" featuresIllinois State Representative Ralph H. Metcalfe delivering his opinion on the future control of the Panama Canal. Overall the program provides insight into the ways in which the Caribbean's history is significant to the African American population, especially as the Caribbean served a major stopping point for slave ships bringing Africans to the New World. Program segments include: an excerpt from a film on St. Croix (narrated by Big Jim Bennerson), "Dealin'" with Winston Kendall (an attorney from Trinidad practicing in the United States), a "Conversation" with Vickie Jones and Kendall on his impressions of African American culture as a person new to the United States, a "Spotlight" poetry reading by Winifred "Oyoko" Loving about St. Croix, "Information" on the role of the Federal Communications Commission and the need for people to write to general managers suggesting African American programming, "Bookbeat," the "Political Note" with Illinois State Representative Ralph H. Metcalfe on his opinion on the future control of the Panama Canal, the "Historical Minute" with Georgia State Representative Julian Bond, "Commentary" on traveling by Askia Muhammad, and segment interludes with personalities Tanya Hart, Jozelle Reed and Ric Mandrill (of the musical group Mandrill). Produced by Marita Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Plausse, JohnNicholas , Huntley, JrChigas, BasilLane, FrankKenner, SharonMacKnight, JohnJohnson, HenryHutton, DavidHenry, ArthurHolden, DickKane, PatTarter, MargaretSilva, CandelariaBravo Wing, CarlaMcGuire Nicholas, SallieSpeight, Alonzo REstus, BoydBuccheri, RonCharette, BillSimons, FredLoerzel, DavidBenson, BillWebster Lewis Septet, TheSullivan, John LLeCain, LarryWareham, SkipSmith, LeeWright, SylviaLark, TonyMacDonald, GregHadfield, PeterDick, MichaelFloyd, MichaelFletcher, LeahRivero, MaritaSmith, KathyCogell, LloydSt. Onge, DavidDeVitt, DouglasBordett, BruceBagwell, OrlandoKoppel, TiitWright, RodnerIzzi, SteveWilson, BobHaydock, RogerCrane, DavidHill, Rebecca
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