Vol. 1 translated by John J. Lalor and Alfred B. Mason; v. 2, 4-7, by John J. Lalor; v. 3, by John J. Lalor and Paul Shorey.[v.1] 1750-1833. State Sovereignty and slavery.--[v.2] 1828-1846. Jackson's administration. Annexation of Texas.--[v.3] 1846-1850. Annexation of Texas. Compromise of 1850.--[v.4] 1850-1854. Compromise of 1850. Kansas-Nebraska bill.--[v.5] 1854-1856. Kansas-Nebraska bill. Buchanan's election.--[v.6] 1856-1859. Buchanan's election. End of 35th Congress.--[v.7] 1859-1861. Harper's Ferry. Lincoln's inauguration.--[v.8] Index and list of authorities, by Ira Hutchinson Brainerd.LIBRARY HAS: Vol. 1 only.
Language Material Electronic Resource
Brainerd, Ira HutchinsonShorey, Paul, 1857-1934Mason, Alfred Bishop, 1851-1933Lalor, John J. (John Joseph), d. 1899
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- Constitutional History
- History
- Law And Legislation
- Slaver
- Slavery
- States' Rights (American Politics)
- United States