Southland Institute Catalog 1923-1924; Catalog of Southland Institute, Southland, Arkansas, 1923-1924
@ University of Arkansas
Southland Institute (Helena, Ark.)
Southland Institute Catalog 1923-1924. The thirty-one-page printed catalog provides more detailed information about the Institute, including the academic calendar, history committees, facilities, rules and regulations, curricula, and coursework. Southland Institute Catalog 1923-1924 Southland, Arkansas Near Helena, ArkansasTHE OLDEST SCHOOL OF ITS KIND FOR NEGRO BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE STATE OF ARKANSAS Under the Auspices of the Board of Home Missions of the Five Years Meeting of Friends 101 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. RICHMOND, INDIANA Catalog of Southland Institute Southland, Arkansas 1923-1924Purpose To give to Negro boys girls a thorough Christian education. PRESS OF BRADFIELD PRINTING CO. HELENA, ARK.Calendar 1924-1925 1924 Sept. 10—Wednesday—First Staff Meeting. Sept. 11—Thursday—New students arrive. Sept. 12—Friday—Old students arrive. Sept. 13—Saturday—Physical examination of all students. (Day students and dormitory students). Sept. 15—Monday—Instruction begins in all departments. Sept. 19—Friday—Reception for students. Oct.—Annual Fair and Exhibit. (Date to be announced). Nov. 1—Saturday—Last day to enter first semester. Nov. 27—Thursday—Thanksgiving Holiday. Dec. 23—Tuesday 4:00 P. M.—Christmas Vacation begins. Dec. 30—Tuesday 8:00 A. M.—Christmas Vacation ends. 1925 Jan. 1—Thursday—New Year’s Holiday and Emancipation Day. Jan. 16—Friday—First semester ends. Jan. 19—Monday—Second semester begins. Jan. 26—Monday—Last day to enter second semester. March 27—Friday—Annual program of Literary Societies. April 13—Monday—Founder’s Day. April 24—Friday—Annual Oratorical and Public Speaking Contest. May 20—Wednesday—Annual Spring Fair and Exhibit. May 28—Thursday—Annual Music Recital. May 29—Friday—Senior play. May 30—Saturday—Senior day. May 31—Sunday—Baccalaureate Sermon. June 1—Monday-Closing Exercises of the Edward Beilis Training School and the Junior and Senior Academy. June 2—Tuesday—Commencement Exercises (Morning). Alumni Meeting (Afternoon). 3Officers of Administration and Instruction...
1923 1923
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