Hays, Brooks
Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks Inside Story of Little Rock ... ''Herbert Brownell seemed determined on a judicial showdown" If the chance for conciliation faded, "the counsel of Brownell, who apparently favored ultimate, extreme federal action, would gain the upper hand" enforced segregation as well as militarily enforced integration. During this time, some of my most agonizing moments were when the newsmen met me at the Mansion gates, eager for news, and there was no news. I sympathized with them and began to develop an eagerness myself to have big news. It would be the conquest of the forces of unceasing resistance and sectional strife. The rule of law would have a significant triumph. That day will yet come. I hope the newsmen who despaired with me will still be around. Governor Faubus and I held numerous conversations at the Mansion between Monday, September 16, and Friday morning, September 20, when the federal court met to consider the school situation. I kept urging the Governor that he recognize the fact that the power of the Federal Government would, in one way or another, be used to uphold the dignity and authority of its courts. At this stage, the Governor need only have instructed the Guard to admit rather than exclude the Negro students. The ideal arrangement under which our dual system of State and federal sovereignties is maintained could thus again prove its resiliency. He would still have...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
March 23, 1959
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