Arlington ante-bellum home
@ Troy University Library Troy University (Troy, Ala.) Library; University of Alabama. Library (Digitization)
Color photographic view of the Arlington antebellum home with four women in period costume standing on lawn. The house was built by Judge William S. Mudd, one of the ten founders of Birmingham, AL. Divided back postcard. Printed on back: 'Arlington Ante-Bellum Home, 331 Cotton Ave. S.W., Birmingham, Alabama, Located in the old Elyton section of Birmingham and appropriately called "The Birthplace of Birmingham". Built in 1842 by slave labor, Arlington was used by Gen. Wilson of the Federal Army as his headquarters in the final stages of the War Between the States. Period furnishings. Open year 'round. Bring your camera.', 'Scenic South Card Co., Bessemer, Ala. 35020, 92617'
Scenic South Card Co.
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