Book about the landscape of Wyoming, the early hunters of Wyoming and their culture, trade, how events that occurred outside of Wyoming--particularly the World Wars-- affected people in the state, and how people from Wyoming affected the world.
Record Contributed By
Campbell County Rockpile MuseumRecord Harvested From
Plains to Peaks CollectiveKeywords
- American Fur Conmpany
- Arapahoe
- Astor, John Jacob
- Atomic Bombs
- Battle Of Pierre's Hole
- Blackfeet Nation
- California
- Casper, Wy
- Cattle
- Cheyenne (Native Americans)
- Cities & Towns
- Coal Mining
- Cody, William F
- Death
- Diseases
- Explorers
- Farming
- Fort Bridger
- Fort Kearney, Nebraska
- Fort Laramie
- Fort Phil Kearney
- Fort Reno
- Forts & Fortifications
- Fremont, John C
- Fur Trade
- Gannett Peak
- Geology
- Gillette
- Gold Rushes
- Goshen County
- Heart Mountain Prison Camp
- Hunting
- Independence Rock
- Irrigation
- Johnson County
- La Ramee, Jacques
- Land
- Laramie
- Laramie Peak
- Law & Legal Affairs
- Meek, Joseph L
- Missionaries
- Mormon Churches
- Native Americans
- Nebraska
- North Platte River
- Oil Industry
- Oregon
- Oregon Trail
- Overland Trail
- Pacific Fur Company
- Pearl Harbor
- Pioneers
- Pony Express
- Powder River
- Prisoners Of War
- Ranches
- Rocky Mountains
- Salt Lake City, Ut
- Sioux
- Slaver
- Slavery
- South Dakota
- South Pass
- State Flags
- State Seals
- Statehood
- Stuart, Robert
- Sweetwater River
- Teton Range
- Torrington, Wy
- Trails & Paths
- Vietnam War
- Wagon Trains
- War
- Water
- World War I
- World War Ii
- Wyoming
- Wyoming Stock Growers Association
- Young, Brigham