Hays, Brooks
Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks Inside Story of Little Rock ... "Brownell seemed to have blocked a definite commitment to work for delays in further court action" which would permit a court determination of the validity of State statutes on segregation at Newport, where the conditions for a settlement were generally favorable. We were about to say good-by [sic] when Sherman asked me to tell the President about "the Alabama horse deal," a story Congressman Grant had related. Here it is: A farmer approached his neighbor and asked: "How much do you want for that horse?" "$100." "Sold." And he laid out the cash. After the buyer left he thought: "That fella wanted the horse mighty bad-didn't argue about the price-just grabbed it up-must know more about the horse than I do." So he went over to his friend and repurchased him for $150. Then the other one thought: "He wanted that horse back pretty bad-must be a better horse than I thought." So he went back around to buy him for $200. So it went till they had the bid up to $1,500, when a dealer from another county came in and paid $2,000 for the animal. When he heard about it, the original owner went over to his friend's house and confirmed it-"Well, what did you do that for-we were both making a good living off of him." I added, "That's the way some people think...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
March 23, 1959
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