March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom: Organizing Manual No. 1
@ National Museum of African American History and Culture
An eight (8) page, center fold booklet of black printed text on white paper instructing readers how and where to engage in the March on Washington. The title on the cover page reads [MARCH ON WASHINGTON / FOR JOBS AND FREEDOM / August 28, 1963 / Organizing Manual No. 1]. Below the title is a brief introduction explaining that this edition of the manual is to help march delegations start organizing now and that a second edition will be published before the march with final details. At the bottom is printed [National Office / March on Washington / For Jobs and Freedom / 170 West 130th STREET / NEW YORK 27, NEW YORK / Filmore 8-1900] and in the bottom left is [Cleveland Robinson / Chairman, Administrative Committee] and in the bottom right is [Bayard Rustin / Deputy Director]. The interior content of the booklet is organized into sections headed by an underlined question. Topics covered include march sponsors, the purpose of the march, the demands of the march, invited participants, literature available for publicity purposes, tasks for participating delegations, where to send funds in support of the march, how the march will be organized on the day of in Washington, and information about food and accommodations. The bottom half of the back page is a form to send into the National Office with orders for calls, leaflets and buttons.
Ink On Paper (Fiber Product)
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture