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"Delta Sigma Theta Delta chapter: Mr. Russell Jackson of Des Moines was a visitor," December 5, 1919

@ Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa)



Scanned from microfilm held at the State Historical Society of Iowa (Des Moines). Contact the State Historical Society of Iowa: tSBXlflk gHHIFA laSStA. WXUXA SaATSSX. ib, &mdl Jaekscm of I>i« Muises w«c « vii^or £t Ois S^]^a Alpha Pet W»u»e Ssris; tii# wee^ esd. Mr. A. A. Alaxsiider, £s aluBmi^ ae- e^|issifid b/ bis wife asd fathei', i^riee Alexander, were guests at the Delis SifStt Tbii* boose duflag boKO «6zBi&g. Th«'y ca&e e^>eelslly to witness the lowa-A|sai game. Mr. Slater of Oiutoii, Iow«, father of Fr«d Hiater our football star, attended the Iowa-A«es game Satorday. Mr. Llayd M^!iir« of Des Moines t}H«t 8&iardsy and Susdsy in lows City. Ths Kapps jMl&a iPsi Itoye eater- tJi3n*d the Delt& Sigma Theta girl* by aceompsnying them to the t>enefit dance givifa by Dr. W. H. Esshears and Attor¬ ney Milton Relds Saturday night in Ce¬ dar Bapids. The atudent boys furnished the musie. A large crowd attended and all reported & good time. Mr, sad Mrs. A- A. Alexaader, Lloyd MeGnire and Bossell Jackson attended the danee held in Cedar fi&pids S&tor- day night. Miss Imogese Wilson spent the week end %'is»tiiig her parents, who live in Keokuk. Mrs. Mattie Dameron, the matron at the Delta Sigma Theta house chaperoned tho girts to Cedar Bapids Saturday eve¬ ning. State Historical Society of lowa (Des Moines)
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State Historical Society of Iowa (Des Moines) (host institution)
Material in the public domain. No restrictions on use.
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Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa)