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Debate at the Lane Seminary, Cincinnati. : Speech of James A. Thome, of Kentucky, delivered at the annual meeting of the American Anti-Slavery Society, May 6, 1834.

@ Florida Atlantic University
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Letter of the Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Cox, against the American Colonization Society. Caption title: Great debate at Lane Seminary. Cover title: Letter of Mr. Henry B. Stanton. Speech of Mr. James A. Thome. Letter of Rev. Dr. S.H. Cox. Letter of Mr. Henry B. Stanton."Great debate at Lane Seminary", in the form of a letter addressed to "Brother Leavitt", signed (page 7): H.B. Stanton. Cox's letter, addressed to the editor of the New York evangelist, includes a letter by S.E. Cornish. Printed in two columns. "Petition. (A parable for the Carolinas.)"--Page [4] of wrapper. Signatures: [1]⁴ 2⁴. FAU copy imperfect: cover missing, pages trimmed rough and too closely along fore edge of pages 3-4 with some loss of text; trimmed to 21 cm.
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Florida Atlantic University

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Sunshine State Digital Network