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Letter to] My dear friend [manuscript

@ Boston Public Library


Holograph, signedEliza Lee Cabot Follen encloses the lines to Harriet Martineau by Richard Monckton Milnes and refers to the note at the bottom. She also sends a translation, which "was the most difficult thing I ever did..." She includes three different titles for Maria Weston Chapman to choose from. Follen said: "I have wept over these lines because they are the first verses I have written alone for so many years -- we did all such things together." Follen feels strongly about "this poor slave in our jail."In the postscript on page two of this letter, Follen writes: "I have had a letter from H. Martineau & alas she is no better."The poem "To Harriet Martineau," by Richard Monckton Milnes Houghton, that is mentioned in this letter, was published in the Liberty Bell for 1843, but without a note. The translation referred to is from the German by T.G. Salis and was published in the same issue of the Liberty Bell, with the title "To the Martyrs of Freedom."
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