White, Conrad Jones, Vickie Rivero, Marita Barrow-Murray, Barbara Crippens, David Balhatchet, Tom Spooner, Dighton
This clip features "Dealin'" with poet and Pan African supporter Haki Madhubuti (formerly Don L. Lee) discussing the nature of Pan Africanism. Overall the program focuses on the meaning, nature, and support of the liberation of African countries by African Americans. Program segments include an excerpt from Henry Johnson's film on the African Liberation Day March in Washington, DC, May 27, 1972 (including footage of Boston residents preparing for the trip to Washington, DC, and event speeches by Charles Diggs, Michigan Congressman and United Nations Delegate and organizer for African self-determination, and Elaine Brown, two years before she became President of the Black Panthers), "Dealin'" with poet and Pan African supporter Haki Madhubuti (formerly Don L. Lee) discussing the nature of Pan Africanism, "Commentary" by Askia Muhammad (poet, activist, and journalist) on the disparity between United States support of self-determination for nations and its actual practice in Africa, "Information" on the meaning of "African liberation," interview and performance footage of vocalist Syreeta Wright, and segment interludes featuring Grover Washington (jazz musician), Tasha Thomas (of musical production The Wiz), and Fred Cash (of the musical group The Impressions). Produced by Marita Rivero. Directed by Conrad White.
Motion Pictures
Fairweather, BillMacKnight, JohnMcGuire Nicholas, SallieBagwell, OrlandoNicholas , Huntley, JrDick, MichaelLane, FrankHolden, DickChigas, BasilEstus, BoydWright, SylviaWright, RodnerHaydock, RogerKenner, SharonFloyd, MichaelSpangler, JenniferBenson, BillKane, PatKoppel, TiitRivero, MaritaBravo Wing, CarlaSpeight, Alonzo RSilva, CandelariaSt. Onge, DavidFletcher, LeahCrane, DavidLewis Septet, WebsterHenry, ArthurWilson, BobBordett, BrucePlausse, JohnIzzi, SteveHandyside, KeithLeCain, LarryCorreia, DennisSimons, FredWareham, SkipSmith, LeeCampanella , Roy, JrKareem, ShaviTarter, MargaretCharette, BillSmith, KathyLoerzel, DavidBuccheri, RonHutton, DavidDeVitt, DouglasMacDonald, GregHadfield, Peter
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