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Inside Story of Little Rock - Page 13

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Hays, Brooks


Article in U.S. News and World Report based on excerpts from Hays' book A Southern Moderate Speaks Inside Story of Little Rock . . ."In August the President had said . . . that he could not conceive of a situation in which he would send federal troops into a State to enforce integration orders" police could handle the situation, the Governor replied: "I wouldn't want to say. I don't want to say anything which might tend to be construed to be inflammatory." When asked if he believed there would be violence at the school, however, he answered, "I think so." Henry Woods, law partner of former Governor Sid McMath, called me on Sunday to say that the mayor wanted my advice in regard to his effort to maintain order at Central High the next morning-assuming that the Negro students would try to enroll. Would I please come back out to Woods's home for a conference? I was not sure I should go. It might draw me into the orbit of political opposition to Governor Faubus, and I was trying hard to escape involvement in the feud which had developed between McMath and the Governor. McMath and the mayor were apparently collaborating in plans that at least appeared to the public to have political overtones. I asked Virgil Blossom what to do. "You should see the mayor," he said, and he agreed to go with me. His advice was based on the realization that, with the National Guard withdrawn, if...
Magazine Paper, 11.25 Long X 8.25 Wide
Created Date:
March 23, 1959
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Brooks Hays Materials

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University of Arkansas