Rev. Solomon Sir Jones was a Baptist minister, businessman, and amateur filmmaker. This collection of home movies by Jones documents African American communities in Oklahoma between 1924 and 1928, depicting residents at work and in their homes, as well as activities at local schools, businesses, and churches. Community social events such as parades and funerals are prominently featured.A 16mm silent, black and white film (a) with original metal film reel (b) and original metal film can (c) featuring footage taken in Oklahoma during the middle and late 1920s by Solomon Sir Jones, the seventh in a collection of nine films.On the outside of the metal can are handwritten inscriptions on three white adhesive labels reading: [Acc Oklahoma Jones], [Kids Playing / Basketball], and [pumping gas / oil]. In the center is a yellowed label reading [O.K. / Rev. S S Jones / Reel reel - Red / Needs a leader.] on top of an impinted design.The film begins with footage from a gas station. The camera pans around the intersection in a commercial district with cars passing by in front of the camera. The next scene shows a man and a woman come out of a house and get into a car. Then the man and woman are seen in a field with cows. Then there is footage of two men in a cotton field. The woman is shown feeding chickens. The exteriors of two buildings are shown, and one of them is possibly the Grand Lodge of the Knights...
16mm Film (A): Acetate Film;Film Reel (B): Metal;Film Can (C): Metal
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Naomi Long Madgett