Go slow, Mr. Coon, go slow; I done had a heap a trouble lately, But it ain't no fault of mine,; Go slow, Mr. Coon, go slow,
@ University of Arkansas
Weare, Robert Henry
voice Coll. by M.C. Parler Sung by Mr. Henry Weare DeValls Bluff, Ark. Nov. 14, 1953 Reel 175 Item 11 Go Slow, Mr. Coon, Go Slow I done had a heap a trouble lately, But it ain't no fault of mine, It's about that pallid coffey-colored gal, That I want, off down the line, As I done when I'se strolling kinda stately, As I passed her house one day, Oh she gave me a sigh as I winked my eye, When to me she would say, REFRAIN Go slow, Mr. Coon, go slow, And don't get too unruly, For I'm on you see, and you can't fool me, Although I'll be yours truly, I'll be your friend right along, And help you spend your doughee, But I know your gait,and I'll tell you straight, Go slow, Mr. Coon, go slow. That wench am a hoo-doo, I'm a thinkin', For within three weeks I was broke, Oh she blew my tin, and she drank nigger gin, 'Til I thought she'd really choke, As all my funds kep' a'sinkin', I finally saw one day, It was only a bluff for to get my stuff, When to me she would say, REFRAIN With that dead swel-led, coffey-colored beauty, I 'spect I'se done got through, For Sunday week she took a quiet sneak, And she took my jewelry too, And now I think it is my duty, To warn you to beware, Of the high-toned dames who boost their gains, And to you they'll...
Parler, Mary Celestia
1953 11 14
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