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Flier for the March on Washington distributed by CORE

@ National Museum of African American History and Culture
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A flier issued by the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) promoting the upcoming March on Washington. At top center in bold text is [MARCH ON / WASHINGTON / WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28, 1963]. Followed by [America faces a crisis... / Millions of Negroes are denied freedom... / Millions of citizens, black and white, are unemployed... / Thus we call on all Americans to join us in Washington]. The text continues with a list of demands of the march, including "passage of effective civil rights legislation." At the bottom center is [JOIN THE / MARCH ON WASHINGTON / Honorary Chairmen / LOUIS SMITH, CORE CECIL B. MOORE, NAACP / DISTRIBUTED BY THE CONGRESS OF RACIAL EQUALITY] followed by the address for CORE in Philadelphia. The back of the flier is blank.
Ink On Paper (Fiber Product)
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
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National Museum of African American History and Culture

Record Harvested From

Smithsonian Institution