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Flier announcing the March on Washington in 1963

@ National Museum of African American History and Culture
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A flier promoting the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, produced by the march's National Office. The flier consists of a single sheet printed on one side in black ink on off-white paper. The flier begins with the text [An Appeal to You from] followed by a list of the "Big 10" leaders of the march: Mathew Ahmann, Eugene Carson Blake, James Farmer, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, Isaiah Minkoff, A. Philip Randolph, Walter Reuther, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young. The text then continues [to MARCH on / WASHINGTON / WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28, 1963] and lists the reasons for the march as well as the demands [We demand: - Meaningful Civil Rights Laws / Full and Fair Employment / Massive Federal Works Program / Decent Housing / The Right to Vote / Adequate Integrated Education]. Along the bottom is the address for the National Office of the March in New York. At the bottom left is [Cleveland Robinson / Chairman, Administrative Committee] and to the bottom right is [Bayard Rustin / Deputy Director]. The back of the flier is blank.
Ink On Paper (Fiber Product)
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
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National Museum of African American History and Culture

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Smithsonian Institution