Flier announcing the March on Washington in 1963
@ National Museum of African American History and Culture
A flier promoting the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, produced by the march's National Office. The flier consists of a single sheet printed on one side in black ink on off-white paper. The flier begins with the text [An Appeal to You from] followed by a list of the "Big 10" leaders of the march: Mathew Ahmann, Eugene Carson Blake, James Farmer, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, Isaiah Minkoff, A. Philip Randolph, Walter Reuther, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young. The text then continues [to MARCH on / WASHINGTON / WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28, 1963] and lists the reasons for the march as well as the demands [We demand: - Meaningful Civil Rights Laws / Full and Fair Employment / Massive Federal Works Program / Decent Housing / The Right to Vote / Adequate Integrated Education]. Along the bottom is the address for the National Office of the March in New York. At the bottom left is [Cleveland Robinson / Chairman, Administrative Committee] and to the bottom right is [Bayard Rustin / Deputy Director]. The back of the flier is blank.
Ink On Paper (Fiber Product)
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
Record Contributed By
National Museum of African American History and CultureRecord Harvested From
Smithsonian InstitutionKeywords
- Activism
- African American
- African Americans
- Ahmann, Mathew H
- Blake, Eugene Carson
- Civil Rights
- Cvil Rights
- Farmer, James L
- King, Martin Luther
- Lewis, John
- Local And Regional
- March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom
- Minkoff, Isaiah M
- Political Organizations
- Politics
- Randolph, A. Philip
- Reuther, Walter
- Robinson, Cleveland
- Rustin, Bayard
- U.S. History, 1961 1969
- Wilkins, Roy
- Young, Whitney Moore